ElprocesodeenseñanzaaprendizajeenlaEducaciónFísicaEscolarconstituyeeleslabón esencialparaeldesarrollodelosaspectoscognitivos,socioafectivos,motrizyfísicode nuestrosescolares,criterioquepermiteadentrarseenunaconcepciónintegraldelaeducación desdeesteescenariopráctico,asíespecíficamentelashabilidadesmotricescomounadelas áreas de desarrollo de esta asignatura, brindan la estructura y función para lograr tales fines, para loque se planteó el objetivo defundamentarlasconcepcionesteóricasymetodológicasparaque estosdominiosocanales,comotambiénselellamaenlaliteratura,sematerialicendurantela clase de Educación Física escolar y no se queden a un nivel de planificación o de intensión. Para elloseutilizanlosmétodosteóricosyempíricosquepermitenobtenerlosprincipalesresultados referidosalafundamentacióndelprincipioylaestructuradidácticaqueorientaneldesarrollo de las acciones que componen una habilidad motriz determinada.
The teaching learning process in the school Physical Education constitutes the essential link for developing the cognitive, socio-affective, motor and physical aspects of our scholars, criterion that allows to go into an integral conception of the education from this practical scene, specifically the motor skills as one of those areas of developing this subject, offering the structure and function to achieve such ends. It was set out the objective of basing the theoretical and methodological conceptions so that these domains or channels; as well as they are called in the literature, be materialized during the lessons of school Physical Education and do not remain at the level of planning or intension. To achieve this objective some theoretical, empiric and scientific methods were used that afford to obtain the main results referred to the basis of the principle and the didactic structure that guide the development of the actions that compose a certain motor skill.
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