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Resumen de El 'Neoclasicismo': revisitando una categoría frágil de la historiografía literaria hispanoamericana

Dieter Janik

  • ›Neoclasicismo‹ is used in Spanish-American Literary History as well as in Spanish Literary History for marking a period and an aesthetic movement. No doubt that impulses from the Spanish renewal of poetology (La Poética by Luzán) spread to the cultural centers of the American Colonies, but without any substantial reception. Rather some features of neoclassical poetics made their entrance in Spanish America as a stimulus within a far reaching cultural renewal (»buen gusto«) on the ground of enlightened thought. The movement’s main interest was a wakeup call for the lettered people to study the natural and social conditions of their lives and strive to independence from Spain. Traditional literary genres yielded their importance to the ensayo playing a more and more prominent role in the steady growing number of papers (»papeles públicos«).

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