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Resumen de Mikroenpresek ere balio soziala dute?. "Stakeholder" ikuspuntua

Leire San Jose, Markel Manso

  • English

    When speak about the value social, us comes always to the head companies large and medium-sized, but certainly in our environment the companies small and them micro companies are then majority. The situation, in which we find ourselves, is interesting to analyse the social value of a micro-enterprise. To this end, we have decided to apply a methodology that monetize the social value, i.e., we will apply the methodology SPOLY. To use this technique should take into account that it is based on four pillars: Stake-holders, Action Research, phenomenology theory and fuzzy logic. Joining them earlier is create three layers to reinforce the methodology: value economic with impact social, performance partner-economic for the Administration public and value social specific. As one can see, the polyhedral model will be applied in the micro-enterprise. The emotional value is going to have an important weight, also companies of the same sector can compare connection with their results, however, companies from other sectors may use this method, but each of them have stakeholders and different environments so you have to meld the analysis in question.

  • euskara

    Enpresa baten balio sozialari buruz hitz egiten dugunean, beti datozkigu burura enpresa handiak eta ertainak, baina gure inguruan enpresa txikiak eta mikroenpresak dira gehienak. Egoera horretan, interesgarria da aztertzea mikroenpresa horien balio soziala. Horretarako, balio soziala monetizatzen duen metodologia bat aukeratu dugu enpresa batean aplikatzeko: SPOLY, hain zuzen ere. Metodologia aurrera eramateko kontuan hartu behar dugu, alde batetik, lau zutabetan oinarritzen dela: stakeholder-en teorian, Action Research metodologian, ikuspegi fenomeno logikoan eta logika lausoan. Guztiek bat eginez, hiru geruzak eusten diote metodologia honi: balio ekonomikoa inpaktu sozialarekin, administrazio publikorako errendimendu sozioekonomikoa eta balio sozial espezifikoa. Ikusiko denez, posible izango da metodologia horren modelo poliedrikoa mikroenpresetan erabiltzea, baina balio emozionalak pisu handia izango du; gainera, sektore berdineko enpresek beren emaitzak konparatu ahal izango dituzte, baina, beste sektoreetako enpresekin konparatzeko, metodologia hori balio sozialaren neurketaren bidez izanarren, enpresa bakoitzak bere stakeholder eta ingurura moldatu beharko du analisia.

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