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Resumen de Competició antigenètica

J. Llorens

  • After examining the results of the A. experiences and the discussion on all mechanisms involved to explain the phenomenon of the antigenic competition, the A. thinks that this paper demonstrates two principal facts: a) the injection of an antigen to an animal previously hiperimmunised with a first different antigen, gives place to an inhibition in the formation of antibodies, when injected in the moment of maximal response of IgM to the first antigen; and b) another injection of the second antigen 60 days af ter the first injection —when the animal is responding to the first antigen exclusively with the production of IgGgives place to a stimulated response.

    This is the most interesting thing of this paper: the existence of a stimulating effect in the second phase of a hyperimmunzation. It seems that the first antigen is acting, in that moment, as an adjuvant of the immune response.

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