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Resumen de First record of the bee Chilicola (Pseudiscelis) rostrata (Friese, 1906) (Colletidae: Xeromelissinae) in Chile: a recent adventive species to the country?

José Montalva, Laurence Packer

  • español

    Se cita por primera vez para Chile (Santiago, Region Metropolitana) la especie de abeja solitaria Chilicola rostrata, esta pertenece al subgénero Pseudiscelis, hasta ahora sólo conocido en Argentina. Dada la distintiva morfología de esta abeja y la historia melitológica del país, es altamente probable que esta especie sea una adventicia reciente en el país.

  • English

    The presence of the solitary bee Chilicola rostrata is recorded for the first time in Chile (Santiago, Metropolitan Region). This species belong to the subgenus Pseudiscelis and was previously known from Argentina. Given the distinctive morphology of this bee and the history of studies on the melittofauna of the country, it is likely that this species is a recent adventive to the country.

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