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Resumen de Udalerri erdaldunak euskalduntzen eta euskaldunak erdalduntzen, arnasguneak arriskuan: EAE, 1981-2011

Iñaki Iurrebaso Biteri

  • euskara

    Azken 30 urteotan EAEn gertatutako bilakaera soziolinguistikoa ez da homogeneoa izan lurraldean. Joerak asko laburtuz, esan liteke ingurune erdaldunenak euskalduntzen ari direla eta ingurune euskaldunenak erdalduntzen. Ñabardurak ñabardura, horixe da "Udalerri euskaldunak EAEn: egoera eta bilakaera, 1981-2011" ikerketaren ondorio nagusia. Artikulu honetan, ikerketa horren emaitza nagusiak aurkeztu eta horren inguruko gogoeta egin nahi dugu. Ikerketa horrek Udalerri Euskaldunen Mankomunitateak (UEMAk) Soziolinguistika Klusterrari egindako eskaria du oinarri, eta 2015eko "Lurraldea eta Hizkuntza" jardunaldietan aurkeztu zen Donostian.

  • English

    The sociolinguistic evolution that has taken place in the BAC (Basque Autonomous Community) over the last 30 years has not been homogeneous across the territory. To summarise many trends, one could say that the non-Basque-speaking areas are being Basquised and the most Basque-speaking areas are becoming non-Basque-speaking. Nuances notwithstanding, this is in fact the main conclusion of the research "Basque-speaking Municipalities in the BAC: situation and evolution, 1981-2011". In this article, the author sets out to present the main results of the research and reflect on them. This research is based on a request made by the Association of Basque-speaking Municipalities (UEMA) to the Sociolinguistics Cluster, and was presented in Donostia-San Sebastian at the "Territory and Language" conference in 2015.

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