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Resumen de Manuel Murguía e a lenda de Breogán

Fernando Pereira González

  • galego

    Neste traballo fago un estudo da presenza da lenda ir- landesa de Breogán dentro dos escritos de Manuel Mur- guía. Cinco son os aspectos que quero analizar aquí:

    a narrativa da lenda; a interpretación que fixo dela; a adaptación da lenda á súa particular concepción do pa- sado galego; as funcións que exerceu dentro da obra de Murguía; e as fontes de información nas que el se baseou para coñecer o relato irlandés. No derradeiro apartado analizo algunhas das achegas do autor á popu- larización de Breogán dentro da cultura galega

  • English

    In this paper I study the place granted to the Irish legend gend of Breogan in the books and essays written by the Galician polymath Manuel Murguía. Five are the main points I address here. How did he narrate the legend of Breogan? How did he understand it? How did he adapt the Irish story to his own vision of the Galician past? Which were the functions that the legend performed? Which were the sources of information used by Murguía to know the story of Breogan? Finally I reflect on the issue of Murguía’s contributions to the popularity of Breogan in contemporary Galician culture.

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