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Resumen de A sombra da Guerra Civil en Luís Pimentel

David Díaz Díaz

  • galego

    A Guerra Civil que tivo lugar en España entre 1936 e 1939 e que se proxectou en Galiza principalmente como brutal represión, quebrou a vida de milleiros de galegos coa morte ou ben cun trauma inesquecíbel. Temos o privilexio de que unha destas vítimas permanentes sexa un dos nosos poetas, Luís Pimentel (1885-1958). Os seus versos conforman unha moi aproveitábel testemuña do que significou o masacre desde un punto de vista tanto colectivo como tamén persoal, reflectido nunha vida para o lugués de temor e angustia existencial. Detrás do coñecido «Cunetas», deixounos Pimentel un corpus continuo en que se evidencia un novo modo de ollar ao redor após observar como algúns dos seus ían sendo aniquilados sen maior culpa que a de non apoiar o réxime fascista que irrompía. Os poemas pimentelianos vanse converter nun magnífico documentario deste drama histórico desde a perspectiva dunha vítima con dotes expresivas.

  • English

    The Civil War that took place in Spain from 1936-1938 and that was projected in Galicia mainly by brutal repression, broke up the lives of thousands of Galicians by death or by way of unforgettable trauma. We have the privilege that one of these permanent victims is one of our poets, Luis Pimentel (1885-1958). His verses make up a very useful testimony of what the massacre meant from a collective as well as personal point of view, and are reflected in his life of fear and existential anguish in Lugo. Behind the well-known “Cunetas”, Pimentel left us a continuous corpus in which there emerges a new way of looking around after having observed how some of his were being annihilated with no other fault than the fact that they did not support the fascist regime that was invading.

    Pimentel’s poems are going to become a magnificent documentary of that historical drama from the perspective of a victim with expressive qualities.

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