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Resumen de Definición de la Formación Siles para los carbonatos de facies Muschelkalk depositados en un área proximal del Paleomargen Sudibérico

Fernando Pérez Valera, Alberto Diego Pérez López

  • The Siles Formation (Ladinian) is defined as a formal lithostratigraphic unit to characterize the Muschelkalk facies deposited on a proximal area of the southern Iberian continental margin. This formation consists of marly limestone and marl. Two main members can be distinguished in this formation. The lower member consists of laminated marly limestones, where tempestites, pot and gutter casts are frequent. The upper member consists of bedded nodular limestone with bioturbation and marl. This member abounds in bivalves. The sediments of this formation are interpreted as epicontinental marine deposits. The holostratotype, parastratotype and hypostratotype which characterize this formation in the Betic Cordillera are described. Moreover, as some authors distinguish several carbonate intercalations in the Muschelkalk facies, in this paper, the tectonic origin of these supposed carbonate intercalations is demostrated. Therefore, the stratigraphy of the Siles Formation consists of only one carbonate intercalation or unit.

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