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Resumen de Il ricorso alle anti-suit injunction per risolvere i conflitti internazionali di giurisdizione e il ruolo dell' international comity (Recourse to Anti-Suit Injunctions to Solve Conflicts on jurisdiction and the Role of International comity)

Giovanni Zarra

  • English

    The present article analyses the anti-suit injunction, an equitable tool used by common law courts in order to restrain a party from commencing or continuing a national judgement or an arbitral proceeding abroad, the issuance of which is seen by many foreign courts as an offence and an attempt to their sovereignty. Alter having described the development and the main features of the anti-suit injunction, this article focuses on the possibility and the opportunity for English courts to issue anti-suit injunctions in jurisdictional conflicts within the European boarders and in the international context.

    With particular regard to intra-EU conflicts of jurisdiction, this article mainly focuses on the effects of the new Regulation (EU) No 1215/2012, whose Recital 12, according to certain scholars, might be interpreted as recognising again the power of English courts to issue anti-suit injunctions after the Court of Justice of the European Union forbade the use of such orders under Regulation (EC) No 44/2001.

    This article argues that, in a context of global economy, anti-suit injunctions should be used only in exceptional circumstances, in particular when their issuance is in accordance with the principie of international comity, which is proposed as the criterion that should usually guide common law judges when considering issuing an anti-suit injunction.

    In light of the above, the article eventually tries to make a practical assessment of the situations in which the use of anti-suit injunctions is permitted by the principie of international comity.

  • italiano

    1. Introduzione, I profili problematici e la rinnovata attualità del tema delle anti-suit injunction. - 2. Le anti-suit injunction come soluzione unilateralistica al problema dei parallel proceedings. - 3. La soluzione europea al problema dei parallel proceedings.

    La lis pendens e la disciplina delle anti-suit injunction tra il regolamento (CE) n. 44/2001 ed il regolamento (UE) n. 1215/2012. - 4. L' international comity come criterio di carattere generale per la valutazione delle anti-suit injunction. - 5. Le anti-suit injunction consentite alla luce dell'international comity. - 6. Le altre ipotesi di anti-suit injunction. - 7. I limiti dell'anti-suit injunction e l'esigenza di e!aborare delle soluzioni alternative. - 8. Considerazioni conclusive.

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