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Resumen de Towards a semantically oriented selection of the values of Oper: The case of golpe "blow" in Spanish

Begoña Sanromán Vilas

  • Contrary to the general claim that values of Oper of a given argument are merely tools to integrate the substantive argument into a syntactic structure without entailing any extra meaning, this paper seeks to demonstrate that selection from the various values of Oper is based on meaning. In other words, the semantic links the verbal values establish with the substantive argument on the one hand, and with the free verbal counterpart on the other. The hypothesis of this study is that each of the values of Oper emphasizes a particular (set of) semantic component(s) of the definition of the argument and rather than being arbitrary, the selection of the (set of) component(s) coincides with the part of the meaning the value shares with its free verbal counterpart. The Spanish noun golpe "blow" and its verbal values for Oper will be used to test this hypothesis.

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