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Resumen de Una perspectiva funeraria sobre el periodo campaniforme en el Mediterráneo occidental. Leyendo el contexto social de los enterramientos individuales de La Vital (Gandía, Valencia)

Oreto García Puchol, Joan Bernabeu Aubán, Yolanda Carrión Marco, Lluís Molina Balaguer, Guillem Pérez Jordà

  • The discussion about social dynamics in recent Prehistory is supported by the study of funerary practices.

    The presence and significance of individual and collective burials in Final Neolithic/Chalcolithic societies in the southeast of the Iberian Peninsula provides new evidence for the debate concerning the emergence of social inequalities in this region. Our contribution is based on the recent discovery and excavation of several individual pit burials in domestic contexts at the site of La Vital (Gandía, Valencia). The particularities of the identified burials (different ritual episodes) and their content (Bell Beaker pottery, metal objects, animal offerings) together with an accurate chronometric database allow us to consider several issues in relation to settlement dynamics, social networks and relationships for the period from the end of the 4th to the middle of the 3rd millennium cal BC in the central area of the Mediterranean coast of the Iberian Peninsula.

Fundación Dialnet

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