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Resumen de Intercrecimientos de filosilicatos en la Cuenca de Camerosy su relación con la génesis de la esquistosidad en la etapa metamórfica de bajo grado

María Pilar Mata Campo, Francisco López Aguayo, A. Gilmaz, Andrés Pocoví Juan

  • The Cameros Basin, a Wealdian Basin of Northern Iberian Range, underwent a very low grade cretaceous metamorphism coeval with a folding related cleavage. Deformation can be observed at different scales in the whole stratigraphie sequence. Composed grains qf chlorite and mica intergrowths are common in these rocks and display different shapes that are dependent of the deformation mechanism. Textural and compositional study by BSSEM of these stacks, indicate the existence of detrital precursors partially transformed during the development of cleavage in a low temperature environment

Fundación Dialnet

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