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Resumen de Los monasterios españoles de clarisas entre la exclaustración de 1835-1836 y el concordato de España con la Santa Sede de 1851: el caso de Santa Clara la Real de Murcia

María José Vilar García

  • MARÍA JOSÉ VILAR. – Los monasterios españoles de clarisas entre la exclaustración de 1835- 1836 y el Concordato de España con la Santa Sede de 1851. El caso de Santa Clara la Real de Murcia (491-511) Within the framework of the anticlerical offensive unleashed in Spain by triumphant liberalism in the first half of the nineteenth century, it is worthwhile mentioning the decree of March 8, 1836, signed by J. Álvarez Mendizábal, who extended to women’s religious communities the repressive measures previously issued against the male ones. This situation remained until 1851 when a Concordat between Spain and the Holy See made the return to normal life possible. The study focuses on the case of St. Clare Royal Monastery in Murcia, one of the few which were exempted from the decree of secularization. It analyzes the functioning and evolution of this community in such difficult circumstances, based on extensive unpublished material. The fact that St. Clare Royal Monastery, which still exists, is the most ancient monastery with the widest social influence in Southeastern Spain, makes it a highly representative case, suggesting what the phenomenon of secularization (since 1836) meant for the nuns as a whole.

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