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Resumen de Contribución al contenido en tritio a la identificación del origen del agua subterránea: Sierra de Gador (Almería).

Ángela Vallejos Izquierdo, Antonio Pulido Bosch, Luis Molina Sánchez, Francisco Sánchez Martos, Juan Gisbert, Wenceslao Martín Rosales

  • Tritium content of rainwater in Sierra de Gador has been higher than at. 10 TU during the last forty years. Groundwater samples apparently indicate the absence of recent contributions from the precipitation. The mixture with older waters stored inside the aquifer frequently hides the presence of modem recharge. From the content in tritium one can recognize two areas of preferential flow and recharge. One coincides with vulnerable basins to the generation of surface runoff and the other one is bound to a process of marine intrusion

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