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Resumen de Por la voz y por la página: Edición y difusión del libro antiguo, siglos I - V d.C.

Sergio Pérez Cortés

  • This work is the result of a research about the edition and diffusion of book in the first five centuries of our age, and its intends to describe the conditions of this experience, when the living voice and the hand written page were responsible of diffusing the everpersonal emotion of the author. After working during a long period in an almost absolute solitude, the author aimed to publish a book whose audience should be numerous, anonymous and mostly distant. The author was conscious about it and, preventing his absence, he endowed the text with all the conditions of intelligibility. Ancient authors felt the effect of their auditorium, they counted on their emotional reactions, sometimes they even named their readers. They had to protect their work from inevitable corruptions, and they did have good reasons indeed to worry about their own name's fate.

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