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Resumen de Carlota O'neill y Virgilio Leret

Pelai Pag`es i Blanch, David Íñiguez Gràcia

  • català

    Al juliol del 1936 les vides de Carlota O�Neill i el seu marit, el capit `a d�aviaci ´o Virgilio Leret, van quedar escapcades a causa de l�aixecament de les tropes a l�Africa. Leret, que defens`a la base d�hidros de l�Atalay´on a Melilla, seria executat poc despres, mentre la seva esposa amb les seves dues filles, serien engarjolades i represaliades pels vencedors. En el present article, es descriu el dest fatidic d�aquest matrimoni i la mateixa publicacio de Carlota O�Neill, un autentic testimoniatge de les seves vivencies.

  • English

    In July 1936 the lives of Carlota O�Neill and her husband the captain of aviation Virgilio Leret were going to remain truncated by the raising of the troops risen up in Africa. Leret would defend the base of seaplanes of the Atalay´on in Melilla and would be executed little afterwards, while his wife beside their two daughters, would be imprisoned and punished by the rebels. In the present study, the authors describe the tragic end of this marriage, as well as the posterior publication of Carlota O�Neill, where their lives and circumstances are related.

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