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Resumen de El Albense-Cenomanense del Pto. del Remolcador (Cordillera Ibérica, Maestrat, Castelló): secuencias deposicionales y biozonación con grandes foraminíferos

Rolf Schroeder, Álvaro García Quintana, Antonietta Cherchi, Manuel Segura Redondo

  • Preliminary results of micropa/eontological and sequential studies of the thickest and most marine A/bian-Cenomanian series in the Iberian Ranges are presented. Numerous larger foraminifera indicate Late Albian, Vraconian as well as Early and Middle Cenomanian age. Based on the platform model elaborated by García et al. (1993), the sequentia/ ana/ysis of the section allows the identification of the U.Z.A- 1.5, U.Z.A-2.1, U.Z.A-2.2 and U.Z.A-2.3 sequences ofHaq etal. (1988). New and more precise data on the distribution oftheMid-Cretaceous large foraminifera in eastern Spain are obtained

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