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Resumen de Perfil de los adolescentes que acuden a urgencias por intoxicación enólica aguda

J.L. Matalí Costa, E. Serrano Troncoso, M. Pardo Gallego, Victoria Trenchs Sainz de la Maza, Ana Curcoy Barcenilla, Carles Luaces Cubells, Luis San Molina

  • Introduction In recent years, the prevalence of Acute Alcohol Intoxication (AAI) in adolescents has increased. One of its impacts had been the increase in consultations in the Emergency Services (ES). The objective of this study is to assess the psychosocial profile of adolescents who consult for AAI and study their personal, family and social functioning.

    Methods 104 families of adolescents who attended for AAI in ES and 104 controls, matched by age and sex, were interviewed by telephone to obtain sociodemographic, clinical, academic and family functioning data.

    Results 72% of the adolescents who were attended for AAI were under 16 years old. Academic data showed that 37.7% had repeated a school year, 20% had truancy and 19.6% abandoned their basic studies. 9,8% were in psychiatric treatment. Only 11.4% of patients were referred to specialist service. There were no significant differences between in any of the clinical variables between the study and control group.

    Conclusions This study provides new information on the characteristics of this population and provides guidance on the need to develop protocols for working in the ES that includes not only biochemical/ toxicological parameters but also includes the assessment of psychosocial parameters.

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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