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Resumen de De arquitecto a empresario y rentista: perfil humano de Andrés García de Quiñones

María Nieves Rupérez Almajano

  • español

    En este artículo se pretende profundizar en algunas facetas de la vida de Andrés García de Quiñones. Soslayando su actividad como arquitecto, la atención se centra en su familia y en el análisis de sus disposiciones testa-mentarias, que confirman a través del inventario y reparto de sus bienes el enriquecimiento que logró al final de su vida. Como causa del mismo se analiza la faceta empresarial que desarrolló a partir de su marcha a Galicia y, en parti-cular, el abasto de maderas para la construcción de navíos de la Real Armada que tuvo en Asturias. Su transformación, en último término, en propietario agrario viene a ser una manera de consolidar su ascenso social, que tiene también su reflejo en la casa que habitaba y en su atuendo. Finalmente se destacan algunos rasgos de su personalidad y el conteni-do de su biblioteca.

  • English

    The aim of this article is to delve deeper into certain facets of the life of Andrés García de Quiñones. Leaving to one side his activity as an architect, here we focus on his family and analyze the arrangements made in his will, which confirm that he was quite a wealthy man by the end of his life, given the inventory and the distribution of his worldly goods. To seek the source of this wealth we analyze his talent for business after he went to Galicia and, in particular, the supply of timber for building the ships of the Royal Armada that he had in Asturias. Ultimately, his transformation into a landowner was a way to consolidate his social rise, and this is also reflected in both the house he lived in and his attire. Finally, we point out certain traits of his personality and the contents of his library.

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