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Resumen de Análisis de paleocorrientes en la unidad de Arroyofrío (Calloviense-Oxfordiense; Cordillera Ibérica) por medio de análisis de imágenes de lámina delgada y Anisotropía de Susceptibilidad Magnética (ASM): Datos preliminares.

Óscar Pueyo Anchuela, Andrés Gil Imaz, Javier Ramajo Cordero, Guillermo Meléndez Hevia

  • The Arroyofrio bed (Oxfordian-Callovian) from NE Iberian Chain represents a sedimentary shallow marine deposit with iron oolites. The paleogeographic model shows two possible paleocurrent directions:

    i) normal to the Ejulve-Maestrazgo emerged area or ii) parallel to the shore line. Different techniques have been applied to analyze paleocurrents in different environments. AMS analysis together with thin section image analysis is developed to test the application of AMS to unravel the sedimentary imprint linked to tractive currents. The obtained results show a general parallelism between magnetic lineation and oolite arrangement analyzed from thin sections. The obtained results show an imbricated oolite pattern compatible with a paleocurrent direction N020-040ºE.

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