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Resumen de El papel de la lengua materna y de otras lenguas extranjeras en el aprendizaje de español por parte de estudiantes alemanes: ¿bazas o escollos?

Marta Sánchez Castro

  • español

    Interlanguage, didactics of plurilinguism, intercomprehension, language awareness, interculturality, mistake analysis.

  • English

    This paper is part of a plurilingual research approach which particularly focuses on intercomprehension studies. It thus reflects a personal and professional approach of the author alike: As a University lecturer and secondary school teacher of Spanish as foreign language at various institutions in Germany, a key motivation was given for further investigation on the mode of potential interlanguage differences at beginner level of aforementioned groups as second or third MFL learners.

    The overall aim of this is to elucidate whether processes and mechanisms of the current language acquisition of both student groups are comparable or whether there are substantial differences primarily caused by the level of the learner's language awareness as well as the role of their native tongue and other foreign languages that have been studied previously.

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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