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Resumen de Les hybrides lexicaux en français contemporain: délimitation du concept

Jan Kortas

  • The aim of the paper is to define the categorial status of a lexical hybrid in modern French and to classify hybrids according to various typological criteria. A lexical hybrid has been defined as a neological type arising mostly as a result of hybridization, thus a specific derivational process being a combination of derivation and direct borrowing, and depending on the addition of a foreign-language formative (lexeme, confix, affix) borrowed directly from language A either to the native base or to a foreign element borrowed directly from language B. The French language has borrowed some hybrids from foreign languages, in which these formations arose as a result of analogous hybridogenic processes. Hybrid formatives are characterized by a lack of autonomy in the borrowing language. The division of hybrids is presented as follows: 1) derivational hybrids and hybrid-borrowings; 2) interferential hybrids (created as a result of two languages affecting each other because of their geographical proximity) and non interferential hybrids; 3) nominative hybrids and authorial hybrids (the latter, as nonce-words, are created for the aims of poetry, satire and popular entertainment).

    Plan de l'article

    1. Introduction
    2. Différentes acceptions des termes hybride et hybridation en linguistique
    3. Hybride lexical : état de la question
    4. Hybride lexical : délimitation du concept
    4.1. Critères d'hybridité
    4.1.1. Principe synchronique de délimitation des hybrides lexicaux
    4.1.2. Degré de compétence linguistique
    4.1.3. Hybride lexical - résultat du procédé dérivationnel d'hybridation
    4.1.4. Allogénéité d'un formant hybride
    5. Typologie des hybrides lexicaux
    5.1. Typologie morphologique
    5.1.1. Hybrides par composition
    5.1.2. Hybrides par confixation
    5.1.3. Hybrides par affixation
    5.1.4. Hybrides locutionnels
    5.2. Hybrides par dérivation et hybrides par emprunt
    5.3. Hybrides interférentiels et non interférentiels
    5.4. Hybrides dénominatifs et hybrides d'auteur
    5.4.1. Hybrides dénominatifs
    5.4.2. Hybrides d'auteur
    6. Conclusion

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