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Resumen de Reseña preliminar sobre el hallazgo de diáspora asociada a la serpentinización de los macizos de peridotitas de Ronda

José Julián Esteban Guzman, Julia Cuevas Urionabarrenechea, José María Tubía Martínez, Néstor Vegas Tubia, Iñaki Yusta Arnal

  • We report the presence of large aggregates (diameter > 1 cm) of diaspore related to the serpentization of the Sierra Alpujata massif of the Ronda peridotites (Betic Cordilleras, southern Spain). The diaspore is found in two different but related settings: in narrow metasomatic rims pervading the peridotites from steeply dipping tension joints and in the blackwall zone developed along the normal fault that separates the peridotites from the overlying metamorphic cover. The systematic association of diaspore with chlorite points to very low temperature conditions (T<100ºC) for diaspore formation.

Fundación Dialnet

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