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Resumen de Contribución al estudio fitosociológico de los restos de sabinares y otras comunidades termófilas de la isla de Tenerife (Canarias)

Octavio Rodríguez Delgado, Wolfredo Wildpret de la Torre, Marcelino J. del Arco Aguilar, Pedro Luis Pérez de Paz

  • The Juniperus forest ("sabinar") remains of the island of Tenerife are studied in this paper and the new association Junipero phoeniceae-OJeetum cerasiformis is described. Likewise, several comnunities recognized within the liaits of the xero-mesophytic transition vegetation between the infra- and thermocanarian bioclimatic belts are analysed and inventaried. A syntaxononic scheme summarizing all these communities is included.

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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