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Resumen de The Lisbon Earthquake of 1755: public Distress and Political Propaganda

Ana Cristina Araújo

  • This article examines the impact of the Lisbon earthquake on the international political sphere.

    The shock waves of the event reflected the basic ideological traits of the eighteenth century. For the first time in the western world, the press helped to create the illusion of proximity and unity among the peoples of different European nations. Furthermore, the 1755 earthquake launched the modern debate on how to think and act in a world where such catastrophes are likely to occur.

    On the eve of the Seven Years' War, the destruction of the capital of the Portuguese empire also triggered diplomatic and political reactions. Pombal's attempt to turn Portugal into a prosperous and politically strong country contributed towards minimising the disruptions to social and economic routines. Against the backdrop of the 1755 earthquake, and using the European war as an immediate cause, the Marquis of Pombal, minister of King Joseph I, laid the foundations for a press policy commensurate with the scale of the catastrophe.

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