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Resumen de El disseny i l'angoixa de la identitat

Josep Puig i Boix

  • In our country design, and in particular industrial Design is experimented a very active phase due to a diversity of reasons that give good hopes for the future. In very different fields design is Spoken of and is given much attention in the mass media. This sometimes gives place to an informative intoxicacíon in relation to the explanation of what Design is.

    There are such qüestions as: what is industrial Design?. which are its historical antecedents? what are the differences between its branches? which is its field of application, its límits and possibilities?, that may be answered in different and at times contradictory ways, owing to the fact, in my opinion, that the theoretical body of teaching has not defined its nature with precision.

    The article comments on the lack of historical analysis intrínsic to industrial Design, that is to say with no mediation of architec ture art or engineering. It is suggested that one of the causes for this abscnce is that the «official definition» is ambiguous and allows any sort of interpretation. Another cause may be the little emphasis laid, when speaking of industrial Design, on the nature of the object and its shape as being the centre of design's field of intervention, or on the complex interrelationship of the individual with the world of objects that surrounds him.

    The design of objects shapes, product of a certain field of industry, is liable to undergo the most astonishing and significant evolution as consequence of the relentless development and so phistication of the material, technology and means of production. Nowadays the objects plays the main role. The designer as a shape specialist has an important part in all these events.

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