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Resumen de La descentralización educativa: Análisis desde la experiencia universitaria de Galicia

José Manuel Touriñán López

  • This work carries on to study three different topics about the decentralization process:

    ¿ the general frame concerning on the pedagogical foundations in decentralization ¿ the comparative perspective about the indicators for the European Systems of Education addressing to the decentralization process ¿ the experience, background and decission making in Galician University System about the coordination and decentralization in Higher Educational Systems.

    Decentralization process, as a matter of fact, is operating in political, social and educational areas. Decentralization, as a decission making, means a new chance for the autonomy and the choice of a new way to organize the educational systems. Decentralization is an alternative process to centralization, but in no way we must identify decentralization with quality and centralization with miseducation or unworthwhile activities.

    Educational Decentralization tries to organize the educational systems facing antinomic questions:

    ¿ isolation/cooperation ¿ regionalization/internationalization ¿ homogeneity/heterogeneity ¿ autoidentification/diversity

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