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Resumen de Un modelo de minería de consultas para el diseño del contenido y la estructura de un sitio Web

Barbara Poblete, Ricardo Baeza Yates

  • In this article we present a model for mining queries in Web sites. This model relates the information provided by queries found in a site, with the site's usage, content and structure. The main goal of our model is to discover in simple way, valuable information on how to improve the structure and content of the site, allowing the site to become more intuitive and adequate to the needs of its users. This model proposes the analysis of different types of queries registered in the usage logs of site, such as queries sent by users in the site's internal search engine and queries submitted in global Web search engines, that lead to documents in the site. These queries provide useful information about the topics that interest users visiting a Web site, and their browsing patterns indicate if the documents found in the site were satisfactory to the users needs. This model additionally proposes a visual validation of the hierarchic organization of the site, given by links between documents and their contents.

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