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Resumen de Estructura y paleogeografía de los materiales del Triásico en la terminación meridional del Arco de Cazorla (Jaén, Cordillera Bética): Implicaciones tectónicas

Fernando Pérez Valera, Mario Sánchez Gómez, Alberto Diego Pérez López

  • This study proposes a tectonic reinterpretation of the southwest end of the Cazorla Arc from two different points of view never used before in external zones of the Betic Cordillera: the paleogeographic study of the Triassic sedimentary sequences together with the structural analysis of the ductile fabrics developed in clay- and gypsum-bearing Triassic rocks. This new approach has allowed to distinguish two kinematically distinct tectonic episodes separated in the time: a first strike-slip E-W system of faults followed by a relatively recent strike-slip SE-NW system, both dextral. The study from these points of view of other similar regions could clarify the origin of the so-called Triassic chaotic complexes, at the same time that improve the knowledge of the tectonic evolution of the Cordille.

Fundación Dialnet

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