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Parte-hartzea, nortasuna eta kontra-portaera Iparraldean

  • Autores: Igor Ahedo Gurrutxaga
  • Localización: Uztaro: giza eta gizarte-zientzien aldizkaria, ISSN 1130-5738, ISSN-e 3020-5115, Nº. 54, 2005, págs. 61-72
  • Idioma: euskera
  • Texto completo no disponible (Saber más ...)
  • Resumen
    • euskara

      Azken bi hamarkadetan Iparraldean jazo den bilakaera ikustea nahikoa da lurralde horretan gertatzen ari den aldaketa politiko sakonaz ohartzeko. Aldaketa horrek zenbait elementutan du oinarri: 1) tokiko ezberdintasuna berraurkitzea; 2) euskal nortasunaren garapena; 3) erankundetze-eskariaren hastapena, Iraultzaren ostean Iparraldea Pirinio Atlantikoen Departamenduan sartzearen ondorioa dena; 4) abertzaleen zentralitatea, zenbait hauteskundetan lortutako botoen % 10-15 baino eragin askoz ere nabariagoa duena. Oro har, aipaturiko lehenengo hiru aldagaiak Ñezberdintasuna, nortasuna, instituzionalizazioaÑ ulergarriak dira bakarrik abertzaleen esparruak 90eko hamarkada arte izan duen zeregina kontuan hartuz. Eta kontrakoa, hiru aldagai berri horien egonkortasunak abertzaletasunaren egoera eta jarrerak indartzen ditu.

    • English

      It is enough to have a look at how the Northern Basque Country has been evolving over the past two decades to realize that there is a profound political change taking place.

      That change is based on several different elements: 1) rediscovering new local peculiarities 2) the development of the Basque identity 3. Beginnings of a demand for insitutionalization, which is a consequence of the Basque Country being incorporated into the Department of Pyrénées Atlantiques after the French Revolution 4) Central importance of the Basque nationalists whose influence goes far beyond the 10-15% share of the vote in various elections. Over all, the first three variables that have been mentioned ¿differences, identity, institutionalization¿ can only be understood by taking into account the role that the Basque nationalist political spectrum has had until the 1990¿s. And on the contrary, the stability of those three variables has strengthened the situation and attitudes of Basque nationalism.

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