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Resumen de La heráldica clásica griega y romana de D. Antonio Agustín a Sir Edward Gibbon

Josep Closa Farrés

  • D. Antonio Agustín (1517-1586) evokes in his posthumous treatise entitled Diálogos de las Armas y Linages de la Nobleza de España, the great medieval figures of King Clovis, Saint Remigius, the fleurs-de-lis, the emblem of Charlemagne, El Cid, or Otger Cathalo. His writings established the heraldry as an instrumental knowledge for the study of Classic Antiquity, and the Middle Ages. The text was published by D. Gregorio Mayáns i Sisear (Madrid, 1734), and later in the great edition of Antonii Augustini Opera Omnia (Lucae, 1774).

    The famous treatise kwon as the Introductio ad Latinam Blasoniam written by John Gibbon (1682) was the epoch making book in England, remembered by Sir Edward Gibbon, author of The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (1776-1788), in his famous Memoirs of My Life.

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