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Resumen de El sistema aluvio-travertínico de Frailes (Cuencia Neógeno-Cuaternaria de Alcalá la Real, provincia de Jaén, Cordillera Bética)

Fernando García-García, Luis Miguel Nieto Albert

  • On study an alluvial-travertine complex system located near to Frailes village (Betic Cordillera, Jaén province). It is made up of two steps with their flat top located at 930 and 1026 m a.s.l. The lower one prograding to N130ºE is mainly formed by allochthonous travertine facies. The upper step consists of alluvial and travertine facies. There are two detrital facies associations, characteristic of alluvial fan, and three carbonate facies associations consisting of allochthonous and bioconstructed travertine sediments, oncolite and stromatolite facies. The carbonate facies associations were deposited in pool-dam-cascade sub-environments. The progradation of the upper step is to N210ºE.

Fundación Dialnet

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