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Resumen de Marine aerosols, their precursors and their influence on clouds over the global ocean

María Aránzazu Lana Celaya

  • Marine aerosols have a large potential to influence the Earth¿s climate through their effects on cloud properties. The CLAW hypothesis goes further, and suggests that marine aerosols formed by the sulphur cycle of the ocean and the atmosphere act as a mechanism for regulating the Earth's climate. This effect is produced through the influence of plankton emissions of sulphur compounds on cloud formation. Phytoplankton produces dimethylsulphide (DMS), a highly volatile sulphur compound. Once in the atmosphere, DMS is oxidized and becomes the main source of natural atmospheric sulphates. These sulphates act as condensation nuclei, particles that are essential for the formation of clouds. Those marine particles in the atmosphere play an important role in the Earth's radiation budget. Indirectly they produce a greater amount of cloud droplets. Higher cloud condensation nuclei imply smaller cloud droplets. The efficiency of smaller droplets in reflecting incident solar radiation is greater, resulting in an increase in cloud albedo, producing a cooling effect on the Earth's surface. To properly study the marine aerosols we need accurate knowledge of the global seawater distribution of the aerosol precursors. Our work focused on the ocean-to-atmosphere emissions of DMS and other biogenic gases that can have an impact on cloud microphysics. During the thesis we updated the monthly global DMS climatology taking advantage of the three-fold increased size and better resolved distribution of the observations available in the DMS database. The emerging patterns found with the previous versions of the database and climatology were explored with the updated version. The statistical relationships between the seasonalities of DMS concentrations and solar radiation doses and chlorophyll a concentrations were here re-examined. Analyses of nine years of satellite data suggested that there is a natural inverse correlation between the spatial cover of low marine clouds and the cloud droplet size, which is related to the presence of small aerosols. This coupled seasonality pushes cloud albedo to contribute higher negative radiative forcing in summer and lower in winter. This relation is disrupted in the marine atmosphere regions heavily impacted by anthropogenic aerosols. Consequently, the potential influence the aerosol precursors have on marine clouds was next analysed over unpolluted and polluted ocean, separately. The 9 years of global satellite data and ocean climatologies were used to derive parameterizations of the production fluxes of secondary aerosols formed by oxidation of DMS and other biogenic organic volatiles. Further, the emission fluxes of biogenic primary organic and sea salt aerosols ejected by wind action on sea surface were also globally studied. Series of weekly estimates of these fluxes were correlated to series of cloud droplet effective radius. The outcome of the statistical analyses indicated that sulphur and organic secondary aerosols might be important in seeding cloud nucleation and droplet activation over mid and high latitude unpolluted oceanic regions. Conversely, primary aerosols (organic and sea salt) showed that, despite contributing to large shares of the marine aerosol mass, they do not seem to be major drivers of the variability of cloud microphysics. Our results provide partial support for the feasibility of the CLAW hypothesis at the seasonal scale. Despite that DMS has drawn much of the attention on the links between marine biota and climate regulation, the implication of other biogenic precursors on cloud formation provides and suggests a wider scope on the formulation of such hypothesis.

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