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Renoko Euskal Ikergunea gaur

    1. [1] Center for Basque Studies
  • Localización: Anuario de Eusko-Folklore: etnografía y paletnografía, ISSN 0210-7732, Nº. 55, 2020-2021, págs. 153-162
  • Idioma: euskera
  • Enlaces
  • Resumen
    • español

      1967an Euskal Ikasketen programa txiki bat ezarri zen Desert Research Institute-ko gizarte zientzien sailean. Jatorriz Nevadako basamortuan etorkinen bizimoduak aztertzeko sortu zena urteekin Center for Basque Studies (CBS) ikergunea bihurtu da. Estatu Batuetan errotuta, CBS-ko lehen eginkizuna euskal kultura arloan ikerketak bideratzea da eta euskaldunei buruzko ikerketaren emaitzak bertan, Estatu Batuetan eta nazioarteko mailan zabaltzea. Zabalpena argitalpenen bidez egiten da, nagusiki CBS Press-eko bildumaren bitartez, bai eta aurkezpenen, hitzaldien, konferentzien, eta mota guztietako sormen jardueren bidez. Era berean, The Basque Library, Renoko Euskal Liburutegia eta agiritegia, euskal kulturarekin eta euskal diasporarekin interesa duten ikertzaile guztientzat Ipar Amerika osoko euskal komunitatearen memoria erakundea eta sarbideko atari zabala dugu. Renoko Euskal Ikerguneak 55 urte egingo ditu 2022an eta, “eman ta zabal zazu” leloari jarraiki, euskal kultura eta historia mundu osora zabaltzeko gure eginkizuna beste 50 urtez betetzea espero dugu.

    • English

      In 1967, a Basque Studies Program was established at the Desert Research Institute. It was originally created to study the lives of immigrants in the Nevada desert but over the years it developed into a Center for Basque Studies (CBS). Rooted in the United States, the CBS’s primary mission is to conduct research in the field of Basque studies and to disseminate the results of research in the United States and internationally. Dissemination is done through publications, primarily through the CBS Press collection, as well as through presentations, lectures, conferences, and all kinds of creative activities. The CBS works very closely with the Basque Library, the largest collection of books on Basque related areas out of the Basque Country. Both the CBS and the Basque Library are open to all researchers interested in Basque studies in the US and in the world. The CBS will celebrate its 55th anniversary in 2022 and, under the motto “eman ta zabalzazu” (“give and spread”), we hope to fulfill our mission of conducting research and to disseminate the results of interdisciplinary research on the Basques to a local, national and international audience around the world for another 50 years.

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