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Antropologia Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatean: Akademizaziotik bikaintasunera

    1. [1] EHU-UPV
  • Localización: Anuario de Eusko-Folklore: etnografía y paletnografía, ISSN 0210-7732, Nº. 55, 2020-2021, págs. 85-98
  • Idioma: euskera
  • Enlaces
  • Resumen
    • English

      Basque anthropology emerged outside the academic sphere in a specific historical and political period. Even so, there has always been a certain degree of support for this discipline and its object of study in Basque society. In the case of Jose Miguel Barandiran, the results obtain were the creation of the Basque School of Ethnography and the Etniker groups willing to record information on local ways of life throughout the Basque Country, following his methodological recommendations. On the other hand, Teresa Del Valle promoted the academicisation of Basque anthropology within the structure of the Public University of the Basque Country and subsequently the creation of the bachelor’s degree in Social Anthropology in 1980s. Subsequently, the introduction in 2010s of the degree in Social Anthropology in response to the adaptations made by Basque University system to the European Higher Education Area has brought new challenges.

    • euskara

      Euskal antropologia, akademiatik at sortu zen garai historiko eta politiko zehatz batean. Hala ere, disziplina honekiko eta hurak landutako ikergaiarekiko atxikimendu berezia egon da euskal gizartean, orokorrean. Jose Miguel Barandiaranek lortutako fruituak Etnografiako Euskal Eskola eta Etniker taldeen sorkuntza izan ziren. Teresa Del Valleri zor zaio, berriz, euskal antropologiaren akademizazioa Euskal Herriko Unibertsitate Publikoaren barruan 1980. hamarkadatik aurrera. Ondoren, euskal unibertsitate-sistemak Europako Goi Mailako Hezkuntzaren Esparrura egokitzearen ondorioz, Gizarte Antropologia gra- dua ezartzen da 2010. urtetik aurrera erronka berriak ekarriz.

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