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  • Stations Thermales à L'Antiquité, Thermalisme Antique, Hidráulica Romana, Archaeology of Roman Hispania, Galician archaeology, Balnearios romanos, and 29 moreedit
  • I graduated in History from the USC, with a Bachelor's Degree Thesis, and was awarded the Extraordinary Bachelor's De... moreedit
As parcial conclusion of Fundation Seneca’s Project (15387/PHCS/10), we present a brief summary of the main minero-medicinal springs of the Iberian Peninsula which have been considered in the bibliography or in our field research as... more
As parcial conclusion of Fundation Seneca’s Project (15387/PHCS/10), we present a brief summary of the main minero-medicinal springs of the Iberian Peninsula which have been considered in the bibliography or in our field research as waters employed in the Roman Age. In each case, the explanation about its inclusion has been indicated.
Obviously, it is not a closed or definitive cathalogue, as well as we consider that new studies and future archaeological digs will allow us to complete it, but it can be an aissement of the current state of affairs of this study in the Iberian Peninsula
Research Interests:
Research Interests:
Within the European project rurAllure, the implementation of different narratives was proposed to show pilgrims and visitors new and different perspectives of the rich heritage and singularity of the different pilgrimage routes and the... more
Within the European project rurAllure, the implementation of different narratives was proposed to show pilgrims and visitors new and different perspectives of the rich heritage and singularity of the different pilgrimage routes and the territory they pass through. To this end, in WP5, focused on the Italian territory, the main subject of study proposed was thermal heritage in the vicinity of three of the main roads leading to Rome: Via Francigena, Via Romea Strata, and Via Germanica. In this article we present the experience developed on the Via Francigena, specifically in the southern Tuscany region, a territory that is particularly representative of the different manifestations of thermal heritage. Within this territory, we will focus specially on the town of Bagno Vignoni, as one of the most significant sites for discovering the multiple facets of thermal heritage that allow us to understand and enjoy the configuration and the (natural and cultural) history of the territory and the landscape that this road crosses.
En el presente artículo presentamos un nuevo proyecto interdisciplinar consistente en una colección de textos, en formato digital, que recogerá las fuentes griegas y latinas sobre el fenómeno del termalismo mineromedicinal antiguo. La... more
En el presente artículo presentamos un nuevo proyecto interdisciplinar consistente en una colección de textos, en formato digital, que recogerá las fuentes griegas y latinas sobre el fenómeno del termalismo mineromedicinal antiguo. La colección permitirá aunar, por primera vez, distintos tipos de fuentes en una única publicación, así como reunir, analizar y ampliar de forma ágil el trabajo ya existente en la bibliografía sobre el tema desde el punto de vista filológico, histórico, arqueológico y epigráfico. Se dará así acceso directo a las fuentes originales para el estudio del termalismo antiguo con una visión crítica, innovadora y actualizada, algo que la comunidad de investigadores sobre el tema viene reclamando desde hace tiempo. Esta nueva herramienta de trabajo será accesible online para todos los interesados en la materia, con una clara pretensión de continuidad y duración, pero siempre respaldada por criterios científicos y especializados, y en constante revisión.
Archaeological evidence testifies to the importance of the thermal town of Cuntis (Spain) in Roman times, an aspect that also appears to be reflected in literary sources and in its own toponym. The importance of the beneficial and cultual... more
Archaeological evidence testifies to the importance of the thermal town of Cuntis (Spain) in Roman times, an aspect that also appears to be reflected in literary sources and in its own toponym. The importance of the beneficial and cultual use of these thermal waters in Roman times is evidenced by the presence of collection wells located in the center of the village of Santa María de Cuntis, in the Burga or ‘Fuego de Dios’. It is the main collection system for the hot springs that supply the current spa, but also because it is a site steeped in an important historical tradition. In 1908, during the cleaning of this well, some objects were discovered and distributed among the neighbors, but by chance some of them were deposited in the Provincial Archaeological Museum of Ourense where they were recently identified. Among them, a key, a knife and some coins that have been altered by the action of mineral-medicinal waters from this source. In this work, we present this discovery, as well as we propose a first approach to the archaeometric study of these concretions, with the interest of evaluating how the different types of water affect the conservation and modification of the archaeological objects preserved in these thermal environments.
DOI : 10.21494/ISTE.OP.2023.0963
This article presents a first state of play regarding the presence (and absence) of local and foreing marble materials in the Roman city of Lucus Augusti (Lugo) and its surroundings, considering the contrast between the urban and rural... more
This article presents a first state of play regarding the presence (and absence) of local and foreing marble materials in the Roman city of Lucus Augusti (Lugo) and its surroundings, considering the contrast between the urban and rural reality around this site of Gallaecia.
Comparing the recently excavated Roman healing spa of Chaves, Portugal with the other known similar sites in the Iberian Peninsula, we propose a reflexion on the architecture of these complexes and the relation between sacred and profane... more
Comparing the recently excavated Roman healing spa of Chaves, Portugal with the other known similar sites in the Iberian Peninsula, we propose a reflexion on the architecture of these complexes and the relation between sacred and profane areas within them. The definition of religious spaces is analysed within the general framework of Roman religion studies and critically contrasted with the latest data available for these spaces. The influence of the architecture of water displays on Roman spas is also discussed.
"En el contexto de los estudios sobre la Galicia romana, se detecta un vacío significativo en la caracterización de los marmora empleados, con la consecuente falta de información sobre el comercio, el artesanado, la economía y la... more
"En el contexto de los estudios sobre la Galicia romana, se detecta un vacío significativo en la caracterización de los marmora empleados, con la consecuente falta de información sobre el comercio, el artesanado, la economía y la sociedad que producía/consumía estos materiales. Conscientes de esa realidad, en el marco del proyecto de investigación I+D+i “La explotación y comercio de los recursos naturales en el norte de la Hispania romana: lapis, metalla, aqua (HAR2011-25011)”, hemos planteado la necesidad de revisar dichos materiales desde una perspectiva interdisciplinar para establecer qué materiales lapídeos (mármoles u otras rocas ornamentales) se emplearon en este territorio, a qué uso se destinaron y la posible adscripción cronológica de su explotación y presencia en el NW hispano. Uno de los primeros aspectos que se difieren de dicha caracterización es la presencia, junto con un significativo número de material marmóreo importado, de un mármol autóctono, el mármol de O Incio, que no ha sido aún objeto de un estudio exhaustivo. Es por ello que hemos centrado nuestra atención en este material; para conocer su naturaleza, explotación, empleo y difusión dentro de Hispania a partir de un proyecto que se encuentra en sus fases más iniciales y que presentamos en esta contribución. Para ello, hemos localizado y muestreado las canteras y, paralelamente, seleccionado y muestreado un número de piezas de especial importancia en el contexto de la Galicia romana . Las analíticas aplicadas (petrografía, catodoluminiscencia, difracción de rayos-X) nos permitirán poner en relación el punto de extracción de esta materia prima con aquellos objetos en los que se empleó, e igualmente se procederá al estudio de los frentes de extracción (para entender las técnicas y estrategias de extracción aplicadas) y a la revisión artística de cada pieza (de fundamental importancia para establecer su cronología y aspectos técnico-estilísticos). Todo ello permitirá, además de una adecuada caracterización del mármol de O Incio, identificar talleres locales o foráneos que pudieran haber trabajado con dicho material y constatar la dispersión territorial de su producción, aspectos indispensables para reconocer la importancia económica, social y funcional de la explotación de este recurso natural dentro del contexto del NW de Hispania. "
En 2012 iniciamos el proyecto ‘Marmora Galicia’ para estudiar los mármoles de época romana y tardorromana presentes en el Noroeste peninsular. Esta línea de investigación se enmarca en diversos proyectos nacionales e internacionales que... more
En 2012 iniciamos el proyecto ‘Marmora Galicia’ para estudiar los mármoles de época romana y tardorromana presentes en el Noroeste peninsular. Esta línea de investigación se enmarca en diversos proyectos nacionales e internacionales que pretenden caracterizar los materiales marmóreos empleados en diversos territorios peninsulares, prestando especial atención a la explotación de los recursos naturales de cada región, para aportar luz sobre su empleo en la Antigüedad. Desde entonces, hemos identificado más de 168 piezas arqueológicas marmóreas sólo en el territorio gallego, de las que hemos muestreado 44 para concretar arqueométricamente su procedencia. Al mismo tiempo, hemos estudiado un importante número de canteras locales y hemos documentado las características de los diversos tipos marmóreos presentes en esta región, que han sido incorporadas al corpus de referencia de materiales hispanos; corpus indispensable para realizar los citados estudios de procedencia. Los resultados obte...
Recent advances in semantic web and deep learning technologies enable new means for the computational analysis of vast amounts of information from the field of digital humanities. We discuss how some of the techniques can be used to... more
Recent advances in semantic web and deep learning technologies enable new means for the computational analysis of vast amounts of information from the field of digital humanities. We discuss how some of the techniques can be used to identify historical and cultural symmetries between different characters, locations, events or venues, and how these can be harnessed to develop new strategies to promote intercultural and cross-border aspects that support the teaching and learning of history and heritage. The strategies have been put to the test in the context of the European project CrossCult, revealing enormous potential to encourage curiosity to discover new information and increase retention of learned information.
Bath constructions are today among other monuments one of the better preserved and studied monuments of the Roman Empire. Nevertheless, there remains a significant research gap as to the nature of water exploited within. The... more
Bath constructions are today among other monuments one of the better preserved and studied monuments of the Roman Empire. Nevertheless, there remains a significant research gap as to the nature of water exploited within. The mineral-medicinal waters, in fact, conditioned not only the location, but also the function and, consequently, the architecture of these features. Hence, one of the main objectives of our current study is to highlight the main architectonic and functional characteristics of these bathing complexes. This paper thus advances a first distribution map specifically defining the spread of the better preserved and/or better documented spas using mineral-medicinal waters in the Roman Empire (henceforth referred to as healing or thermal spas/baths). This study also advances the current state of research on the question, some of the main characteristics of these types of complexes, as well as some of the drawbacks to their study.ResumenHoy en día los edificios de baños so...
Se presenta una revisión analítica de las dos placas marmóreas localizadas en la parroquia de Carcacía (Padrón), expuestas en el Museo de la Catedral de Santiago de Compostela. En función del análisis arqueométrico realizado dentro del... more
Se presenta una revisión analítica de las dos placas marmóreas localizadas en la parroquia de Carcacía (Padrón), expuestas en el Museo de la Catedral de Santiago de Compostela. En función del análisis arqueométrico realizado dentro del proyecto “Marmora Galicia”, frente a la consideración generalizada de que se trataba de piezas realizadas en mármol local, éste se ha podido caracterizar como procedente de las canteras de Trigaches-São Brissos, en la provincia romana de Lusitania. Esa y otras consideraciones llevan a cuestionarse el momento de importación de estas piezas al noroeste, así como el sentido y la función que podrían haber cumplido estas piezas en su lugar de destino.
Within the ongoing research that is being carried out to identify and characterize the marble used in Galicia since Antiquity, this article details for the first time an inventory of marble capitals dating from the late Roman and early... more
Within the ongoing research that is being carried out to identify and characterize the marble used in Galicia since Antiquity, this  article details for the first time an inventory of marble capitals dating from the late Roman and early medieval period located where now is Galicia. The addition of a significant number of new pieces has substantially broadened the number of samples known to date.
Indeed, despite their interest and quality, they have not been extensively studied as a whole within the eminently granitic panorama of this region until recent times. However, although most of these capitals appear decontextualized or in a secondary position, we consider that there are matching elements that evidence the interest shown since ancient times in obtaining and using marble in different constructions, a reality that continued with the multiple uses and reuses that these pieces were subjected to.
Consequently, at the same time that the analytical research is being carried out to establish the origin of the raw material employed, this study presents a first step in the characterization of the material used in the construction of these capitals. We also reflect on their main formal and stylistic characteristics, the contexts of location and conservation of each of the pieces, and the different aspects linked to the use and reuse of marble pieces, according to their importance in order to understand the
meaning of this phenomenon in the northwest area of the Iberian
Se presenta una revisión analítica de las dos placas marmóreas localizadas en la parroquia de Carcacía (Padrón), expuestas en el Museo de la Catedral de Santiago de Compostela. En función del análisis arqueométrico realizado dentro del... more
Se presenta una revisión analítica de las dos placas marmóreas localizadas en la parroquia de Carcacía (Padrón), expuestas en el Museo de la Catedral de Santiago de Compostela. En función del análisis arqueométrico realizado dentro del proyecto “Marmora Galicia”, frente a la consideración generalizada de que se trataba de piezas realizadas en mármol local, éste se ha podido caracterizar como procedente de las canteras de Trigaches-São Brissos, en la provincia romana de Lusitania. Esa y otras consideraciones llevan a cuestionarse el momento de importación de estas piezas al noroeste, así como el sentido y la función que podrían haber cumplido estas piezas en su lugar de destino.
Sustainability in Cultural Heritage (CH) is a complex question that needs to be addressed by a group of experts tackling the different issues. In this light, the present work wishes to provide a multi-level analysis of the sustainability... more
Sustainability in Cultural Heritage (CH) is a complex question that needs to be addressed by a group of experts tackling the different issues. In this light, the present work wishes to provide a multi-level analysis of the sustainability in CH, using as an example a recent European H2020 project (CrossCult) and the lessons learnt from its design, implementation and evaluation. The sustainability of CH has qualitatively changed over the last few years, under the developments in digital technology that seems to affect the very nature of the cultural experience. We discuss sustainability in venues using digital technologies, covering a span of needs of small/unknown and large/popular venues, which try to enhance the visitor experience, attract visitors, form venue networks, etc. Moreover, we explore issues of sustainability of digital content and its re usability through holistic design. Aspects of technology, human networks and data sustainability are also presented, and we conclude w...
This paper presents the first results of an ongoing provenance study of some objects aiming to determine which marbles were employed in an area as far apart from the Mediterranean Sea as Roman Gallaecia (in the NW of Spain) from an... more
This paper presents the first results of an ongoing provenance study of some objects aiming to determine which marbles were employed in an area as far apart from the Mediterranean Sea as Roman Gallaecia (in the NW of Spain) from an interdisciplinary perspective. These first results help us to understand the trade routes and other mechanisms of the economy and society that produced or enjoyed these objects.
A multimethod analysis (POM, CL and IRMS for C-O isotopic determination) has been applied and compared to our reference collection including well-known Classical as well as most of the Iberian marbles. The results so far show a picture much more complex than anticipated, where the local marble from the area of O Incio (in the south of Lugo province) and other local varieties from the NW region were also exploited and used by the Romans.
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Dada las especificas caracteristicas de las aguas mineromedicinales y el hecho de que su explota-cion debe realizarse preferentemente alli donde se encuentran las propias surgencias, en aquellos ma-nantiales con mayor tradicion y mayores... more
Dada las especificas caracteristicas de las aguas mineromedicinales y el hecho de que su explota-cion debe realizarse preferentemente alli donde se encuentran las propias surgencias, en aquellos ma-nantiales con mayor tradicion y mayores propie- dades fisico-quimicas se han ido superponiendo desde la antiguedad los elementos constructivos que han permitido una adecuada captacion de estas aguas a lo largo de su historia. Por ese motivo, es justamente durante los proce-sos de recuperacion y adecuacion de las diferentes infraestructuras creadas para la explotacion de an-tiguos y nuevos manantiales, cuando se reconocen las principales evidencias arqueologicas de su ex-plotacion antigua, siendo incluso en muchos casos, construcciones esenciales para la captacion y dis-tribucion de estas aguas dentro de los complejos actuales. Ante la continuada reutilizacion y modernizacion de las instalaciones termales, surge mas que nunca la necesidad de realizar una reflexion sobre la historia de los ...
Como paso previo a la realizacion de un monografico sobre el significado de las aguas mineromedicinales y su explotacion en Hispania desde un punto de vista principalmente arquitectonico y funcional, hemos considerado interesante... more
Como paso previo a la realizacion de un monografico sobre el significado de las aguas mineromedicinales y su explotacion en Hispania desde un punto de vista principalmente arquitectonico y funcional, hemos considerado interesante presentar una primera aproximacion al tema a partir del analisis de aquellos yacimientos espanoles que en la bibliografia especifica y general aparecen identificados como enclaves de aguas minerales y/o termales de explotacion en epoca romana. De esa forma, planteamos la revision critica de los datos existentes sobre esos yacimientos, con la clara conviccion de la necesidad de abordar este tema desde una optica de conjunto que permita reconocer la singularidad especifica del uso y aprovechamiento de este recurso en el mundo antiguo, fundamentalmente condicionada por las caracteristicas funcionales y cultuales asociadas a este tipo de agua.
La Tesis doctoral que presentamos se centra en el estudio de la riqueza arqueologica de la Galicia romana a partir de la revision, con metodo arqueologico, de las realidades materiales vinculadas al aprovechamiento del agua en todas sus... more
La Tesis doctoral que presentamos se centra en el estudio de la riqueza arqueologica de la Galicia romana a partir de la revision, con metodo arqueologico, de las realidades materiales vinculadas al aprovechamiento del agua en todas sus diversas fases: captacion, distribucion, uso y evacuacion, de acuerdo con un ciclo constante e inalterable, donde todos sus elementos constituyentes son indispensables. En el estudio de este fenomeno, a partir de la revision exhaustiva de la bibliografia existente sobre el tema, comprobamos tres problematicas persistentes; por una parte, el escaso conocimiento de esta realidad en ambitos geograficos concretos, con un vacio destacado en el caso del NW Peninsular, la escasa consideracion en el estudio del tema del agua en la antiguedad como un todo unico (primado el estudio de aquellos monumentos mas representativos o espectaculares, caso delos acueductos o termas, por ejemplo); y la confusion terminologica empleada en la descripcion de los elementos p...
Resumen: En este trabajo planteamos el interés que tiene el estudio de los sistemas hidráulicos presentes en la realidad arqueológica de época romana en Galicia, como uno de los elementos que aportan más información a la hora de... more
Resumen: En este trabajo planteamos el interés que tiene el estudio de los sistemas hidráulicos presentes en la realidad arqueológica de época romana en Galicia, como uno de los elementos que aportan más información a la hora de identificar la organización ...
El balneario de Banos de Montemayor ha sido frecuentemente citado en la bibliografia especializada por el descubrimiento de un significativo conjunto de aras votivas dedicadas en su mayoria a las Ninfas. Sin embargo, sorprende el hecho de... more
El balneario de Banos de Montemayor ha sido frecuentemente citado en la bibliografia especializada por el descubrimiento de un significativo conjunto de aras votivas dedicadas en su mayoria a las Ninfas. Sin embargo, sorprende el hecho de que el complejo constructivo de epoca romana que se documenta en este enclave haya sido tan escasamente estudiado y analizado. Consideramos que, por su relevancia arquitectonica y por el interes que ofrece para el conocimiento de los establecimientos salutiferos de epoca romana en Hispania, era necesario presentar una breve revision de las noticias existentes sobre este sitio. Nos hemos centrado especialmente en el analisis de su singular naturaleza constructiva y en los excepcionales restos que se conservan de este singular complejo de epoca romana. Las sucesivas reformas del complejo termal han permitido constatar la presencia de estructuras de diferentes momentos historicos para el aprovechamiento de los manantiales termales que aqui surgen, descubriendo la presencia significativa del edificio de epoca romana.

And 55 more

In press
Research Interests:
"En el contexto de los estudios sobre la Galicia romana, se detecta un vacío significativo en la caracterización de los marmora empleados, con la consecuente falta de información sobre el comercio, el artesanado, la economía y la sociedad... more
"En el contexto de los estudios sobre la Galicia romana, se detecta un vacío significativo en la caracterización de los marmora empleados, con la consecuente falta de información sobre el comercio, el artesanado, la economía y la sociedad que producía/consumía estos materiales.

Conscientes de esa realidad, en el marco del proyecto de investigación I+D+i “La explotación y comercio de los recursos naturales en el norte de la Hispania romana: lapis, metalla, aqua (HAR2011-25011)”, hemos planteado la necesidad de revisar dichos materiales desde una perspectiva interdisciplinar para establecer qué materiales lapídeos (mármoles u otras rocas ornamentales) se emplearon en este territorio, a qué uso se destinaron y la posible adscripción cronológica de su explotación y presencia en el NW hispano.

Uno de los primeros aspectos que se difieren de dicha caracterización es la presencia, junto con un significativo número de material marmóreo importado, de un mármol autóctono, el mármol de O Incio, que no ha sido aún objeto de un estudio exhaustivo.

Es por ello que hemos centrado nuestra atención en este material; para conocer su naturaleza, explotación, empleo y difusión dentro de Hispania a partir de un proyecto que se encuentra en sus fases más iniciales y que presentamos en esta contribución. Para ello, hemos localizado y muestreado las canteras y, paralelamente, seleccionado y muestreado un número de piezas de especial importancia en el contexto de la Galicia romana . Las analíticas aplicadas (petrografía, catodoluminiscencia, difracción de rayos-X) nos permitirán poner en relación el punto de extracción de esta materia prima con aquellos objetos en los que se empleó, e igualmente se procederá al estudio de los frentes de extracción (para entender las técnicas y estrategias de extracción aplicadas) y a la revisión artística de cada pieza (de fundamental importancia para establecer su cronología y aspectos técnico-estilísticos).

Todo ello permitirá, además de una adecuada caracterización del mármol de O Incio, identificar talleres locales o foráneos que pudieran haber trabajado con dicho material y constatar la dispersión territorial de su producción, aspectos indispensables para reconocer la importancia económica, social y funcional de la explotación de este recurso natural dentro del contexto del NW de Hispania.
During the last decades, the characterization and study marble use in Roman Spain has leapt forward yet some areas, such as the northwestern territories, remained quite obscure as they still lack significant work. Thus, we addressed the... more
During the last decades, the characterization and study marble use in Roman Spain has leapt forward yet some areas, such as the northwestern territories, remained quite obscure as they still lack significant work. Thus, we addressed the study of this region with the aim of not only to gather data to determine which marbles reached an area as far apart from the Mediterranean as Gallaecia but to do so from an interdisciplinary perspective to enable a chronological sequence of its presence as well to understand of the trade routes and mechanisms of the economy and society that produced or enjoyed these objects.

The work presented here is part of an ongoing project and stems from the fact that a significant number of a first marble objects assemblage did not match the features of the main well-known Classical marbles but seemed to have been produced with a local stone known as O Incio marble which had not been yet characterized. Therefore, we focused on sampling of the quarries near the small village of O Incio to identify and adequately characterize the different outcropping marble varieties as the first and basic step to correctly differentiate from other Spanish or even Mediterranean marbles. 

Petrography, cathodoluminiscence CL and, in some cases, IRMS for C-O isotopic determination were applied and enabled to distinguish at least three significant varieties: a) a poorly crystalline banded fine-grained marble or marble limestone, with fine white and gray bands of varying tone or shade (it is the most abundant variety), b) a fine-grained white marble with thin, orange veins and occasional centimetric gray bands, and c) a greyish "marble", which in fact is a gray, crystalline limestone with gray sheets of different tones. Furthermore, eight out of the nineteen objects analyzed so far turned out to match these varieties; their distribution in through the territory gives a first glimpse of this marble diffusion, which to this point reaches as far as 130km from the outcrop.

The high presence of O Incio marble in the archaeological context and its wide chronology (between 2nd and 7th centuries AD) confirm a long life of this marble extraction and use, which in some cases may be related to its slight resemblance to other, more prized marbles (i.e. grey, banded marbles from the Eastern Mediterranean or banded varieties of Estremoz). The archaeometric characterization provides the essential basis upon which pursue further research.
Within the framework of a multidisciplinary study aiming to understand the use of marble in the northwest of Roman Spain, a relatively large number of the marble objects (sculpture, architectural elements, revetments) have been located in... more
Within the framework of a multidisciplinary study aiming to understand the use of marble in the northwest of Roman Spain, a relatively large number of the marble objects (sculpture, architectural elements, revetments) have been located in the current territory of Galicia. Most of them are currently in several museums, other institutions or reemployed in later buildings (especially churches), thus making it difficult to grasp their original context of use. Moreover, the stylistic study of these objects is at times controversial as retouches or re-carvings (often linked with its use in early Christian contexts) of previously produced elements seem to have been in order during the centuries following to the fall of the Western Roman Empire. Nevertheless, their presence is noteworthy since Galicia is a mostly granitic territory and, therefore , the vast majority of stone objects and architectural elements were made from granite.
In this paper, we aim to address the reasons behind the choice of marble as raw material both for the production or  the import of certain Roman and late-Roman productions, since recent archaeometrical analysis showed that both local and exotic marbles flown into Roman Galicia, as well as of the subsequent reuse of these materials in the early medieval period. We will, therefore, explore the economic, logistic and symbolic aspects of their use while taking also into account, in the case of the spolia, the context in which they were salvaged and recycled.
Research Interests:
Cuando el escritor gallego Ánxel Fole, en su libro Terra Brava (1955) escribió que "A eirexa do Hospital é unha eirexa románica, pequena, mais moi fermosa, de marbre azuado do país.”, la caracterización del mármol con fines arqueológicos... more
Cuando el escritor gallego Ánxel Fole, en su libro Terra Brava (1955) escribió que "A eirexa do Hospital é unha eirexa románica, pequena, mais moi fermosa, de marbre azuado do país.”, la caracterización del mármol con fines arqueológicos empezaba a desarrollarse (Weiss, 1954 ; Herz, 1955). No obstante, no será hasta los años ochenta que el mármol ibérico empiece a ser objeto de estudio como posible material empleado en la Antigüedad. Desde entonces, los progresos han sido muy importantes, pero quedan aún algunas lagunas importantes, como es el caso del uso y la explotación del mármol en el NO peninsular. Así nace en 2012, impulsado por S. González Soutelo, A. Gutiérrez García-M. y H. Royo, el proyecto de investigación “Marmora Galicia”, cuyos esfuerzos se han concentrado inicialmente en la zona de O Incio dada su tradicional consideración como zona de extracción antigua (Canto 1977-78, y siguientes) y la ausencia de pruebas arqueométricas para corroborarlo. Situada en el corazón de este municipio, la mencionada iglesia de San Pedro Fiz de Hospital (Fig. 1) constituye un elemento excepcional puesto que, al ser totalmente constituida por mármol local, permite apreciar la gama de las variedades disponibles en el lugar. Si bien las canteras más próximas a ella (y al municipio de O Incio) han sido objeto de una caracterización detallada (Gutiérrez et al., 2016), existen otras en el territorio de O Incio o sus cercanías (como La Perla –Samos-, entre otras) cuyo estudio quedaba pendiente (Fig. 2). En todas ellas aparecen variedades de mármol de aspecto significativamente semejante a ciertas variedades de mármol del Anticlinal de Estremoz (Portugal), cuyo empleo en la Antigüedad está bien documentado y que fue objeto de una gran difusión, incluso a nivel extra-peninsular.
En la presente comunicación expondremos los resultados de la caracterización multi-método y jerarquizada (“paso a paso”) del mármol de estas canteras, combinando las aportaciones de los métodos ya clásicos en este tipo de trabajos (estudio petrográfico, catodoluminiscencia, SEM-EDS, espectrometría de masas de los isótopos estables del carbono y del oxígeno, difracción de rayos X) con técnicas poco empleadas (colorimetría, ICP-AOS, tratamiento de imágenes petrográficas).
Research Interests:
Within the framework of an multidisciplinary study aiming to understand the use of marble in the northwest of Roman Spain, a relatively large number of the marble objects (sculpture, architectural elements, revetments) located in the... more
Within the framework of an multidisciplinary study aiming to understand the use of marble in the northwest of Roman Spain, a relatively large number of the marble objects (sculpture, architectural elements, revetments) located in the territory turned out to be in pre-Romanesque churches or, in the case of sarcophagi, subsequently reused. Moreover, the stylistic study of these objects is at times controversial as retouches or re-carvings (often linked with its use in early Christian contexts) of previously produced elements seem to have been in order during the centuries following to the fall of the Western Roman Empire. Thus, it is difficult to assess their chronology and, therefore, that of the exploitation (for the local materials) and arrival (for the imported ones) of these marbles.
In this paper, we present some specific cases as illustrative among which those of the columns, capitals, altars and sarcophagi at Santa Comba de Bande (Ourense) stands out. A comprehensive approach including their arhcaeometric characterization (i.e. petrography, cathodoluminiscence and, in some cases, IRMS for C-O isotopic determination) as well as the stylistic study is proposed to understand when and how these objects were carved, and how did they arrived at their current location.
Research Interests:
The understanding of the use of marble in Roman Spain has leapt forward during the last decades, yet there still is a significant gap about some areas; this is the case of the northwest. Even though the number of objects (sculpture,... more
The understanding of the use of marble in Roman Spain has leapt forward during the last decades, yet there still is a significant gap about some areas; this is the case of the northwest. Even though the number of objects (sculpture, architectural elements, revetments) elaborated in marble is relatively small compared with other regions of Spain, they are nonetheless a very interesting evidence of the economic mechanisms (whether trade routes or local/regional exploitation and manufacturing, craft industry and presence of workshops, etc.) of the society that produced or consumed them. 
Aware of this reality, we addressed the characterization of such materials as a fist and essential step to establish what stones (marble or other ornamental rocks) were used in this territory, to what purpose they were intended and the dating of their exploitation and/or presence in Gallaecia. A multimethod approach was performed on the samples, including petrography (POM), cathodoluminiscence (CL) and, in some cases, IRMS for C-O isotopic determination. The results so far, and even in this initial stage of the study, show a picture much more complex than it could be anticipated: the exploitation of local marmora emerges as a key factor, but there are also some foreign materials, both from other regions of Spain as well as the central Mediterranean (Italy).
In press
In press
In spite of the great leap forward experienced in our understanding of marble and other ornamental stones use in Roman Spain, provenance studies are still quite uncommon in some territories of the Iberian Peninsula. This was the case of... more
In spite of the great leap forward experienced in our understanding of marble and other ornamental stones use in Roman Spain, provenance studies are still quite uncommon in some territories of the Iberian Peninsula. This was the case of the northwesternmost part (modern Galicia), where no significant work had been done on this subject. Thus, in 2012 we compiled a catalogue of marble objects found in this territory, most of them currently in several museums, institutions but many others reemployed in early medieval churches. Subsequently, a provenance study of some of them was undertaken. Our first aim was not only to determine which marbles reached an area as far apart from the Mediterranean Sea as Gallaecia, but to do so from an interdisciplinary perspective to obtain the chronology of its presence as well to understand the trade routes and other mechanisms of the economy and society that produced or enjoyed these objects. However, soon enough it became clear that local marbles played a significant role on the marble consumption in this territory, as some of these objects presented very particular features that did not match the features of the main well-known Classical marbles neither those of the southern Spanish ones (i.e. Almadén de la Plata, Estremoz, Macael, Mijas…).
Therefore, to locate the source and to perform the archaeometric characterization of these marbles became another main goal. Among them, the local stone known as O Incio marble was the first one to be approached since its very particular appearance (it is a white/grey, fine-grained, banded marble) strongly suggested it was the raw material of some of the objects in study and the fact that it had been in use until recently. Nevertheless, another group of white, coarse-grained marble remained unidentified and thus other marble outcrops on the territory were surveyed (areas of Mondoñedo, Sarria, O Caurel and Portomarín) to gather first-hand data and samples.
The work presented here is part of an ongoing project in which the use of multimethod analysis (POM, CL and IRMS for C-O isotopic determination) is applied to identify and adequately characterize the different outcropping marble varieties as the first and basic step to correctly differentiate from other Spanish or even Mediterranean marbles. The results so far, and even in this initial stage of the study, show a picture much more complex than anticipated: next to some foreign materials, both from other regions of Spain as well as the central Mediterranean (Italy), O Incio marble was rather used in this territory but it was not the only local marble variety exploited by the Romans. The archaeometric study provides the essential basis upon which pursue further research.
We present the proposal and !rst results of the revisitation project, by an international team, of an unusual archaeological site in the north of Portugal, the Roman medicinal spa of São Vicente (Pena!el), discovered in 1901. The ruins... more
We present the proposal and !rst results of the revisitation project, by an international team, of an unusual archaeological site in the north of Portugal, the Roman medicinal spa of São Vicente (Pena!el), discovered in
1901. The ruins were preserved by the owner of the spa under construction and since that time open to the public, who also had the exceptional monograph published in 1902 by José Fortes, the archaeologist who accompanied the work.
More than a century later, new knowledge about Roman thermalism, history and archeology of the southern territory of Callaecia came to underline outstanding interpretation problems, which an approach with new methodology and technical resources will try to clarify, whenever possible using innovative and minimally intrusive techniques.
The Via Francigena stands as a European Cultural Route recognized by the Council of Europe, serving as a link between Northern and Southern Europe, extending from Canterbury through France and Switzerland to Rome in Italy. The Universal... more
The Via Francigena stands as a European Cultural Route recognized by the Council of Europe, serving as a link between Northern and Southern Europe, extending from Canterbury through France and Switzerland to Rome in Italy. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights underscores the
right of all individuals to partake in the cultural life of their communities, which entails ensuring that heritage sites remain accessible to everyone, regardless of their physical, cognitive or sensory abilities.
To achieve this, the ‘rurAllure’ project has been initiated to promote and disseminate the cultural and natural heritage along this pilgrimage route in an inclusive manner. This paper reviews the existing resources regarding accessibility in the Italian segment of the Via Francigena, comparing them to initiatives undertaken on other European Cultural Routes. This serves as an initial step to comprehend the measures required to guarantee that everyone can fully engage with and comprehend these cultural experiences. The analysis revealed that most of the limited accessibility efforts along this route have primarily focused on physical accessibility. Regrettably, cognitive and sensory accessibility has received considerably less attention. In this context, this paper proposes the thermal heritage located along the Val d’Orcia section in Tuscany, Italy, as particularly promising for the development of accessible experiences due to its tactile characteristics. The future efforts to enhance accessibility along this route should consider approaches like Universal Design for Learning and the geography of perception to create resources and new experiences that cater to a wide range of individuals.
As parcial conclusion of Fundation Seneca’s Project (15387/PHCS/10), we present a brief summary of the main minero-medicinal springs of the Iberian Peninsula which have been considered in the bibliography or in our field research as... more
As parcial conclusion of Fundation Seneca’s Project (15387/PHCS/10), we present a brief summary of the main minero-medicinal springs of the Iberian Peninsula which have been considered in the bibliography or in our field research as waters employed in the Roman Age. In each case, the explanation about its inclusion has been indicated.
Obviously, it is not a closed or definitive cathalogue, as well as we consider that new studies and future archaeological digs will allow us to complete it, but it can be an aissement of the current state of affairs of this study in the Iberian Peninsula.
In this paper we present a new study on the Amiadoso plaque (Allariz, Ourense), in which this Roman object has been analysed from an interdisciplinary point of view based in the combination of stylistic and archaeometric studies.... more
In this paper we present a new study on the Amiadoso plaque (Allariz, Ourense), in which this Roman object has been analysed from an interdisciplinary point of view based in the combination of stylistic and archaeometric studies. Consequently, we have linked up the analysis of the different artistic phases of this piece from a formal study with the identification of the marble used, which confirms a local provenance (O Incio area). These new data provide essential information, given the exceptional nature of this object, to recognize aspects related to technical quality of local workshops and consequently about social, economic and political implications of this type of productions in the Northwest of the Iberian Peninsula.
Research Interests:
We are pleased to inform you that the provisional brochure of the 3rd International conference on Ancient thermalism is already here! We will have very different presentations, of some very variated areas of the Ancient Roman Empire:... more
We are pleased to inform you that the provisional brochure of the 3rd International conference on Ancient thermalism is already here!

We will have very different presentations, of some very variated areas of the Ancient Roman Empire: Turkey, Bulgaria, North Macedonia, Croatia, France, Italy, Portugal, Spain or North of Africa, so we are sure we will enjoy these two days learning and sharing our knowledge about mineral-medicinal Waters in Antiquity.

In order to facilite the comunication among the different participants, the conference language will be English. For some of them who wants to participate online, please, register you in the webpage of the event.

All the information that you can need is in the Congress webpage
And in the web:
CALL FOR PAPERS IS ALREADY OPEN UNTIL 20TH DECEMBER 2022 !!! After the 1st International workshop Roman Baths and Thermo-mineral Baths in Urban and (Micro) Regional Perspectives (Kiel 2021); and the 2nd International Workshop Roman... more

After the 1st International workshop Roman Baths and Thermo-mineral Baths in Urban and (Micro) Regional Perspectives (Kiel 2021); and the 2nd International Workshop Roman Baths and Thermo-mineral Baths: an update on the present state of research (Bern, 2022), we are pleased to inform you that we are already working on the organization of the 3rd International Thermal Congress that will take place in Madrid (Spain) in 9-10th March 2023.

For this 3rd workshop, we propose to put the focus on questions about thermal spas and territory, including different subjects:
-Healing spas adapted to topographical and geological local conditions. Constructive solutions to different issues.
-Architectonical and functional characteristics of thermal spas: the use of local and foreign materials and technical knowledge
-The role of bathing establishments in the different territories
- Healing spas and ancient roads. Pilgrims and visitors on thermal sites

As in the previous meetings, the idea is to reinforce a network for the exchange of experiences and ideas related to the study of Ancient spas, focused on the Roman bath establishments with mineral-medicinal waters. The goal will be to create a forum of discussion about Roman Thermalism, adopting a mixed format onsite and online.

The best proposals will be suggested to be published in a high-level scientific publication with peer review.
Entre los días 27 al 29 de marzo de 2019 se celebrará en Yecla la IX Reunión Internacional sobre Escultura Romana en Hispania, como continuación de las ediciones precedentes (en particular la de Murcia del año 2005), organizada por... more
Entre los días 27 al 29 de marzo de 2019 se celebrará en Yecla la IX Reunión Internacional sobre Escultura Romana en Hispania, como continuación de las ediciones precedentes (en particular la de Murcia del año 2005), organizada por diversas instituciones de Yecla, en particular el Ayuntamiento, el Museo Arqueológico Municipal Cayetano de Mergelina y la sede permanente de la Universidad de Murcia en la ciudad.
Las excavaciones arqueológicas en la villa romana de Los Torrejones están permitiendo documentar un gran conjunto arquitectónico, con diversas estancias estructuradas en torno a un peristilo porticado con lacus central. El programa ornamental (pictórico, revestimientos marmóreos, escultórico…) es de una extraordinaria riqueza y calidad, revelando el uso de marmora de elevada calidad y prestigio procedentes de diversas canteras distribuidas por el Mediterráneo y la propia Hispania. Destaca el hallazgo en 2014 de un magnífico retrato del emperador Adriano, del tipo Rollockenfrisur y labrado en mármol de Göktepe (Turquía), que fue presentado en la VIII Reunión de Córdoba. La riqueza arqueológica de este enclave y la calidad de su material escultórico llevó al Museo Arqueológico de Yecla a proponer la ciudad como sede de la IX Reunión.
Siguiendo una tradición ya consolidada, la IX Reunión se concibe como un foro científico en que diversos especialistas expongan y discutan, bajo el formato de ponencias, las novedades, avances y nuevas propuestas en el campo de la escultura hispanorromana, al objeto de ampliar el corpus de materiales conocidos y posibilitar su inserción en el correspondiente discurso histórico. Se establece asimismo una sesión de comunicaciones en formato de póster, al objeto de que los investigadores que lo deseen  puedan dar a conocer novedades y nuevas propuestas concernientes a la escultura romana de Hispania.
Este foro, que concitará la reunión de una pléyade de expertos nacionales e internacionales, enriquecerá notablemente el debate científico entre especialistas, propiciará a los estudiantes universitarios un excelente marco de formación y aprendizaje, y contribuirá a afianzar el desarrollo de la Arqueología Clásica y de los estudios sobre escultura clásica hispana, propiciando de forma particular al desarrollo del proyecto Corpus Signorum Imperii Romani-España que tan notables resultados ha dando en las dos últimas décadas.
Research Interests:
A research website about Archaeology of Ancient Roman Thermalism — and a meeting point for researchers and other people interested in this subject (Thermal Network).
The Horizon 2020 project CrossCult aims to highlight historical and cultural associations between different characters, locations, events, venues, or artworks, to develop new strategies with which to promote intercultural and cross-border... more
The Horizon 2020 project CrossCult aims to highlight historical and cultural associations between different characters, locations, events, venues, or artworks, to develop new strategies with which to promote intercultural and cross-border aspects of history and heritage. This paper presents a pilot app that provides graph-based visualizations of those associations, arranged by Humanities experts in relation to several reflective topics, and glued together by narratives that may present
the same facts from diverse points of view. After querying a knowledge base that brings together several Linked Data resources, the associations are curated by the experts using a dedicated tool,
to ensure that only meaningful associations appear on the mobile app. In turn, the app users can contribute new associations in the form of written text, which the experts can turn into new concepts and properties in the knowledge base. Here, we present the design of the mobile app and the experts’ tool, together with the results of early experiments aimed at assessing the instructional value of the proposal.

By Abdullah Daif, Ahmed Dahroug, Martín López-Nores, Silvia González-Soutelo, Maddalena Bassani, Angeliki Antoniou, Alberto Gil-Solla, Manuel Ramos-Cabrer, José J. Pazos-Arias.
Sustainability in Cultural Heritage (CH) is a complex question that needs to be addressed by a group of experts tackling the different issues. In this light, the present work wishes to provide a multi-level analysis of the sustainability... more
Sustainability in Cultural Heritage (CH) is a complex question that needs to be addressed by a group of experts tackling the different issues. In this light, the present work wishes to provide a multi-level analysis of the sustainability in CH, using as an example a recent European H2020 project (CrossCult) and the lessons learnt from its design, implementation and evaluation. The sustainability of CH has qualitatively changed over the last few years, under the developments in digital technology that seems to affect the very nature of the cultural experience. We discuss sustainability in venues using digital technologies, covering a span of needs of small/unknown and large/popular venues, which try to enhance the visitor experience, attract visitors, form venue networks, etc. Moreover, we explore issues of sustainability of digital content and its re usability through holistic design. Aspects of technology, human networks and data sustainability are also presented, and we conclude with the arguments concerning the sustainability of visitor reflection, the interpretation of social and
historical phenomena and the creation of meaning.

By Kalliopi Kontiza, Angeliki Antoniou, Abdullah Daif, Susana Reboreda-Morillo, Maddalena Bassani, Silvia Gonzalez-Soutelo, Joseph Padfield, Ioanna Lykourentzou, Catherine Emma Jones, Martín Lopez Nores.
Recent advances in semantic web and deep learning technologies enable new means for the computational analysis of vast amounts of information from the field of digital humanities. We discuss how some of the techniques can be used to... more
Recent advances in semantic web and deep learning technologies enable new means for the computational analysis of vast amounts of information from the field of digital humanities. We discuss how some of the techniques can be used to identify historical and cultural symmetries between different characters, locations, events or venues, and how these can be harnessed to develop new strategies to promote intercultural and cross-border aspects that support the teaching and learning of history and heritage. The strategies have been put to the test in the context of the European project CrossCult, revealing enormous potential to encourage curiosity to discover new information and increase retention of learned information.

By Martín López-Nores, Omar Gustavo Bravo-Quezada, Maddalena Bassani, Angeliki Antoniou, Ioanna Lykourentzou, Catherine Emma Jones, Kalliopi Kontiza, Silvia González-Soutelo, Susana Reboreda-Morillo, Yannick Naudet, Andreas Vlachidis, Antonis Bikakis and José Juan Pazos-Arias