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  • Industrial Engineer, Master in Administrative Engineering, PhD(c) in Engineering, Industry and Organizations. Full Ti... moreedit
This article describes new minimum travel time formulations for the picker routing problem (PRP) in 3-D warehouses based on real operating conditions, such as height reference levels, to leave aisles and to pick devices with simultaneous... more
This article describes new minimum travel time formulations for the picker routing problem (PRP) in 3-D warehouses based on real operating conditions, such as height reference levels, to leave aisles and to pick devices with simultaneous and sequential movements. This study validated the proposed formulations through an experimental design, statistical analysis based on ANOVA, and comparison of means. This research proposal allows for improving order picking models for 3-D warehouses by including appropriate travel time formulations related to vertical and horizontal movements and height reference levels to leave aisles, which affect the objective functions involving travel time.
This article aims to describe a supplier evaluation and selection methodology based on a fuzzy inference system (FIS) for the gold mining sector. Based on a literature review, a fuzzy system consisting of the characterization of the... more
This article aims to describe a supplier evaluation and selection methodology based on a fuzzy inference system (FIS) for the gold mining sector. Based on a literature review, a fuzzy system consisting of the characterization of the procurement process, variable input and output membership functions, fuzzy rules, methods of aggregation and defuzzification is developed, including weighting factors to generate fuzzy rules. The proposed FIS is modeled in Matlab® and validated in a gold mining company located in the mining district of Ataco-Payandé, Colombia. With the results it is found that FIS supports the decision-making process and increases the capabilities for the supplier evaluation and selection by using quantitative models, linguistic variables and fuzzy rules involving uncertainty and ambiguity. Thus, it contributes to the improvement of mining companies, where the purchasing process and supplier management are critical components of the mining logistics system.
Research Interests:
This article aims to identify different literature reviews of supplier selection to analyze the topics addressed in these documents, and suggest research opportunities for future literature reviews in issues that have not been addressed... more
This article aims to identify different literature reviews of supplier selection to analyze the topics addressed in these documents, and suggest research opportunities for future literature reviews in issues that have not been addressed in the literature or require a deeper approach. This study states that the majority of existing literature reviews focus on the analysis of supplier selection methods and criteria, and uncertainty management, environmental management, and sustainability have been addressed in recent years. As a conclusion, it is suggested to focus future literature reviews on topics such as risk management, statistical methods, methods applied to industry sectors, implementation of supplier selection to small and medium enterprises, comparative analysis of solution methods performance, and the adaptation of solution methods from areas different to supplier selection. Likewise, it is recommended to continue updating literature reviews related to green and sustainable supplier selection, and uncertainty management in supplier selection, especially for the last 3-5 years.
Una de las peores formas de vulnerar los derechos de los niños, niñas y adolescentes (NNA) es a través de la explotación sexual comercial (ESC). Esta violencia sexual afecta doblemente a los menores de edad, ya que además de ser abusados... more
Una de las peores formas de vulnerar los derechos de los niños, niñas y adolescentes (NNA) es a través de la explotación sexual comercial (ESC). Esta violencia sexual afecta doblemente a los menores de edad, ya que además de ser abusados sexualmente, son utilizados con fines lucrativos. Este estudio tiene como objetivo identificar las actitudes y las prácticas que los estudiantes de educación superior en programas relacionados con el turismo tienen sobre la ESCNNA en contexto de viajes y turismo (ESCNNA-VT). Para esto, se diseñó y se aplicó una encuesta CAP en estudiantes del programa de Administración de Empresas Turísticas (AET) de la Universidad de Medellín. Los resultados evidencian el desconocimiento para la identificación y prevención del delito, y su modalidad en contexto de viajes y turismo, así como en el procedimiento para denunciar y asumir responsabilidades profesionales y legales como futuros prestadores de servicios. Se concluye que, como parte de la corresponsabilidad de la academia, se debe intervenir el plan de estudios de los programas de pregrado en turismo para garantizar una industria turística sostenible, responsable y libre de delito, que ante todo proteja los derechos de los NNA.
La explotación sexual comercial de niños, niñas y adolescentes (ESCNNA) es un delito que va en aumento a nivel mundial, y que preocupa a todas las agendas internacionales al ser un tipo de abuso sexual que vulnera altamente los derechos... more
La explotación sexual comercial de niños, niñas y adolescentes (ESCNNA) es un delito que va en aumento a nivel mundial, y que preocupa a todas las agendas internacionales al ser un tipo de abuso sexual que vulnera altamente los derechos de niños, niñas y adolescentes (NNA). Este estudio tiene como objetivo identificar los conocimientos que los estudiantes de educación superior en programas relacionados con el turismo tienen sobre la ESCNNA asociada a viajes y turismo (ESCNNA-VT). Para esto, el Programa de Administración de Empresas Turísticas (AET) de la Universidad de Medellín, en convenio con la UNODC, diseñó y realizó una encuesta que evidenció el desconocimiento y la confusión frente algunos aspectos de este delito, así como la forma de prevenirlo y denunciarlo. Se concluye que se debe intervenir el plan de estudios de los programas de pregrado en turismo para reforzar principalmente conocimientos relacionados con la definición del delito de la ESCNNA, la identificación de sus modalidades y el papel de la industria turística dentro de la oferta y la demanda en este tipo de explotación.
Este artículo tiene como objetivo identificar las diferentes revisiones de literatura de selección de proveedores, con el fin de analizar las temáticas allí abordadas, y sugerir oportunidades de investigación para realizar futuras... more
Este artículo tiene como objetivo identificar las diferentes revisiones de literatura de selección de proveedores, con el fin de analizar las temáticas allí abordadas, y sugerir oportunidades de investigación para realizar futuras revisiones de literatura en aspectos que no se han abordado en la literatura, o que requieren de continuidad y ampliación de su enfoque. Se identifica que la mayoría de revisiones de literatura existentes se enfocan en el análisis de métodos y criterios para la selección de proveedores, y en años más recientes se ha aumentado en énfasis en el manejo de la incertidumbre, medio ambiente y sostenibilidad. Con el fin de realizar revisiones de literatura enfocadas en temáticas de alta relevancia en el campo científico, académico y empresarial, se sugiere enfocar futuras revisiones de literatura en temas como la gestión de riesgos, métodos estadísticos, aplicación de métodos a sectores reales, aplicación de la selección de proveedores a pequeñas y medianas empresas, análisis comparativos de desempeño de métodos de solución, adaptación de métodos de solución de áreas similares a la selección de proveedores. Del mismo modo, se recomienda continuar con la actualización de revisiones de literatura de selección de proveedores verdes y sostenibles, y del manejo de incertidumbre, especialmente en ventanas de tiempo entre 3 y 5 años.
Este artículo presenta una metodología de enseñanza aplicando enfoques de aprender-haciendo y servicio-aprendizaje basada en la caracterización y mejoramiento de procesos logísticos para la formación logística de administradores de... more
Este artículo presenta una metodología de enseñanza aplicando enfoques de aprender-haciendo y servicio-aprendizaje basada en la caracterización y mejoramiento de procesos logísticos para la formación logística de administradores de empresas. Esto con el objeto de responder a las necesidades reales de las empresas, y permitiendo la apropiación de conocimientos y competencias brindadas en cursos universitarios de pregrado. Luego de su implementación, se determina a través de encuestas a estudiantes que la metodología propuesta es pertinente y coherente para su uso en el ejercicio profesional. Se observa que la metodología desarrolla competencias para solucionar problemas reales en empresas, e igualmente afianza y pone en práctica los conocimientos aprendidos en gestión logística y otras asignaturas de administración de empresas.
Currently, several lawsuits have been established into the World Trade Organization (WTO) dispute settlement body related with the use of some trade policies where countries block their exports abroad as a sort of protectionism which is... more
Currently, several lawsuits have been established into the World Trade Organization (WTO) dispute settlement body related with the use of some trade policies where countries block their exports abroad as a sort of protectionism which is not entirely regulated by the multilateral trading system. Therefore, this scenario is pushing states to sign particular commitments on the accession protocol of the WTO in order to be new members, besides to develop parallels legal frameworks through Free Trade Agreements (FTA) that undermine the current legal system. All these differences usually cite articles from the General Agreement and Tariffs on Trade (GATT) and others legal texts, therefore, the multilateral trading system requires to perform a new round of negotiations for adjusting some obsoletes rules, especially when considering the increase of the "reverse protectionism" due to the depletion of natural resources which leads to new challenges for international relations.
This article aims to provide a quantitative methodology of easy implementation and understanding in order to support the international market selection (IMS). The proposed methodology allows weighing factors related to cost, logistics,... more
This article aims to provide a quantitative methodology of easy implementation and understanding in order to support the international market selection (IMS). The proposed methodology allows weighing factors related to cost, logistics, trade barriers, and culture. In order to validate the proposed methodology, we study the international market selection for cheese from Colombia, and we apply a sensitivity analysis which tests the impact of these weights. In this sense, it is concluded that France is the most appropriate market followed by the Netherlands according to the weights assigned to the variables and factors.
Este artículo tiene como objetivo desarrollar un algoritmo genético para minimizar la distancia recorrida en almacenes y centros de distribución donde se aplica el problema de conformación de lotes para la preparación de pedidos. Para... more
Este artículo tiene como objetivo desarrollar un algoritmo genético para minimizar la distancia recorrida en almacenes y centros de distribución donde se aplica el problema de conformación de lotes para la preparación de pedidos. Para esto, se propone una nueva representación de soluciones, en la cual cada gen de un cromosoma representa una orden de cliente a recuperar, facilitando la aplicación de operadores de cruzamiento y mutación. A través de experimentos computacionales se establece que el algoritmo genético genera ahorros significativos en distancia recorrida y número de lotes respecto a una regla básica de conformación de lotes, especialmente en escenarios donde se exige conformar un mayor número de lotes. Se concluye que el algoritmo genético brinda soluciones eficientes en un tiempo computacional razonable, por lo cual se recomienda su implementación en ambientes operativos de almacenes y centros de distribución.
El propósito de este artículo es ofrecer una metodología cuantitativa para la selección de mercados para pequeñas y medianas em-presas (PYMES), de fácil implementación y comprensión que pondera factores de costo, logística, barreras... more
El propósito de este artículo es ofrecer una metodología cuantitativa para la selección de mercados para pequeñas y medianas em-presas (PYMES), de fácil implementación y comprensión que pondera factores de costo, logística, barreras comerciales, y cultura. En dicha metodología se analizan variables que determinan de un modo objetivo la selección de un mercado para la exportación de mercancías. Para validar la metodología propuesta, se estudia la selección de mercados internacionales para bebidas carbonatadas desde Colombia, concluyendo que el Reino Unido es el mercado más apropiado de acuerdo a las ponderaciones asignadas a las variables y factores. Palabras clave Selección de mercados internacionales, PYMES, internacionalización, exportaciones, toma de decisiones.
Este estudio tiene como objetivo reconocer las ventajas y funcionalidades que brindan las tecnologías de información y comunicación (TIC) a los pregrados de negocios internacionales, así como identificar las TIC más utilizadas en estos.... more
Este estudio tiene como objetivo reconocer las ventajas y funcionalidades que brindan las tecnologías de información y comunicación (TIC) a los pregrados de negocios internacionales, así como identificar las TIC más utilizadas en estos. Para esto, se propone una metodología en la cual se efectúa un estudio de campo basado en una encuesta semi-estructurada, dirigida a los coordinadores de los grados de negocios internacionales en 14 universidades colombianas. Como resultado se obtiene que las TIC permiten a los pregrados de negocios internacionales aumentar su visibilidad, captar el interés de los estudiantes potenciales, brindar un canal de comunicación entre el programa y los grupos de interés, además de divulgar oportunidades de empleo a los estudiantes y egresados. El estudio resalta que las TIC más empleadas son los sitios web y las redes sociales. Como conclusión, el estudio arroja que las TIC tienen más relevancia que medios tradicionales de comunicación en los programas de negocios internacionales, y para las directivas de esta clase de programas es indispensable intensificar su adopción gracias a las ventajas y resultados que estas ofrecen. De esta forma se destaca que las TIC apoyan la promoción de los programas, divulgación de novedades de los pregrados y mejoran su visibilidad a nivel internacional.
Este artículo caracteriza la red de datos de las empresas del sector público de Cúcuta-Colombia, por lo cual se realiza una revisión de normas y estándares internacionales para la estructuración de redes de datos empresariales. Se... more
Este artículo caracteriza la red de datos de las empresas del sector público de Cúcuta-Colombia, por lo cual se realiza una revisión de normas y estándares internacionales para la estructuración de redes de datos empresariales. Se identifican oportunidades de mejora en la implantación de las normas y estándares analizados, y en la integración de las redes de datos con el proceso de planeación estratégica y procesos funcionales de las empresas.
Introduction. Nowadays Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have improved the processes in organizations and enterprises. In this sense, international business negotiations can be optimized with these tools allowing that... more
Introduction. Nowadays Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have improved the processes in organizations and enterprises. In this sense, international business negotiations can be optimized with these tools allowing that small, medium and large enterprises also increase their proficiency and performance in this kind of operation. According to the information above, this article analyzes the level of appropriation of these technologies and several correlations between variables related with the use of ICT within the Pacific Alliance. Objective. This article aims to identify the relationship between appropriation of ICT and performance of international business negotiations in this trade bloc. Materials and Methods. A relationship model between appropriation of ICT and performance of international business negotiations is proposed, validating it with a study conducted with 384 companies from Chile, Colombia, Mexico, and Peru that carry out import and/or export processes. Findings. The evidence indicates an important proficiency and international negotiation performance improvement within the enterprises in this region. Conclusion. This research shows that increasing the frequency of training in the use of ICT promotes proficiency in these technologies and improves performance in the international negotiation process.
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This article aims to propose and implement an aggregated production planning model to provide optimal strategies in the medium term for a textile company, for which a linear programming model is proposed to minimise total costs associated... more
This article aims to propose and implement an aggregated production planning model to provide optimal strategies in the medium term for a textile company, for which a linear programming model is proposed to minimise total costs associated with labour and inventory levels. The model proposed takes into account characteristics associated with fabric con- traction, wastes in the process, the efficiency of new employees, and training requirements. The model is implemented and solved in GAMS, supported on an MSExcel interface, to find the optimal solution, which is to apply a hybrid strategy to the production plan, and also some strategies for improving the production process are generated.
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Despite critical research on career choice intentions, we lack understanding of the antecedents to career choice intentions of successors, especially in emerging economy contexts. Building on the theory of planned behavior and with data... more
Despite critical research on career choice intentions, we lack understanding of the antecedents to career choice intentions of successors, especially in emerging economy contexts. Building on the theory of planned behavior and with data obtained from GUESSS project, the article aims to analyze university students’ career choice intentions within a family business context. Our findings suggest that students with family business background are pessimistic about being successor, but optimistic about pursuing an entrepreneurial career. The paper contributes to the entrepreneurship literature by adding up insights from emerging countries to the debate.
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This article identifies the main characteristics of nascent and active entrepreneurs. We use the information from the GUESSS Colombia 2013/2014 study. Main findings show that the rate of nascent and active entrepreneurs in Colombia is... more
This article identifies the main characteristics of nascent and active entrepreneurs. We use the information from the GUESSS Colombia 2013/2014 study. Main findings show that the rate of nascent and active entrepreneurs in Colombia is higher than worldwide and that the main industry sector of planned and existing firms are trade and ICT industries. Likewise, nascent entrepreneurs start up their firms with partners, while active entrepreneurs contribute with the majority of the equity, considering that they perform better than competitors and are optimistic with the growth of their firms.
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RESUMEN: El problema de programación de los recursos en las líneas de producción es cada vez más complejo debido los continuos cambios en las tendencias del mercado, por lo que es importante desarrollar metodologías que permitan a las... more
RESUMEN: El problema de programación de los recursos en las líneas de producción es cada vez más complejo debido los continuos cambios en las tendencias del mercado, por lo que es importante desarrollar metodologías que permitan a las empresas alcanzar los objetivos productivos al menor costo. En este artículo se presenta una metodología basada en simulación de eventos discretos con el fin de determinar y programar los recursos en una planta de confección de una gran empresa.
ABSTRACT: The resource planning problem in production lines is increasingly complex due to the continuous changes in market trends, so it is important to develop methodologies that allow companies to achieve production objectives at the lowest cost. In this article we present a methodology based on discrete event simulation in order to schedule resources in a clothing manufacturing plant of a large company.
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This article aims to identify the effects generated by the economic openness as trade policy in the Colombian dairy industry. Through the analysis of different variables at the national level and in the Latin American-Caribbean region, we... more
This article aims to identify the effects generated by the economic openness as trade policy in the Colombian dairy industry. Through the analysis of different variables at the national level and in the Latin American-Caribbean region, we found that the Colombian dairy industry have high levels of tariff protectionism reflecting internal problems of productive efficiency and competitiveness. It is concluded that the dairy sector in Colombia must to improve production efficiency to offer competitive domestic prices, and thus meet the domestic demand for dairy products, as well as to focus dairy exports on products with higher added value.
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Since GATT and WTO foundation, some disputes have occurred between their full member regarding the adoption of export restrictions, which has generated a neo-protectionism or " reverse protectionism " , which is not yet properly regulated... more
Since GATT and WTO foundation, some disputes have occurred between their full member regarding the adoption of export restrictions, which has generated a neo-protectionism or " reverse protectionism " , which is not yet properly regulated within the multilateral trading system. This article aims to present an analysis of the export restrictions in international trade. For this, all the disputes raised to date on tariff measures and non-tariff measures applied to the export of goods under the GATT and WTO regime are identified. Therefore, we concluded that it is necessary for the WTO to develop trade policies that properly regulate export restrictions in international trade.
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En este artículo se modela el slotting de mínimo costo en centros de distribución, considerando múltiples SKU y sistemas de almacenamiento heterogéneos. Para esto, se implementa un método de optimización, un metaheurístico de búsqueda... more
En este artículo se modela el slotting de mínimo costo en centros de distribución, considerando múltiples SKU y sistemas de almacenamiento heterogéneos. Para esto, se implementa un método de optimización, un metaheurístico de búsqueda tabú y una regla empírica. Como resultado de un diseño de experimentos, se obtiene que el tamaño de lista de acomodo tiene un efecto significativo sobre el slotting, y que el método de optimización genera una reducción en costos de mano de obra respecto al metaheuristico.
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This article aims to describe the university students’ career intentions from the theory of planned behavior. Data are obtained from GUESSS, an international research that examines students’ career intentions (founders, employees,... more
This article aims to describe the university students’ career intentions from the theory of planned behavior. Data are obtained from GUESSS, an international research that examines students’ career intentions (founders, employees, successors). The main findings show that in Colombia prevails the intention to be an entrepreneur and students’ career intentions seem to follow the international pattern of being an employee and later a founder. Also, the study states significant differences for career intentions in the study fields, education level and academic performance, while gender and age range of students are not significantly different for career intentions.
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This paper evaluates various routing policies (s-shape, largest gap, return and composite policies) and introduces a novel heuristic called Minimum Heuristic (MinH) to solve the picker routing problem. The performance of the routing... more
This paper evaluates various routing policies (s-shape, largest gap, return and composite policies) and introduces a novel heuristic called Minimum Heuristic (MinH) to solve the picker routing problem. The performance of the routing policies and the MinH heuristic is validated by an experimental design, varying the number of aisles, locations per aisle and pick list size. The experimental results show the travel distance savings of MinH heuristic over routing policies, highlighting that for all of the instances, the MinH heuristic performs 14,3% better than the existing routing policies.
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This article aims to solve a NP-Hard production planning problem with stochastic variables in a modular manufacturing plant of a large company.In order to minimize costs per batch amixed programming model is proposed, which is based on... more
This article aims to solve a NP-Hard production planning problem with stochastic variables in a modular manufacturing plant of a large company.In order to minimize costs per batch amixed programming model is proposed, which is based on results of a discrete simulation model executed in MSExcel and VBApplications. The simulation model presents variables such as manufacturing modules, setup staff, space and machinery resources, among others.After find the optimal solution of the production problem, it is concluded that the discrete simulation for modular manufacturing systems is adaptable to basic software, allows to propose new scenarios, articulate complex information, customize models and facilitates parameterize alarge number of variables.
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This article aims to develop a methodology for the international market selection (IMS), using fuzzy logic for the uncertainty of the variables in the market evaluation. Therefore, several procedures are proposed, including market... more
This article aims to develop a methodology for the international market selection (IMS), using fuzzy logic for the uncertainty of the variables in the market evaluation. Therefore, several procedures are proposed, including market pre-selection, criteria definition, criteria weighting, data collection, data variability and a market evaluation model. Through Monte Carlo simulation, the market evaluation model measures the stability of international markets for exporting when criteria are fuzzy. A case study for the export of frozen beef from Colombia validates the methodology. The proposed approach helps to improve the exporting performance, and it is applicable for small and medium enterprises because the model uses free access data sources, and the algorithms of the market evaluation model can be performed in spreadsheets.
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In this paper, we study the computation time of routing policies for the picker routing problem in order to determine the feasibility of the simultaneous use of these policies in picking problems. For this, programming details of routing... more
In this paper, we study the computation time of routing policies for the picker routing problem in order to determine the feasibility of the simultaneous use of these policies in picking problems. For this, programming details of routing policies are shown, and simulations considering different warehouse sizes and pick list sizes are performed. Taking into account different population sizes and numbers of iterations, the computation time of routing policies in population-based metaheuristics for the order batching problem is estimated.
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En este artículo se diseña una metodología de autoevaluación para la acreditación de programas académicos de pregrado de alta calidad. Se analizan actividades para las etapas de ponderación, recolección de información, emisión de juicios... more
En este artículo se diseña una metodología de autoevaluación para la acreditación de programas académicos de pregrado de alta calidad. Se analizan actividades para las etapas de ponderación, recolección de información, emisión de juicios y planes de acción, basadas en los requerimientos del Consejo Nacional de Acreditación (CNA) de Colombia. La metodología propuesta estandariza el proceso de autoevaluación, arroja resultados objetivos, ofrecen mayor tiempo para el análisis de resultados y planes de mejora continua en cualquier programa de pregrado.
Research Interests:
This article describes the determining factors of entrepreneurial intention in Colombia university students from GUESSS study data. The determinants of entrepreneurial intention are studied from the theory of planned behavior (TPB)... more
This article describes the determining factors of entrepreneurial intention in Colombia university students from GUESSS study data. The determinants of entrepreneurial intention are studied from the theory of planned behavior (TPB) through the variables of perceived desirability, perceived behavioral control and perceived social norms. Thus, the main personal motivations to be an entrepreneur, the strength of entrepreneurial intention, as well as the influence of family, and social context of university students are identified.

Este artículo analiza los determinantes de la intención emprendedora en estudiantes universitarios de Colombia a partir de los datos del estudio GUESSS. Los determinantes de la intención emprendedora se analizan desde la teoría del comportamiento planificado (TPB) a través de las variables de la deseabilidad percibida, el control del comportamiento percibido y las normas sociales percibidas. De esta forma, se identifican las principales motivaciones personales para ser emprendedor, la fuerza de la intención emprendedora, así como la influencia del contexto familiar y social en estudiantes universitarios.
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This article presents the design and implementation of a Balanced Scorecard (BSC) in a medium-sized company in Colombia, providing synthetic indicators for objectives, perspectives and business strategies through key performance... more
This article presents the design and implementation of a Balanced Scorecard (BSC) in a medium-sized company in Colombia, providing synthetic indicators for objectives, perspectives and business strategies through key performance indicators (KPIs) and a hierarchical weighting method. The BSC combines the subjectivity in assigning weights to KPIs, objectives and perspectives, with the objectivity in the quantitative method of normalization and aggregation of indicators, facilitating SMEs monitoring the achievement of goals, support decision-making and implement action plans to achieve business goals.
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This article proposes a methodology to support decision-making to select an international market. To do so, an output-oriented data envelopment analysis (DEA) model is used. This methodology takes into account multiple variables such as... more
This article proposes a methodology to support decision-making to select an international market. To do so, an output-oriented data envelopment analysis (DEA) model is used. This methodology takes into account multiple variables such as import tariffs, logistics costs, the ease of doing business, cultural gaps, the value of imports, GDP per capita, and logistics performance, among others, which are validated with a correlation analysis. The methodology is applied to frozen beef exported from Colombia, and it assesses the efficiency of possible destination countries. Finally, this study concludes that DEA provides easy to apply robust models identifying countries and regions that generate higher benefits to access international markets. Keywords: data envelopment analysis (DEA); international market selection (IMS); exports; frozen meat. Aplicación de DEA en la selección del mercado internacional para la exportación de bienes Resumen Este artículo propone una metodología para apoyar la toma de decisiones en la selección de mercados internacionales. Para esto, se utiliza un modelo de análisis envolvente de datos (DEA) orientado a salidas. La metodología utilizada tiene en cuenta múltiples variables como el arancel de importación, costos logísticos, facilidad de hacer negocios, diferencias culturales, valor de importaciones, PIB per cápita, desempeño logístico, entre otros, a los cuales se les aplica un análisis de correlación para su validación. Se aplica la metodología para la carne de res congelada exportada desde Colombia, y se evalúa la eficiencia de los posibles países destinos en los cuales podría comercializarse el producto. Se concluye que DEA ofrece modelos robustos y fáciles a aplicar para identificar los países y regiones que generan mayores beneficios en el acceso a mercados internacionales. Palabras clave: análisis envolvente de datos (DEA); selección de mercados internacionales (IMS); exportaciones; carne congelada.
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Este artículo establece las principales limitaciones y razones de no uso y apropiación de tecnologías de información y comunicación (TIC) para el proceso de negociación internacional. Para esto, se lleva a cabo en Colombia una... more
Este artículo establece las principales limitaciones y razones de no uso y apropiación de tecnologías de información y comunicación (TIC) para el proceso de negociación internacional. Para esto, se lleva a cabo en Colombia una investigación en 380 empresas que realizan operaciones de importación y/o exportación, a las cuales se les aplicó una encuesta telefónica para identificar los motivos que impiden el uso de TIC. Dentro de los resultados obtenidos, se destaca que el principal motivo de no uso de TIC especializadas es el desconocimiento de estas, por lo cual se realiza una caracterización de estas tecnologías con base en una revisión de literatura. Se concluye que para mejorar el nivel de uso y apropiación de TIC especializadas, se requiere una mayor divulgación de la funcionalidad, aplicación y beneficios que estas ofrecen a las organizaciones.

This article establishes the main obstacles to use and appropriate information and communication technologies (ICT) for the international negotiation process. For this, a research in 380 Colombian enterprises engaged in import and / or export operations is conducted, supported in a telephone survey to identify the reasons that affect the use of ICT. Within results, it is noted that the main reason for non-use specialized ICT is the lack of knowledge about the existence of these, so a characterization of these technologies is performed, based on a literature review. It is concluded that to improve the level of use and appropriation of specialized ICT, it is required a greater divulgation about the functionality, applicability and benefits that they offer to organizations.
Research Interests:
This article aims to describe a supplier evaluation and selection methodology based on a fuzzy inference system (FIS) for the gold mining sector. Based on a literature review, a fuzzy system consisting of the characterization of the... more
This article aims to describe a supplier evaluation and selection methodology based on a fuzzy inference system (FIS) for the gold mining sector. Based on a literature review, a fuzzy system consisting of the characterization of the procurement process, variable input and output membership functions, fuzzy rules, methods of aggregation and defuzzification is developed, including weighting factors to generate fuzzy rules. The proposed FIS is modeled in Matlab® and validated in a gold mining company located in the mining district of Ataco-Payandé, Colombia. With the results it is found that FIS supports the decision-making process and increases the capabilities for the supplier evaluation and selection by using quantitative models, linguistic variables and fuzzy rules involving uncertainty and ambiguity. Thus, it contributes to the improvement of mining companies, where the purchasing process and supplier management are critical components of the mining logistics system.
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The article aims to use the mixture design to improve palletizing operation in a Distribution Center (CEDI) through the reduction of operation time. To achieve the goal, a simplex-lattice mixture design is applied to characterize and... more
The article aims to use the mixture design to improve palletizing operation in a Distribution Center (CEDI) through the reduction of operation time. To achieve the goal, a simplex-lattice mixture design is applied to characterize and improve the palletizing operation, which can be considered as an innovation in the state of the art. As a result, we get a palletizing time of approximately 25 minutes to fill orders from customers, which represents a reduction of 4 minutes in the operating time, which equates to a reduction of 14% over the current palletizing time.
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This research determines the level of use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in international negotiation processes and the performance obtained in companies using ICT. A research was conducted on 180 companies of... more
This research determines the level of use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in international negotiation processes and the performance obtained in companies using ICT. A research was conducted on 180 companies of Medellin city dedicated to import and / or export goods and services. It is concluded that in the international negotiation process prevails the use of conventional and generic ICT, and due to the use of ICT in international negotiation important benefits are obtained in terms of cost and time reduction, increases in number of contracts, market share, volume of sold and purchased products, and profits.
Research Interests:
This article presents a comparison between Medellin and Colombia regarding to the use and appropriation of information and communication technologies (ICT) for international negotiation processes. A field study is carried out in 182... more
This article presents a comparison between Medellin and Colombia regarding to the use and appropriation of information and communication technologies (ICT) for international negotiation processes. A field study is carried out in 182 companies of Medellin and 380 Colombian companies who perform international trading activities, finding similarities between Medellin and Colombia regarding the importance and frequency of ICT use, preferences in negotiations, activities facilitated by ICT, ICT mastery and motivations to acquire technologies. Differences identified are related to the improvement of relations, evaluation of the advantages and disadvantages of ICT, and ICT training methods. Keywords: Information and communication
Research Interests:
This article presents a comparison between Medellin and Colombia regarding to the use and appropriation of information and communication technologies (ICT) for international negotiation processes. A field study is carried out in 182... more
This article presents a comparison between Medellin and Colombia regarding to the use and appropriation of information and communication technologies (ICT) for international negotiation processes. A field study is carried out in 182 companies of Medellin and 380 Colombian companies who perform international trading activities, finding similarities between Medellin and Colombia regarding the importance and frequency of ICT use, preferences in negotiations, activities facilitated by ICT, ICT mastery and motivations to acquire technologies. Differences identified are related to the improvement of relations, evaluation of the advantages and disadvantages of ICT, and ICT training methods.
Research Interests:
This research determines the level of use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in international negotiation processes and the performance obtained in companies using ICT. A research was conducted on 180 companies of... more
This research determines the level of use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in international negotiation processes and the performance obtained in companies using ICT. A research was conducted on 180 companies of Medellin city dedicated to import and / or export goods and services. It is concluded that in the international negotiation process prevails the use of conventional and generic ICT, and due to the use of ICT in international negotiation important benefits are obtained in terms of cost and time reduction, increases in number of contracts, market share, volume of sold and purchased products, and profits.
Research Interests:
Research Interests:
Objective – This article establishes relations between the level of importance of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), the frequency of use of these tools, and the efficiency and efficacy achieved in the international... more
Objective – This article establishes relations between the level of importance of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), the frequency of use of these tools, and the efficiency and efficacy achieved in the international negotiation processes.
Design/methodology/approach – A research study is carried out in 180 import and / or export firms in Medellin city, and the proposed relations are explained through a theoretical model. With the information obtained, correlation and comparative analysis of efficiency and efficacy indicators are made.
Findings – ICT are essential to perform international processes, therefore the increase in the importance level and frequency of use of these technologies allows perceiving better results about efficiency and efficacy increase.
Practical implications – Increasing the application of ICT to
the international negotiation processes generates a reduction of cost and time in negotiation and an increase of international sale contract, however ICT must be complemented by other elements such as attitude, training and experience of the negotiator to obtain satisfactory results.
Originality/value – The article proposes an original model to study the effect of the importance level and frequency of use of ICT on the performance of international negotiation process.
Research Interests:
This article aims to structure and characterize the supply chain of coal in Norte de Santander, identifying the main factors influencing the improvement of it. In this sense, an information search on secondary sources is performed to... more
This article aims to structure and characterize the supply chain of coal in Norte de Santander, identifying the main factors influencing the improvement of it. In this sense, an information search on secondary sources is performed to conceptualize the main contributions and functionality of logistics and supply chain management in the coal sector. With the collected data the different stages and actors involved in the chain of supply of coal are structured and characterized, and the most important strategies to achieve world-class performance in the
supply chain are identified. As a result, it is recommended to adopt a supply chain model in the coal sector in Norte de Santander, and also implement strategies related to demand assurance, appropriate infrastructure, modernization of production processes, associativity, legal accompaniment, availability of supplies, long-term partnerships, supply stability, reduced energy costs and environmental sustainability.
Research Interests:
This article proposes strategies to improve the competitiveness of the coal industry in the region of Norte de Santander, Colombia. Concepts about competitiveness for business development are reviewed in literature, and then a survey and... more
This article proposes strategies to improve the competitiveness of the coal industry in the region of Norte de Santander, Colombia. Concepts about competitiveness for business development are reviewed in literature, and then a survey and an interview with managers is applied. Then a weaknesses, opportunities, strengths and threats (SWOT) analysis is proposed to identify the main strategies required by the coal industry. It is concluded that the main strategies are related with the improvement of infrastructure and logistics, technological upgrading of production processes, and partnerships between the public and private sector.
Research Interests:
In this paper, we present four models of uncertainty in the MRP closed systems in the production components, such as: manufacturing capacity of each product, delivery time and inventory availability. These parameters are processed by the... more
In this paper, we present four models of uncertainty in the MRP closed systems in the production components,
such as: manufacturing capacity of each product, delivery time and inventory availability. These parameters are processed by the fuzzy logic by modeling an MRP closed system deterministic. Therefore, three models are initially MRP closed system, where each independently consider uncertainty in capacity, delivery time and inventory availability. Also, we present a fourth model of MRP closed system jointly analyzes the uncertainty in the three parameters mentioned above. Each of these models is corroborated with information from a company in the Colombian electricity area, evaluating the total cost of the production plan, inventory levels, service level and computational complexity.
Research Interests:
This article identifies key information and communication technologies (ICT) used in the internationalnegotiation process, classifying them by phases and functionality. A literature review was conductedin recognized and high impact... more
This article identifies key information and communication technologies (ICT) used in the internationalnegotiation process, classifying them by phases and functionality. A literature review was conductedin recognized and high impact databases, building with this information a proposal of phases for theinternational negotiation process, and characterizing ICT by elements such as functionality, businesstools, complexity and scope of use, among others. We conclude that there is a wide range of ICT tosupport the stages of international negotiations, offering various solutions to the specific needs of eachcompany regarding to the management of information and communication.
Research Interests:
This scientific article sought to identify factors influencing the adoption or rejection of information communication technologies (ICT) for international negotiation of sales processes. The study focused on 180 companies in the city of... more
This scientific article sought to identify factors influencing the adoption or rejection of information communication technologies (ICT) for international negotiation of sales processes. The study focused on 180 companies in the city of Medellin, Colombia, engaged in import and/or export activities; these companies were evaluated on the disadvantages of using ICT,
preferences on how to negotiate (face to face or ICT-mediated), elements to improve relations and issues affecting the implementation of specialized ICT for negotiation. The study shows that the biggest impediments to implementing specialized ICT for negotiation are due to lack of knowledge of the ICT itself, failure of companies to recognize the need for ICT, and the costs associated with the acquisition and operation of these technologies. It was also concluded that ICT for international negotiation should allow effective achievement ofgoals, build trust, and an appropriate environment to maintain relationships among negotiators.
Research Interests:
This article aims at clarifying the concepts of appropriation and use of information and communication technologies in international negotiation processes made by productive organizations. For this, a bibliographic revision was made... more
This article aims at clarifying the concepts of appropriation and use of information and communication technologies in international negotiation processes made by productive
organizations. For this, a bibliographic revision was made collecting the meaning of terms, integrated into an integral reflection method based on semantic and administrative
perspectives. Finally, we discuss its empirical meaning to affirm that the real essence of the company focuses on the use, rather than on the appropriation of ICTs for the international
negotiations done by productive organizations, in which huge research horizons remain accessible for future research.
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Este artigo de revisão bibliográfica procura identificar o estado da arte e a utilização das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TIC) em gestão de estoques e sua aplicação na indústria colombiana. A partir da revisão realizada se... more
Este artigo de revisão bibliográfica procura identificar o estado da arte e a utilização das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TIC) em gestão de estoques e sua aplicação na indústria colombiana. A partir da revisão realizada se identifica que as tecnologias aplicadas a gestão de estoques contribuem para a simplificação das operações, redução de custos, melhoria dos fluxos de informação; enquanto que os principais obstáculos a implementação são os altos custos, a cultura organizacional e a inadequada estruturação dos processos. Quanto ao uso das TIC na Colômbia, se identificou um baixo grau de implementação nas pequenas e médias empresas (PMES) e um nível médio nas grandes empresas.
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La dinámica de la economía mundial, el interés de internacionalización de las organizaciones, la conciencia de administrar empresas eficientes y productivas, la preocupación por el medio ambiente y la competitividad, entre otros aspectos,... more
La dinámica de la economía mundial, el interés de internacionalización de las organizaciones, la conciencia de administrar empresas eficientes y productivas, la preocupación por el medio ambiente y la competitividad, entre otros aspectos, dan origen a temas como: productividad, producción, compras, transporte, inventarios y el concepto de logística que es el término de referencia en este documento. La logística pretende organizar, coordinar y ejecutar las actividades de las organizaciones para hacer de su operación el corazón de la eficiencia en la ejecución de los procesos productivos y de apoyo de las empresas en sectores de manufactura o de prestación de servicios. El libro “Logística Integral” hace una revisión crítica de referentes en el tema para consolidar un documento útil en el área de logística a todos los niveles. La estructura diseñada entrega un material didáctico permitiendo al formador, estudiantes e interesados en el tema hacer un recorrido coherente en el tema, iniciando con el cálculo y concepción de la demanda hasta entregar el producto al cliente final y analizar los procesos que componen la logística inversa. Los capítulos presentan la fundamentación teórica en cada tema y al final se diseña un instrumento que valida los conocimientos adquiridos y las competencias definidas para cada temática, además, se presenta un caso de aplicación con una intervención real en el tema de inventarios. Este documento pretende ser un motivador para que docentes, investigadores, y estudiantes emprendan proyectos a futuro con temas que aborden contenidos con profundidad y complejidad que muestren la incidencia real de tendencias logísticas en casos aplicados, y además denoten un análisis del entorno global en el tema. Finalmente, este producto se pone a disposición de los interesados con el ánimo de recibir críticas, aportes y observaciones que enriquezcan futuros trabajos en el tema de logística y pretende ser un referente a las personas interesadas en el tema.
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