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Lorena Gallardo Peralta

    Lorena Gallardo Peralta

    OBJECTIVE Despite the unquestionable progress in the treatment and legal and social recognition of persons with disabilities with modified capacity,the role and social position of the collective still hinders the development of a full... more
    OBJECTIVE Despite the unquestionable progress in the treatment and legal and social recognition of persons with disabilities with modified capacity,the role and social position of the collective still hinders the development of a full life. The objective was to know the possible effect of the guardianship exercise on the quality of life of persons with disabilities who reside permanently in residential centres and whose ordinary guardianship falls to the public FASAD Foundation. METHODS Correlational quantitative study. The GENCAT quality of life scale adapted so that the population under study itself was in charge of assessing the areas and dimensions related to their bio-psycho-social well-being. The starting hypothesis is was that exists a better perception of the levels of quality of life with a longer time of guardianship protection. In addition, the research questions were, What effects does the tutelary protection exercised by the FASAD Foundation have on the perception of th...
    There is a paucity of adequate and validated instruments for the measurement of successful aging for geriatric researchers in Chile. Aim: To validate the “Successful Aging Inventory” (SAI) in Chilean older people. Material and methods:... more
    There is a paucity of adequate and validated instruments for the measurement of successful aging for geriatric researchers in Chile. Aim: To validate the “Successful Aging Inventory” (SAI) in Chilean older people. Material and methods: SAI was answered by 777 older people aged 70 ± 7 years (63% women) living in urban and rural areas, including the highlands of a Northern desert region of Chile. Results: A Cronbach alfa of 0.92 was obtained for the general dimension of successful aging. The figures for each dimension included in the theoretical model (functional performance, intrapsychic factors, gero-transcendence; spirituality; purpose and life satisfaction), and ranged from 0.66 to 0.91. Confirmatory factorial analysis showed that the original inventory model, fits with the data collected from Chilean people. Conclusions: Successful Aging Inventory (SAI) is a reliable and adequate inventory, which can be used in Chilean older people
    espanolLa comunidad es un recurso psicosocial que promueve el bienestar en la vejez. En este articulo se presenta la validacion del cuestionario de apoyo social comunitario en una muestra representativa de personas mayores chilenas... more
    espanolLa comunidad es un recurso psicosocial que promueve el bienestar en la vejez. En este articulo se presenta la validacion del cuestionario de apoyo social comunitario en una muestra representativa de personas mayores chilenas (n=777). Los resultados de esta investigacion confirman el modelo original de tres factores (Gracia, Herrero, & Musitu, 2002), a saber: inte gracion comunitaria, participacion comunitaria y apoyo social de los sistemas formales. Los tres factores explicaron en conjunto el 82% de la varianza del constructo. Este cuestionario constituye una herramienta para la intervencion social gerontologica de cara a la prevencion del aislamiento o falta de integracion social de los mayores. EnglishThe community is a psychosocial resource that promotes well - being in old age. This article presents the validation of the Questionnaire of Community Social Support in a representative sample of elderly Chilean people (n= 777). The results of this research confirm the origina...
    espanolChile es uno de los paises mas envejecidos de America Latina. Los cambios en las estructuras del hogar muestran una tendencia al aumento de los hogares unipersonales y a la institucionalizacion de las personas mayores. Escasos... more
    espanolChile es uno de los paises mas envejecidos de America Latina. Los cambios en las estructuras del hogar muestran una tendencia al aumento de los hogares unipersonales y a la institucionalizacion de las personas mayores. Escasos estudios profundizan en las diferencias segun el contexto residencial, en este estudio comparamos el perfil sociofamiliar (funcionalidad familiar y redes de apoyo social) y el nivel de dependencia de una muestra de 62 personas mayores no institucionalizadas e institucionalizadas en la ciudad de Arica (norte de Chile). Esta investigacion se realizo entre los meses de febrero a marzo de 2019. Los resultados confirman peores condiciones de salud (dependencia) y un fragil perfil sociofamiliar (mas disfuncionalidad familiar y menos apoyo social percibido) para las personas mayores institucionalizadas. A luz de estos hallazgos es necesario profundizar en investigaciones sobre la realidad de las personas mayores institucionalizadas, especialmente, en como las ...
    Objectives: To compare differences in depression, loneliness and personal well-being in a sample made up of indigenous (Aymara and Mapuche) and non-indigenous older people resident in original rural territories. Methods: A cross-sectional... more
    Objectives: To compare differences in depression, loneliness and personal well-being in a sample made up of indigenous (Aymara and Mapuche) and non-indigenous older people resident in original rural territories. Methods: A cross-sectional study involving 800 older adults living in a rural context in Chile, of whom 201 were Aymara, 368 Mapuche and 231 nonindigenous. Validated instruments were included for depression, loneliness and personal well-being (outcome variables). Ordinary least squares regression analyses were performed. Results: Membership of an indigenous group was significantly associated with lower scores for depression and loneliness and higher scores for personal well-being. The interactions of severe deprivation and housing deprivation with indigenous group membership were significantly associated with lower loneliness scores and higher personal well-being scores for Aymara and Mapuche participants. Discussion: Native rural settings and territories may offer a degree ...
    Previous studies focus on the beneficial mental health effects of religiosity and religious involvement among elderly people. However, evidence in Chile is s...
    Las redes de apoyo social son relevantes para afrontar los diversos problemas propios de la vejez.El bienestar de los adultos mayores supone contar con solidas redes de apoyo social que den respuesta a sus necesidades especificas. El... more
    Las redes de apoyo social son relevantes para afrontar los diversos problemas propios de la vejez.El bienestar de los adultos mayores supone contar con solidas redes de apoyo social que den respuesta a sus necesidades especificas. El siguiente estudio tiene como objetivo describir, en terminos estructurales y funcionales, las redes de apoyo social en una muestra representativa de adultos mayores residentes en la region de Arica y Parinacota. Los resultados indican redes sociales pequenas en su tamano, de composicion principalmente familiar, con una alta frecuencia del contacto y con indicadores positivos de satisfaccion con los vinculos sociales. Son redes funcionales, al otorgar apoyo emocional, informacional e instrumental, observandose una complementariedad entre redes familiares y no familiares. El apoyo social ha de incorporarse como una estrategia de intervencion para el logro del bienestar en la vejez.
    espanolEn el presente estudio se analizan las diferencias en los distintos dominios de la calidad de vida (QOL) entre las personas mayores indigenas y no indigenas de Chile. La muestra esta compuesta por 777 personas mayores chilenas,... more
    espanolEn el presente estudio se analizan las diferencias en los distintos dominios de la calidad de vida (QOL) entre las personas mayores indigenas y no indigenas de Chile. La muestra esta compuesta por 777 personas mayores chilenas, incluyendo a 232 indigenas (aymaras). Se utilizo la escala WHOQOL-BREF. Los datos se procesaron con pruebas estadisticas estandar (Chi cuadrado y prueba t de Student). Se encontraron diferencias significativas en los dominios del QOL segun la pertenencia etnica. Las personas mayores no indigenas a menudo sienten mas dolor que los aymaras (16 vs 9%), necesitaron mas tratamiento medico (24 vs 13%). En el dominio de las relaciones sociales, las personas no indigenas estan mas satisfechas que los indigenas con sus relaciones sociales (63 vs 50%) y con el apoyo social de los amigos (45 vs 33%). Los participantes no indigenas reportan un mayor nivel de satisfaccion con las condiciones de vida y del hogar (64 vs 55%) y con los servicios sociales y de salud (5...
    The impact of the Great Recession on health stands out due to its implications for the wellbeing of the population. The available empirical evidence suggests that macrosocial inequalities can be a central element in explaining differences... more
    The impact of the Great Recession on health stands out due to its implications for the wellbeing of the population. The available empirical evidence suggests that macrosocial inequalities can be a central element in explaining differences in the impact of the crisis on the health of the population during its early years (2008–2011). Specifically, it is necessary to analyze the role played by the processes constituting a model of inequalities based on social exclusion. This study addresses the topic by using longitudinal data taken from the European Union statistics on income and living conditions (EU-SILC) survey ( n = 5.924), with a hierarchical structure of four measurement moments nested in 5,924 individuals nested in 17 regions. Variables from two levels of analysis are considered: individual and ecological (regional) variables. The findings show that personal socioeconomic status (income and education) are significantly associated with changes in self-rated health during the on...
    ABSTRACTThis research analyzes the differences in health in terms of belonging to a native Chilean ethnic group in the region of Arica and Parinacota. This is one of the first investigations in Chile and South America that analyze this... more
    ABSTRACTThis research analyzes the differences in health in terms of belonging to a native Chilean ethnic group in the region of Arica and Parinacota. This is one of the first investigations in Chile and South America that analyze this dimension in the aging process. This is a quantitative and cross-sectional study. The sample consists of 493 Chilean elderly living in the far north of Chile. The application of the questionnaire was conducted through personal interviews. The study was conducted in urban and rural areas, including villages in the Chilean Altiplano. Scales internationally recognized geriatric research to measure the presence of symptoms of impaired health, dependence and depression were applied. The results of data analysis showed statistically significant differences in depression and health in terms of ethnic belonging, establishing a disadvantage for the elderly Indians. The findings confirm the heterogeneity of the aging process and the importance of the cultural a...
    Justicia e intervención social son dos procesos necesariamente vinculados, tendiendo en cuenta que la intervención social busca restaurar, reparar, reconstruir, revindicar (…) un proceso de justicia inacabado, restringido, roto o bien... more
    Justicia e intervención social son dos procesos necesariamente vinculados, tendiendo en cuenta que la intervención social busca restaurar, reparar, reconstruir, revindicar (…) un proceso de justicia inacabado, restringido, roto o bien oprimido en el otro. En este sentido, desde el trabajo social y otras disciplinas implicadas en la intervención con colectivos en condiciones de desigualdad social, de opresión o incumplimiento de sus derechos para lograr la justicia social. Abundando en esta idea en su definición internacional el Trabajo social se define como “una profesión basada en la práctica y una disciplina académica que promueve el cambio y el desarrollo social, la cohesión social, y el fortalecimiento y la liberación de las personas. Los principios de la justicia social, los derechos humanos, la responsabilidad colectiva y el respeto a la diversidad son fundamentales para el trabajo social” (Federación Internacional del Trabajo Social).