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    Objectives | This study analyses the returns to education, experience and tenure for males and females in the Spanish hospitality sector across occupational categories. The motivation of this research is based on the evidence that jobs in... more
    Objectives | This study analyses the returns to education, experience and tenure for males and females in the Spanish hospitality sector across occupational categories. The motivation of this research is based on the evidence that jobs in this sector are very different and the estimation of these rates of returns for each components of human capital may not be adequate for the sector as a whole. Managers and professionals may require more years of formal education and general and specific on the job-training and enjoy a high degree of job security with internal career paths. However most employees of this sector do not enjoy the labour conditions of the primary sector occupations, but their jobs can be classified as belonging to secondary labor market, characterized by precariousness, low pay, high rates of turnover, high seasonality, antisocial working hours and lack of opportunity for training and career advancement. In this context, this work presents estimates on returns of huma...
    In this paper, we analyze the effect of labour flex ibility on productivity in the Andalusian hotel ind ustry using raw data of our own database and applying an expand ed version of the standard production function by distinguishing... more
    In this paper, we analyze the effect of labour flex ibility on productivity in the Andalusian hotel ind ustry using raw data of our own database and applying an expand ed version of the standard production function by distinguishing between part-time, temporary, and fu ll-time labour inputs. Our results show that produc tivity is lower the higher the percentage of temporary and pa rt-time workers and there are no differences betwee n th impacts on productivity of both types of labour con tract. Future studies should analyze the differenti al impact of all the types of contracts discussed on the mean co st per employee in this sector.
    Based on information provided by two consecutive samples of the four-year version of the Spanish Wage Structure Survey (WSS), in this paper we estimate, from a gender perspective, the returns to human capital in the Spanish hospitality... more
    Based on information provided by two consecutive samples of the four-year version of the Spanish Wage Structure Survey (WSS), in this paper we estimate, from a gender perspective, the returns to human capital in the Spanish hospitality industry. For this purpose has been estimated an expanded version of the Mincerian wage equation. This equation includes, in addition of the variables that represents the human capital following the criteria of Mincer (1974), a set of variables that attempt to measure the effects on wages of workers' personal characteristics and those characteristic related with the occupation. The descriptive analysis of the samples shows that both in the hospitality sector just as in the whole of private services of the Spanish economy, which have been utilised for comparing, the women's gross hourly wages are on average lower than the men's, but nevertheless the average years of schooling completed by workers in both samples are not significantly differ...
    La variación de la productividad en el sector trans portes de la economía española ha sido ampliamente estudiado en los últimos años, pero la introducción de medidas ecoinnovadoras en este sector que se traduzcan en m ejoras de la... more
    La variación de la productividad en el sector trans portes de la economía española ha sido ampliamente estudiado en los últimos años, pero la introducción de medidas ecoinnovadoras en este sector que se traduzcan en m ejoras de la productividad laboral no ha tenido tanta atención por parte de los investiga dores de este campo. En este documento se ha analizado, mediante la utilización de un mode lo estructural CDM que relaciona las inversiones en I+D, la generación de innovación y l a productividad, las consecuencias sobre la productividad laboral de las empresas del sector transportes de la introducción de medidas innovadoras conducentes a la reducción d el impacto medioambiental de la actividad que desarrollan y de otros factores utili zados en la literatura sobre innovación tecnológica. Para alcanzar este objetivo, se ha uti lizado la base de datos elaborada conjuntamente por el Instituto Nacional de Estadíst ica de España (INE) y por la Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Te...
    In this paper, the diversity of job characteristics and wage gaps in the Spanish hotel industry due to different employer size have been studied. A labour market in which wages depend on employer size means the characteristics of the same... more
    In this paper, the diversity of job characteristics and wage gaps in the Spanish hotel industry due to different employer size have been studied. A labour market in which wages depend on employer size means the characteristics of the same job differs between firms. In the hotel industry the data indicate significant differences in the nature of the job according to the size of the establishment. This topic has been analysed for many economic sectors but, as far as we know, not for the hotel industry. Using data from the research project “Mismatch in education, productivity and wages in the Andalusian tourism sector†, the first aim was to establish whether there was a similar positive relationship between employer size and wages in the hotel industry. The second aim was to account for wage premia earned by workers employed by larger hotels taking into account the specific characteristics of each establishment. The results have shown that even after controlling for the workers’ ...
    Objectives | Respect for the environment could be a differentiating attribute over competitors and will lead to competitive advantages (Ladhari, 2009). Some authors highlight the fact that, providing the environmental setting is valued by... more
    Objectives | Respect for the environment could be a differentiating attribute over competitors and will lead to competitive advantages (Ladhari, 2009). Some authors highlight the fact that, providing the environmental setting is valued by clients, it becomes a differentiating output. Other authors consider environmental compliance as an element for improving the quality of the product and an attribute of the service provided by firms that has economic value for the consumer. The environmental sustainability of the activities carried out by firms is rarely used for explaining factors that have an impact on room pricing. In fact, only a few papers include an environmental attribute for justifying room pricing by using a hedonic function (Kuminoff, Parmeter & Pope, 2010; Kuminoff, Zhang & Rudi, 2010; García-Pozo, Sánchez-Ollero & Marchante-Mera, 2013; Sánchez-Ollero, García-Pozo & Marchante-Mera, 2014). Currently, environmental responsibility is having an effect on the behaviour of con...
    The importance of tourism as an economic driving force worldwide, and especially in countries like Spain, is unquestionable. This allows the development of regions such as Andalusia, the territorial and political unit chosen to carry out... more
    The importance of tourism as an economic driving force worldwide, and especially in countries like Spain, is unquestionable. This allows the development of regions such as Andalusia, the territorial and political unit chosen to carry out this work, lacking other productive factors such as industries or R & D & I centre. In this context, a more active, effective and synchronized participation of all the public and private agents involved is crucial, in order to consolidate tourism activity in increasingly competitive environments and with more demanding consumers. This scenario highlights the importance of human resource management as a strategic axis that promotes competitiveness, efficiency and acts as a differentiating element between the diverse services offered by this market. Consequently, it is essential to have versatile, transversal people, capable not only of coexisting with immediacy and meet the demands of the tourist market but of continually adapting to it. This panoram...
    A new way of thinking is influencing the behaviour of both consumers and firms: any tourism activity has a sizeable environmental impact and the roots of environmental problems in this industry lie inhuman behaviour. Accordingly, in... more
    A new way of thinking is influencing the behaviour of both consumers and firms: any tourism activity has a sizeable environmental impact and the roots of environmental problems in this industry lie inhuman behaviour. Accordingly, in recent years tourists have been taking into account the environment as afactor in their purchasing decisions and firms are using this factor in their competitive positioning. Using ahotel database created by the Quality, Productivity and Competitiveness in the Hospitality Industry inAndalusia project, this paper has two aims:first, we classify the hotels in Andalusia (Spain) -using the variable environment as a factor in its competitive positioning-into strategic groups;and, second, we measure theeconomic performance of thestrategy usedby establishments in each group. We obtained two main results: first, we demonstrated the existence offour strategic groups based on their position toward the environment and a positive association between proactive enviro...
    La gestión del talento del personal de la Administración Pública del sector turístico es un gran reto. Sobre todo, por la necesidad de dar soluciones a la falta de flexibilidad de sus RRHH en un sector caracterizado por su dinamismo y... more
    La gestión del talento del personal de la Administración Pública del sector turístico es un gran reto. Sobre todo, por la necesidad de dar soluciones a la falta de flexibilidad de sus RRHH en un sector caracterizado por su dinamismo y especialización. En este trabajo se analiza la situación actual de los empleados públicos en Andalucía, se valida un cuestionario sobre la percepción de sus trabajadores acerca del talento y se desarrolla una herramienta innovadora sobre la Gestión Estratégica del Talento, apoyada en la “Teoría del Valor”, que podría aumentar la productividad y satisfacción entre sus trabajadores. Managing Public Sector Employees’ Talent in the Tourism Sector is a huge challenge, especially due to the need to find solutions to the lack of flexibility of its HR in such a dynamic and specialised sector. This paper analyses the current situation of the Andalusian´s public employees, is validated a survey about these employees’ perception about talent and it is also develo...
    In Spain, camping accommodation accounted for 6.32% of total tourism accommodation and 8.2% of overnight stays in 2007. There were 1,152 registered campsites which provided lodging for almost 6.4 million users. Although these figures are... more
    In Spain, camping accommodation accounted for 6.32% of total tourism accommodation and 8.2% of overnight stays in 2007. There were 1,152 registered campsites which provided lodging for almost 6.4 million users. Although these figures are higher than those of rural accommodation, few studies have analyzed the main attributes of this sector and their contribution to the development of Spanish tourism. The main aim of this work is to provide information on pricing based on the attributes of camping establishments. Given the heterogeneity of supply in this sector, a hedonic model is applied using data from different sources. The results show that the variables with the greatest influence on pricing are a coastal location, the quality of the facilities, having a quality distinction or being an ecological establishment. The effect of the latter variable reinforces the strategy initiated by the private sector and public administrations of investing in sustainable tourism.
    El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar para el sector de la hostelería española, las posibles diferencias de género en el impacto relativo sobre los salarios de las variables del capital humano y de otras de carácter personal y laboral.... more
    El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar para el sector de la hostelería española, las posibles diferencias de género en el impacto relativo sobre los salarios de las variables del capital humano y de otras de carácter personal y laboral. Para esto se emplea una versión extendida de la función salarial de Mincer (1974) y datos procedentes de la Encuesta de Estructura Salarial de 2014. Los resultados muestran para el sector de la hostelería la existencia de significativas diferencias de género en las estimaciones de todas las variables consideradas. En cambio, para el resto de sectores de servicios privados la excepción se encuentra en la variable educación, para la que sus tasas de rendimientos en las mujeres y los hombres son iguales. Para las mujeres de la hostelería, las variables del capital humano no contribuyen especialmente a aumentar su productividad. Además, la evidencia sugiere que estas mujeres permanecen en una situación de inseguridad laboral y de subempleo por insuficie...
    The objective of this study was to use the perceptions of internet users to analyse the effect of the social, economic and environmental dimensions of corporate social responsibility (CSR) implemented by hotel establishments in order to... more
    The objective of this study was to use the perceptions of internet users to analyse the effect of the social, economic and environmental dimensions of corporate social responsibility (CSR) implemented by hotel establishments in order to determine whether those dimensions are perceived by consumers. Our analysis was based on a sample, distributed by age, sex and province segments, obtained from the Andalusian population between 16 and 74 years of age who are users of travel websites (e.g., TripAdvisor, Booking) and hotels corporate websites. A questionnaire was used to investigate each latent factor related to the three main dimensions of CSR that may affect the perceptions of accommodation service consumers. The questionnaire was statistically validated and developed in previous economic studies in this field. The data were analysed using Partial Last Square (PLS) methodology. The results confirm the validity of the three dimensions analysed, although consumers appear to play more r...
    Este artículo aporta evidencia empírica sobre las diferencias en los rendimientos salariales desde una perspectiva de género en el sector hostelero español, comparándolas con otros sectores de la economía española. Mediante la estimación... more
    Este artículo aporta evidencia empírica sobre las diferencias en los rendimientos salariales desde una perspectiva de género en el sector hostelero español, comparándolas con otros sectores de la economía española. Mediante la estimación de una función minceriana, los resultados obtenidos revelan una significativa diferencia negativa del rendimiento del capital humano en la hostelería frente al resto de sectores y una mayor penalización salarial asociada al rendimiento educativo para el caso de la mujer en la hostelería, en contraposicicón a lo que ocurre en el resto de sectores analizados.
    The authors analyze the effect of labour flexibility on productivity in the Andalusian hotel industry. For this purpose, the authors use the results from the Quality, Productivity and Competitiveness in the Hospitality Industry for... more
    The authors analyze the effect of labour flexibility on productivity in the Andalusian hotel industry. For this purpose, the authors use the results from the Quality, Productivity and Competitiveness in the Hospitality Industry for Andalusia project (PO7/SEJ-02889). The model used considers three employment shares - open-ended contracts, temporary contracts, and part-time contracts. However, it should be borne in mind that the Spanish model of labour flexibility has mainly focused on the use of temporary contracts rather than other human resource management practices, such as internal labour flexibility.
    The camping resort in Spain is a subsector of accommodation that has a growing dynamism. Despite this, and its quantitative importance in the Spanish tourism industry, there are very few scientific papers have paid attention. The aim of... more
    The camping resort in Spain is a subsector of accommodation that has a growing dynamism. Despite this, and its quantitative importance in the Spanish tourism industry, there are very few scientific papers have paid attention. The aim of this paper is to analyze the mechanisms of price formation in this tourist activity, for which it has used a hedonic price model with semi-logarithmic functional form. The results highlight the importance of the geographical location of the establishment as well as its official classification in the valuation of its price by tourists.
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    Marks 20 years of the Spanish high-speed line (LAV) and many authors have questioned its profitability and its supposed advantages in terms of territorial and social cohesion, environmental benefit and its economic multiplier effect. The... more
    Marks 20 years of the Spanish high-speed line (LAV) and many authors have questioned its profitability and its supposed advantages in terms of territorial and social cohesion, environmental benefit and its economic multiplier effect. The recent decision of the European Commission to enhance the Mediterranean Corridor off the Central Corridor and the decision of the government of Portugal to drop the Madrid-Lisbon can be a turning point in the development of the LAV. This paper analyzes the impact of the LAV in Andalusia and its effects on tourism, a core sector in our region, drawing unflattering conclusions for this public infrastructure.
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    The aim of this work is to evaluate the impact of quality certifications on productivity in a sample of hotels in Andalusia (Southern Spain). The descriptive results show that the Q-quality certification is the unique that really has a... more
    The aim of this work is to evaluate the impact of quality certifications on productivity in a sample of hotels in Andalusia (Southern Spain). The descriptive results show that the Q-quality certification is the unique that really has a positive impact on productivity, improving this 17.67% on average. Furthermore, the belonging to a chain, the category and the outsourcing of services enhance productivity. In contrast, the location of the establishment in the inland generates a reducing effect on productivity
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    The authors analyse the returns on human capital and the importance of educational mismatch in determining wages in the Spanish hospitality and the travel agency sectors. In addition, they assess the impact of several job characteristics... more
    The authors analyse the returns on human capital and the importance of educational mismatch in determining wages in the Spanish hospitality and the travel agency sectors. In addition, they assess the impact of several job characteristics (business size, full-time contracts and permanent contracts) and personal characteristics (gender and worker nationality) on wages. Using an expanded Mincerian wage equation and data from the 2006 Spanish Wage Structure Survey, they estimate separate regressions for each educational group analysed: overeducated, undereducated and adequately educated workers. The results show that the return on human capital and the real hourly wage may be quantitatively influenced by educational mismatch. Moreover, evidence is presented regarding the impact of firm size on wage returns and the data also reveal wage differentials by the gender and nationality of workers in the Spanish hospitality industry.