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  • I teach and do my research at the Department of Developmental and Educational Psychology of the Autonomous Univeristy... moreedit
"Una de las cuestiones que más se han destacado con relación al fenómeno migratorio y su presencia en las escuelas en las últimas décadas en España ha sido la distribución del alumnado de nacionalidad extranjera en distintos centros... more
"Una de las cuestiones que más se han destacado con relación al fenómeno migratorio y su presencia en las escuelas en las últimas décadas en España ha sido la distribución del alumnado de nacionalidad extranjera en distintos centros educativos y los procesos asociados de desigualdad y segregación inter- e intracentros. El fenómeno está sobradamente documentado en el contexto internacional. Sin embargo, es posible afirmar que no existen acuerdos generalizados sobre cómo referirse y cómo acercarse al estudio de estas dinámicas. No puede decirse que se trate de un fenómeno desconocido y que carezca de los altavoces adecuados como para que la comunidad investigadora y la ciudadanía, en general, lo desconozcan. Desde el año 2000, aproximadamente y para el caso de España, se intensifica en la prensa diaria la referencia a la concentración de alumnado de nacionalidad extranjera en ciertos centros, mayoritariamente públicos. Sobre estas cuestiones se reflexiona en la presente obra, aunque sin buscar una homogeneidad de orientaciones o conclusiones, pues se reúnen trabajos realizados desde diferentes disciplinas y con aproximaciones metodológicas variadas. Lo que se ha pretendido ha sido cubrir los diferentes matices que las palabras «concentración» y «segregación» puedan tener. El estudio no solo se centra en las segregaciones que refieren las diferencias y distinciones entre centros en relación con el fenómeno de la presencia de las «migraciones» en la escuela, pues las segregaciones en el interior de los propios centros son igual de importantes que las anteriores. "
En este trabajo examinamos una serie de actuaciones de cuentacuentos infantiles celebradas en una biblioteca y en una librería en las que se contaba con intérpretes de lengua de signos española. Como resultado de dichas configuraciones... more
En este trabajo examinamos una serie de actuaciones de cuentacuentos infantiles celebradas en una biblioteca y en una librería en las que se contaba con intérpretes de lengua de signos española. Como resultado de dichas configuraciones tanto los niños sordos como los oyentes participaban de un acontecimiento de alfabetización en el cual el narrador y el intérprete producían un relato literario multilingüe, multimedial y multimodal. A partir del uso de herramientas derivadas de la etnografía de la comunicación, la semiótica social y del análisis de interacciones multimodales, construimos un modelo que permite examinar que experiencias de alfabetizacion tienen tanto los niños sordos como los oyentes de las interacciones discursivas entre el narrador y el intérprete.
Infancia Contemporanea: Practicas Linguisticas y Contextos de Desarrollo (Contemporary Childhood: Linguistic Practices and Developmental Contexts) Grupo de Investigacion reconocido por Universidad Autonoma de Madrid (Registro: PS-030)... more
Infancia Contemporanea: Practicas Linguisticas y Contextos de Desarrollo (Contemporary Childhood: Linguistic Practices and Developmental Contexts) Grupo de Investigacion reconocido por Universidad Autonoma de Madrid (Registro: PS-030) Director: Professor David Poveda Who we are We are a multi-disciplinary research group recognised by Universidad Autonoma de Madrid formed by a group of researchers at UAM and collaborators from other institutions in Madrid, Spain and other parts of the world. We work in various disciplines such as Psychology, Anthropology, Education, Linguistics and Communication. We are interested in the life conditions and development of children and young people in the beginning of the 21st century. The main focus of the group are the life conditions of urban childhood in Western, technologically advanced world, but we do not exclude (and also conduct) cross-cultural and comparative studies. We undertake research in a wide variety of s...
Abstract This paper draws on findings from a collaborative ethnographic project with 13–14 year old adolescents in an educationally progressive secondary school in Madrid. The project developed as an educational innovation experience... more
Abstract This paper draws on findings from a collaborative ethnographic project with 13–14 year old adolescents in an educationally progressive secondary school in Madrid. The project developed as an educational innovation experience during music lessons and allowed students to collaboratively produce multimodal soundscapes on the role of music in their daily lives. This analysis focuses on the place of Hip-Hop in these adolescents’ musical and expressive cultures, especially as traces of Hip-Hop esthetics are incorporated into the projects created during the project. Our analysis suggests that traces of Hip-Hop culture (as a broad global manifestation involving various expressive practices such as rap, dance or graffiti) emerge in a variety of ways in students’ productions.
In this paper we put together data from various projects focused on the construction of nontraditional family projects in Spain: (1) a multi-sited ethnographic study on the construction of singleparent families by choice in Spain; (2) a... more
In this paper we put together data from various projects focused on the construction of nontraditional family projects in Spain: (1) a multi-sited ethnographic study on the construction of singleparent families by choice in Spain; (2) a qualitative comparative study of adoptive families in Madrid and Chicago; (3) an on-going multi-sited ethnographic project on disclosure processes in families formed via gamete donation. Across the data of these studies, involving a wide variety of family configurations (single and two-parent families, heterosexual and homo-parental families, international and interracial adopted children, partially-related biological offspring, etc.), we have identified a series of socialization strategies that are explicitly pointed out by parents as playing a role in socializing children into understanding their non-conventional family experience. Some of these strategies include creating socialization, support and leisure spaces with families of similar character...
Research Interests:
This report presents the results of a qualitative study made over seventeen countries exploring how children between zero and eight engage with digital technologies, how far parents mediate this engagement and their awareness on the... more
This report presents the results of a qualitative study made over seventeen countries exploring how children between zero and eight engage with digital technologies, how far parents mediate this engagement and their awareness on the risksopportunities balance. It concludes on recommendations to parents, schools, industries and policymakers. Title Young children (0-8) and digital technology, a qualitative study across Europe How digital technology is used by young children today? • Today, young children between o and 8 acquire their digital skills mainly in the home context. • Young children learn quickly by observing and mirroring the behaviour of the adults and older children close to themparents and older siblings following a trial and error strategy not exempt of risks. • Yet young children lack of agency and of clear representation of the tools they use daily such as the Internet, Wi-Fi or social networks. • Young children diversify their digital skills and are more aware of ris...
In this paper we examine discourse and interaction during Saturday morning religious instruction classes in a Gitano (Spanish Romani) evangelist church. The focus is on adults as literacy mediators for the children in the process of... more
In this paper we examine discourse and interaction during Saturday morning religious instruction classes in a Gitano (Spanish Romani) evangelist church. The focus is on adults as literacy mediators for the children in the process of learning ways to use and interpret the Bible. The analysis centres on two aspects: (1) the forms of textuality that are developed around the
... Hi all, happy return of the summer. ... Reyes: yes, so what? Javier: for example, when you go down (to the courtyard), with neighbors, for example you talk about the things kids do in schools, about activities and in conversations the... more
... Hi all, happy return of the summer. ... Reyes: yes, so what? Javier: for example, when you go down (to the courtyard), with neighbors, for example you talk about the things kids do in schools, about activities and in conversations the blog might come up and so-...
ABSTR AC T This article analyzes the connections between the oral genres displayed by Gitano (Spanish Gypsy) children and adults during religious instruction classes at an Evangelist church and the writings produced by Gitano chil-dren in... more
ABSTR AC T This article analyzes the connections between the oral genres displayed by Gitano (Spanish Gypsy) children and adults during religious instruction classes at an Evangelist church and the writings produced by Gitano chil-dren in an after-school computer program in the ...
Home has been defined as a dynamic space (POVEDA et al, 2012), which is not just part of either the public or the private space. The boundaries between these spaces become more diffuse, since digital media place the public space within... more
Home has been defined as a dynamic space (POVEDA et al, 2012), which is not just part of either the public or the private space. The boundaries between these spaces become more diffuse, since digital media place the public space within the private environment. We present a qualitative study of children's routines and the use of resources that their environment provides. It was conducted with 4 children aged between 9-13, in 2 upper-class districts of Madrid. The analysis shows how they share their time between public and private spaces, how they make use of the resources they have access to, and what their homes, and in turn their families, provide to them; both offer broad access to economic and cultural capital (BOURDIEU, 1994) associated with their socioeconomic class. (LAREAU, 2002).
Young children’s engagements with digital technologies form part of their emergent everyday literacy practices. The study reported here derives from the pan-European study ‘A Day in the Digital Lives of Children aged 0-3’. The methodology... more
Young children’s engagements with digital technologies form part of their emergent everyday literacy practices. The study reported here derives from the pan-European study ‘A Day in the Digital Lives of Children aged 0-3’. The methodology was centred on the videoing of an entire day’s experiences of a child aged under 3, together with a reflective interview with the parents and inventories related to digital access, skills and activities of the child. In this paper, we look at three children in Spain, Sweden and England, respectively. We examine our data through three prisms. (1) Spatio-temporal: We consider the children’s engagements in terms of their appropriation of space, in relationships with others in the home and the intimate geographies of young children’s digital literacies. (2) Parental discourse: We use the tensions and contradictions for families framework to examine the selection and monitoring of digital literacies. (3) Practice: Drawing on the first two prisms, we zoom into how children engage with tablet devices and television. Our research demonstrates richness, diversity and agency in these young children’s practices with technologies. We propose the concept of living-room assemblage as an analytical metaphor to understand the macrohabitats of young children’s digital literacies and practices, which emerge as multi-layered, creative and co-occurring with other family activities.Our analysis also explores the challenges presented to parents and the ways in which they navigate tensions and contradictions in their media and digital environments, which are condensed in family practices and discourses around tablets and television.
In this paper we present a possible format for a workshop-training event designed to engage practitioners with ethical issues surrounding an emergent topic: experiences of young children (aged between 0 and 8) with digital media and... more
In this paper we present a possible format for a workshop-training event designed to engage practitioners with ethical issues surrounding an emergent topic: experiences of young children (aged between 0 and 8) with digital media and technologies. The workshop-training event is set up as a collaborative discussion space between researchers/facilitators and participants/practitioners seeking a first exploration of the topic, where research on technology and learning is being carried out intensely during recent years, including in the field of Education. We draw the methodology of the workshop as well as the theoretical framing on ethics from qualitative research traditions, and the space is conceived as a flexible and adaptable work-plan that can be implemented or adapted across a variety of professional and training scenarios. To discuss and illustrate the implementation of the workshop we draw from the experience of a first workshop event organized with a heterogeneous group of participants that included researchers, educators and practitioners in the fields of early childhood, digital technologies and educational services in the context of an international research network meeting in the area of young children's digital literacies. The positive experience of the workshop points towards the potential that workshop-training events have as a methodological tool in research that enables situated, collaborative and community-based thinking about emergent topics which are interdisciplinary in nature.
We present results from a study exploring the place of digital technologies in young children’s daily routines. The data includes home observations, interviews and video home-tours with 9 families and 10 children, between 3-7 years of... more
We present results from a study exploring the place of digital technologies in young children’s daily routines. The data includes home observations, interviews and video home-tours with 9 families and 10 children, between 3-7 years of age, from the Madrid (Spain) metropolitan area. We draw on socio-cultural and ecological theory and examine the interrelationships between adult home activities, children’s care and activity needs and the co-organization of family routines. Our sample allows dividing the children in two age groups and the cross-sectional analysis suggests a developmental pattern in the co-organization
of this family activity and participation system. Younger children seem to have a more autonomous use of digital devices compatible with parental attention to other house chores or work-related demands. Older children continue to use digital devices but with more engaged mediation strategies on the part of parents. More generally, our data suggest that digital devices (in the set of urban/suburban «European» families we have studied) play an important role in the co-organization and development of children’s family life.
En este trabajo presento el esquema de una propuesta centrada en explorar las posibilidades teóricas y metodológicas de un cruce entre las investigaciones actuales de corte socio-antropológico sobre nuevos modelos familiares y parentesco... more
En este trabajo presento el esquema de una propuesta centrada en explorar las posibilidades teóricas y metodológicas de un cruce entre las investigaciones actuales de corte socio-antropológico sobre nuevos modelos familiares y parentesco contemporáneo y los estudios discursivos-interaccionales definidos en sentido amplio. La propuesta se organiza en dos partes. Primero, presento una la justificación de este argumento señalando los espacios empíricos y teóricos que podría ocupar este cruce. Segundo, ilustro estas posibilidades reexaminando y/o recuperando los datos y análisis de diferentes proyectos de investigación sobre nuevas realidades familiares en los que he estado implicado desde el año 2010.
Research Interests:
The study is a part of a larger qualitative study carried out across 7 European countries sponsored by the EU Joint Research Centre aimed at exploring the changes in one year that children aged between 0 and 8 years experience in... more
The study is a part of a larger qualitative study carried out across 7 European countries
sponsored by the EU Joint Research Centre aimed at exploring the changes in one year that
children aged between 0 and 8 years experience in relation to (a) their use and
representation of digital technologies, eg smart phones, tablets, computers, TVs, video-
games, etc. and;(b) the mediating strategies of their families. A total of 38 families with at
least one child aged 8-9 have participated in the current fieldwork; 37 have at least one
Research Interests:
Research Interests:
The study is a part of a larger qualitative study carried out across 16 European countries aimed at exploring experiences with digital technologies, e.g. smart phones, tablets, computers, TVs, video-games, etc. of young children aged... more
The study is a part of a larger qualitative study carried out across 16 European countries aimed
at exploring experiences with digital technologies, e.g. smart phones, tablets, computers, TVs,
video-games, etc. of young children aged between 0 and 8 years and their families. The overall
research question is: In what ways, if any, are children and/or their families empowered by
the use of new (online) technologies? and was addressed through four areas (Use,
Perceptions/Attitudes, Individual context, Family context).
This national report of Spain is written based on data generated interviewing 11 families who
have at least one child between 6-7 years of age, and the fieldwork was conducted in the
Autonomous Community of Madrid and of Catalonia between June and November 2015.
Although literature regarding technology in the life of children 0-8 is emerging in the Spanish
context as a key focus as such, it is still very scarce. We hope, therefore, that the presented
results from the study will serve as a basis for larger EU studies on related topics and for policy
recommendations in Spain and beyond. *, Cristina Aliagas**, Marta Morgade*, Cristina
Correro**, Nieves Galera*, Cristina Roncero*, and David Poveda*
Research Interests:
In this article we review recent developments in educational-anthropological and educational-ethnographic research in Spain. We take as our starting point the mid-2000s – a moment by which the anthropology of education in Spain had... more
In this article we review recent developments in educational-anthropological and educational-ethnographic research in Spain. We take as our starting point the mid-2000s – a moment by which the anthropology of education in Spain had reached a certain degree of institutionalization but had also configured itself as a sub-field with an almost monographic focus on the experiences of ethnic and immigrant minorities in the formal educational system. Since then, the topics and theoretical frameworks used by Spanish educational anthropologists and ethnographers have expanded into different concerns. We trace this diversification, present its intellectual, geographical and institutional organization and focus on two trends: on one hand, a new set of anthropological studies of socialization and educational processes in a variety of non-school settings and across the life-span; on the other hand, the combination of participatory action research perspectives in educational-ethnographic studies of educational innovations.
Research Interests:
Research Interests:
Research Interests:
Research Interests:
In this article, I examine literacy artifacts placed by students in different locations of a state-run secondary school in the city of Madrid, Spain. The data were gathered as part of a two-year long multilevel ethnography focused on the... more
In this article, I examine literacy artifacts placed by students in different locations of a state-run secondary school in the city of Madrid, Spain. The data were gathered as part of a two-year long multilevel ethnography focused on the social and academic trajectories of immigrant students in Spanish compulsory secondary education. The analysis draws from concepts developed in semiotics, linguistic anthropology, literacy studies, and social geography. Two broad types of literacy artifacts configured the school's semiotic landscape: political texts and graffiti. In turn, these artifacts were tied to two youth expressive styles present in the school: left-wing anarkas and Latino reggaetoneros. Students associated with these expressive styles tended to have different ethnic backgrounds and followed different socioacademic trajectories: anarkas tended to be of Spanish origin and often moved on to preuniversity education while reggaetoneros were predominantly Latin American and were geared towards vocational/remedial forms of secondary education. Drawing from concepts in social geography, the analysis suggests that anarka texts occupied official spaces in the school and were construed as “in place” while reggaetonero artifacts occupied unofficial spaces and were construed as “out of place.” I argue that this distribution, alongside other institutional practices and discourses, contributed to the construction of Latin American origin immigrant students’ less favorable academic trajectories.本文考查在西班牙马德里市一所国立中学内学生放在不同位置的读写文化作品。收集得到的资料是为期两年的多层次民族志研究的一部分,其研究焦点是移民学生在西班牙接受强迫中学教育时的社交和学术轨迹。研究分析借鉴符号学、语言人类学、读写文化研究及社会地理学所发展出来的概念。形成该校符号地貌的学生读写文化作品可粗略分成政治性文本和涂鸦两种类型。这些作品也有与两种存在于学校的年轻人表达风格联系在一起:anarkas和reggaetoneros。与这些表达风格相关联的学生往往会有不同族裔的背景和跟循不同的社交学术轨迹:anarkas学生往往是属于西班牙原籍,大多数会升读大学预科教育,而reggaetoneros学生主要是拉丁美洲裔,他们都准备升读职业训练或辅导方式的中学教育。借鉴社会地理学概念的研究分析显示,anarka学生的读写文化作品在学校占据着官方的空间,而被理解为「恰当」;相反地,reggaetonero学生的读写文化作品占据着非官方空间,而被理解为「不恰当」。作者认为这种分布,与其他学校的实践和话语一起,构成对拉丁美洲裔移民学生不利于学术上的学习轨迹。Dans cet article j'examine des objets écrits se trouvant à différents endroits d'une école secondaire publique de la ville de Madrid (Espagne). Les données ont été rassemblées dans le cadre d'une étude ethnographique multi-niveaux de deux ans centrée sur les parcours sociaux et académiques de jeunes immigrants scolarisés dans l'enseignement secondaire obligatoire. L'analyse s'appuie sur des concepts développés en sémiotique, anthropologie linguistique, études littéraires et géographie humaine. Deux types généraux d'objets écrits forment le paysage sémiotique : des textes politiques et des graffiti. A leur tour, ces objets écrits sont liés à deux styles d'expression juvénile présents dans l’école: les anarkas d'extrême gauche et les reggaetoneros. Les lycéens associés à ces styles d'expression ont tendance à avoir un arrière-plan ethnique différent et à suivre des parcours différents : les anakas sont plutôt d'origine espagnole et continuent souvent dans l'enseignement pré-universitaire, tandis que les reggaetoneros sont principalement latinos-américains et sont orientés vers des formes d’éducation secondaire professionnelle ou des structures spéciales. Partant de concepts de géographie humaine, l'analyse suggère que les textes anarkas occupent des espaces officiels dans l’école et sont conçus comme venant « de l'intérieur », tandis que les écrits des reggaetoneros sont conçus « de l'extérieur ». Selon moi, cette répartition, ainsi que d'autres pratiques et discours institutionnels, contribuent à une construction moins favorable des jeunes provenant de l'immigration latino-américaine en ce qui concerne leur un parcours académique.B cтaтьe иccлeдyютcя apтeфaкты, cвязaнныe c гpaмoтнocтью, кoтopыe yчaщиecя пoмecтили в paзличныx тoчкax гocyдapcтвeннoй cpeднeй шкoлы в Maдpидe. Дaнныe были coбpaны в paмкax двyxгoдичнoгo этнoгpaфичecкoгo иccлeдoвaния, пocвящeннoгo coциaльным и aкaдeмичecким тpaeктopиям yчeникoв-иммигpaнтoв в Иcпaнии, гдe cpeднee oбpaзoвaниe являeтcя oбязaтeльным. Aнaлиз ocнoвaн нa кoнцeптax ceмиoтики, лингвиcтичecкoй aнтpoпoлoгии, иccлeдoвaний гpaмoтнocти и coциaльнoй гeoгpaфии. Ceмиoтичecкий “пeйзaж” шкoлы cклaдывaeтcя из двyx oбшиpныx гpyпп apтeфaктoв: пoлитичecкиx тeкcтoв и нaдпиceй нa cтeнax. B cвoю oчepeдь, эти apтeфaкты cooтнocятcя c двyмя мoлoдeжными гpyппиpoвкaми и cтилями, пpиcyтcтвyющими в шкoлe: лeвыe aнapxиcты и любитeли лaтинoaмepикaнcкoгo peггeтoнa (мyз. мoлoдeжный cтиль, вoзникший пoд влияниeм peгги, дaнcxoллa и xип-xoпa. – Пpим. пep.). Учaщиecя, accoцииpyющиe ceбя c этими выpaзитeльными cтилями, oбычнo имeют paзнoe этничecкoe пpoиcxoждeниe и двигaютcя пo paзным coциaльным и aкaдeмичecким тpaeктopиям: aнapxиcты чaщe иcпaнcкoгo пpoиcxoждeния и пocлe шкoлы чaщe пepexoдят нa cлeдyющyю oбpaзoвaтeльнyю cтyпeнь, в тo вpeмя кaк peггeтoнщики – в ocнoвнoм, лaтинoaмepикaнцы и нaцeлeны нa пpoфeccиoнaльнo-тexничecкиe и кoppeктивныe фopмы cpeднeгo oбpaзoвaния. Teкcты aнapxиcтoв пoявляютcя в шкoлe нa oфициaльнo paзpeшeнныx пpocтpaнcтвax и cчитaютcя “yмecтными”, a тeкcты peггeтoнщикoв зaнимaют нeoфициaльныe пoвepxнocти и cчитaютcя “нeyмecтными”‘. Aвтop yтвepждaeт, чтo пoдoбнoe pacпpeдeлeниe, нapядy c дpyгими инcтитyциoнaльными мeтoдaми и диcкypcaми, внocит oпpeдeлeнный вклaд в выcтpaивaниe мeнee блaгoпpиятныx aкaдeмичecкиx тpaeктopий для лaтинoaмepикaнcкиx yчaщиxcя.En este artículo examino artefactos educacionales que estudiantes de una escuela secundaria estatal en Madrid, España pusieron en varios lugares de su institución. Los datos se recogieron como parte de un estudio etnográfico multinivel de dos años sobre las trayectorias de estudiantes inmigrantes en una escuela secundaria compulsoria española. El análisis se sirve de conceptos desarrollados en la semiótica, la antropología lingüística, en estudios sobre la alfabetización y la geografía social. Dos clases amplias de artefactos educacionales figuraban en el contexto semiótico de la escuela: textos políticos y grafiti. A su vez, estos artefactos se relacionaban a dos estilos expresivos de los jóvenes en la escuela: los anrakas de la izquierda y los reggaetoneros latinos. Los estudiantes asociados con estos estilos de expresión provenían en general de ambientes étnicos diferentes y seguían trayectorias socio académicas diferentes: los anarkas solían ser de origen español y a menudo continuaban hacia la educación a nivel preuniversitario mientras que los regaetonerso eran predominantemente latinoamericanos y tiraban hacia la educación secundaria vocacional y correctiva. Partiendo de conceptos de la geografía social, el análisis sugiere que los textos anarkas se encontraban en espacios oficiales en la escuela y se consideraban “estar en su lugar” mientras que los artefactos regaetoneros se encontraban en espacios no oficiales y se consideraban “fuera de lugar”. Mi argumento es que esta distribución, junto con otras prácticas y otros discursos institucionales, contribuyeron a la construcción de las trayectorias académicas menos favorables de los estudiantes de origen latinoamericanos.أبحث في هذه المقالة القراءة والكتابة المصنوعة يدويا، التي وضعها الطلاب في أماكن مختلفة في مدرسة ثانوية حكومية في مدينة مدريد بإسبانيا. لقد تم جمع البيانات كجزء من اثنوغرافيا متعددة المستويات استغرقت عاميْن، مركزة على المسارات الاجتماعية والأكاديمية للطلاب المهاجرين، في التعليم الثانوي الاجباري الاسباني. يستمد التحليل من مفاهيم متقدمة في السيميائية والأنثروبولوجيا اللغوية ودراسات القراءة والكتابة والجغرافيا الاجتماعية. كوﱠن نوعان واسعان للقراءة والكتابة المصنوعة يدويا المناظر السيميائية للمدرسة : النصوص السياسية والكتابات على الجدران؛ وبدورها، ترتبط هذه المصنوعات اليدوية بنمطين تعبيرييْن للشباب في المدرسة: الجناح الأيسر الأناركي وريجايتنونيروس اللاتيني. ينتمي الطلاب المرتبطون بهذه الأنماط التعبيرية إلى خلفيات عرقية مختلفة واتبعوا مسارات اجتماعية أكاديمية مختلفة: الأناركس ينتمون إلى أصول اسبانية وغالبا ما ينتقلون إلى التعليم قبل الجامعي؛ في حين أن معظم ريجايتنونيروس من أمريكا اللاتينية يتجهون إلى الأشكال المهنية وإلى إصلاح التعليم الثانوي، استنادا إلى المفاهيم في الجغرافيا الاجتماعية. يشير التحليل إلى أن نصوص الأناركا احتلت فضاءات رسمية في المدرسة وفُسرت أنها “في المكان”، في حين أن المصنوعات اليدوية لريجايتنونيروس قد احتلت فضاءات غير رسمية وفُسرت أنها “خارج المكان”. أنا أجادل أن هذا التوزيع إلى جانب ممارسات و خطابات مؤسساتية قد أسهمت في بناء مسارات أكاديمية أقل مواتاة للطلاب المهاجرين ذوي الأصول الأمريكية اللاتينية.
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In this paper we put together data from various projects focused on the construction of nontraditional family projects in Spain: (1) a multi-sited ethnographic study on the construction of singleparent families by choice in Spain; (2) a... more
In this paper we put together data from various projects focused on the construction of nontraditional family projects in Spain: (1) a multi-sited ethnographic study on the construction of singleparent families by choice in Spain; (2) a qualitative comparative study of adoptive families in Madrid and Chicago; (3) an on-going multi-sited ethnographic project on disclosure processes in families formed via gamete donation. Across the data of these studies, involving a wide variety of family
configurations (single and two-parent families, heterosexual and homo-parental families, international and interracial adopted children, partially-related biological offspring, etc.), we have identified a series of socialization strategies that are explicitly pointed out by parents as playing a role in socializing children into understanding their non-conventional family experience. Some of these strategies include creating socialization, support and leisure spaces with families of similar characteristics, multiple forms or narrative and storytelling activity on children's origin and the construction of their family project, managing conversations and interactions about their family when their children are present as over hearers or using daily interactions to construct and explore their family project. Across our data and studies socialization emerges as an active, bi-directional and
reflexive process central to family and parental identities. With our findings we present a portrait of emergent processes in Spain and open the door to cross-cultural comparisons.
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