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    Cristina Del Barrio

    Emotional peer support systems have benefits for student-student relationships and allow for children and adolescents' participation in schools. For students with specific educational needs and disabilities (SEND), positive... more
    Emotional peer support systems have benefits for student-student relationships and allow for children and adolescents' participation in schools. For students with specific educational needs and disabilities (SEND), positive relationships seem to be more difficult to attain and these students are more vulnerable to suffer negative peer experiences such as bullying and social exclusion. Systems in which peers can show helpful behavior are beneficial for schools in order to create a positive, supportive climate. Emotional peer support entails social interaction through emotional or practical help based on what these peers have in common and many times with benefits for both. This systematic review identified interventions of emotional peer support in schools for students with SEND. Twenty-three studies were identified that involved four types of befriending: circle of friends, peer buddying, peer networks, and social lunch clubs. Studies reported mainly positive outcomes for both f...
    Resumen Las relaciones de intimidación y exclusión social, caracterizadaspor el abuso de poder, constituyen el tema en torno al cual se ha ideado el presente dossier. En esta introducción, se esboza la secuencia habitual de acciones que... more
    Resumen Las relaciones de intimidación y exclusión social, caracterizadaspor el abuso de poder, constituyen el tema en torno al cual se ha ideado el presente dossier. En esta introducción, se esboza la secuencia habitual de acciones que relacionan la investigación y la intervención en este fenómeno, y se sitúa el caso español en relación con esta secuencia. Los cinco artículos incluidos en el dossier son resultado del trabajo desarrollado por un equipo de investigación de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid integrado en un proyecto europeo acerca de la Naturaleza y prevención de la intimidación y la exclusión social en el que han participado otras ocho universidades europeas. Subyace a todos los artículos siguientes la idea de que la investigación en un campo, sobre todo cuando éste se relaciona con la práctica, es de algún modo una forma de intervenir en él. Los distintos trabajos tratan diferentes aspectos del tema. El primero intenta aclarar el concepto de maltrato por abuso de poder y otros conceptos relacionados, así como reflexionar en lo que ha caracterizado su estudio. El segundo resume los resultados más importantes del estudio nacional acerca de la incidencia de la victimización entre estudiantes de educación secundaria obligatoria. El tercer artículo incluye dos estudios acerca del recuerdo del maltrato entre pares en los años escolares en varias muestras de adultos, estudiantes y profesores, para ver las consecuencias de haber sufrido estas experiencias. El cuarto se centra en las representaciones de varios aspectos relativos a la victimización, p.ej. las atribuciones emocionales y las estrategias para salir al paso de esa situación, utilizando una historieta gráfica. Por último, un quinto artículo analiza los modelos de intervención y diversas actividades desarrolladas en los diversos dominios en que sepuede intervener.
    El artículo, de carácter introductorio al resto de artículos de este dossier, consta de dos partes diferenciadas. En la primera, se pretende dilucidar el significado de conceptos relacionados con el maltrato y la agresión entre iguales en... more
    El artículo, de carácter introductorio al resto de artículos de este dossier, consta de dos partes diferenciadas. En la primera, se pretende dilucidar el significado de conceptos relacionados con el maltrato y la agresión entre iguales en el marco de la escuela a partir de las ...
    Research Interests:
    Esta investigación tiene por objetivo analizar estrategias contra el bullying, en el ámbito escolar, propuestas por investigadores brasileños y españoles. Se trata de un estudio descriptivo y exploratorio, de carácter cualitativo y tuvo... more
    Esta investigación tiene por objetivo analizar estrategias contra el bullying, en el ámbito escolar, propuestas por investigadores brasileños y españoles. Se trata de un estudio descriptivo y exploratorio, de carácter cualitativo y tuvo como procedimiento metodológico la investigación bibliográfica. La literatura analizada es compuesta por tesis y disertaciones brasileñas, publicadas de 2000 a 2012 y artículos en los dos países, publicados de 2000 a 2013. La literatura brasileña enfatizó acciones de información, sensibilización, creación de reglas y capacitación profesional; la literatura española señaló acciones de mejora de las relaciones interpersonales, desarrollo emocional y autoestima, enseñanza de valores socio-morales, capacitación docente y de las familias. Los resultados señalan una serie de acciones, las cuales se pueden inserir en un plan antibullying a desarrollarse cotidianamente, contribuyendo para el cambio del comportamiento sin respeto y para la construcción de rel...
    Abstract Students’ role in traditional bullying and cyberbullying was investigated in relation to self-serving cognitive distortions (SSCD), perception of school moral climate and bullying observation. Participants were secondary school... more
    Abstract Students’ role in traditional bullying and cyberbullying was investigated in relation to self-serving cognitive distortions (SSCD), perception of school moral climate and bullying observation. Participants were secondary school students from Spain (n = 568; 286 girls) and the Netherlands (n = 421; 223 girls). The results demonstrated that in both country samples, bullies and bully-victims had higher levels of SSCD. Both Spanish and Dutch students who were directly involved in traditional bullying situations showed more negative perceptions of the school moral climate. In cyberbullying situations, bystanders scored higher on school moral climate perception than bullies and bully-victims. Furthermore, school moral climate perception was negatively associated with traditional bullying observation in the group of victims, and with cyberbullying observation in the case of victims and bystanders. The present findings suggest that future research should focus on the cause-effect relations of these factors, which could include measuring the effects on bullying prevalence of an intervention aimed at SSCD reduction in bullies and bystanders and the improvement of the school moral climate.
    A medida que en la última década la tecnología de la comunicación se ha hecho más accesible en términos físicos y económicos, se ha conformado como una nueva herramienta para intensificar las relaciones interpersonales, pero también para... more
    A medida que en la última década la tecnología de la comunicación se ha hecho más accesible en términos físicos y económicos, se ha conformado como una nueva herramienta para intensificar las relaciones interpersonales, pero también para llevar a cabo comportamientos de intimidación y exclusión en el marco de relaciones de abuso de poder, lo que se ha denominado maltrato a través de las nuevas tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC), o “ciberacoso” (cyberbullying en lengua inglesa). En estos casos, aunque las conductas coinciden en buena parte con las perpetradas en el acoso tradicional (amenazas, insultos, maledicencia, agresión física grabada por medio del móvil, etc.), el anonimato tras el que se puede esconder quien agrede, junto a la rápida y masiva distribución que caracteriza a estas tecnologías, convierten las agresiones en una situación aún más dañina para quienes las padecen. Smith, Mahdavi y otros (2008) lo [Cristina del Barrio (Doctora en Psicología, Univer...
    Two national reports on peer bullying and social exclusion in schools promoted by the Spanish Ombudsman and UNICEF (2000, 2007) established the state of the art of bullying incidence in secondary schools, its forms, and differences... more
    Two national reports on peer bullying and social exclusion in schools promoted by the Spanish Ombudsman and UNICEF (2000, 2007) established the state of the art of bullying incidence in secondary schools, its forms, and differences according gender, school year or type of school amongst the many aspects tackled by both studies. One more step in the deepening into the nature of peer bullying and social exclusion in schools is to clarify whether the students who are victims of bullying are so in a single way, i.e. through the same type of action or whether they are bullied in multiple forms. The present study aims first at finding out the existence of multiple bullying among the secondary school students participating in the Second Ombudsman's Report. Second to determine whether it consists of experiencing various behaviors within the same category, e.g. verbal bullying, or various behaviors across categories (e.g. being insulted and stolen), as well as the incidence of both types...
    Analisis de las relaciones sociales de los alumnos con Sindrome de Asperger en escuelas integradas de secundaaria: un estudio de casos.
    The results hereby presented are a contribudon ro rhe debate abour the way in which human beings consrruct knowledge about the social world. The undersranding of rhe concept of nationality is anaIyzed as an aspecr of personal identity and... more
    The results hereby presented are a contribudon ro rhe debate abour the way in which human beings consrruct knowledge about the social world. The undersranding of rhe concept of nationality is anaIyzed as an aspecr of personal identity and as a fixed or prone-to-change characterisric. The changes presented in rhe undersranding of the conception of nationality within the different age groups and the contexr role in the construction of knowledge are explored. The sample consisted of 98 male and femate subjects of 7, lO, 13, 16 and 19 years old, living in Barranquilla (Colombia) and Madrid (Spain).
    ABSTRACT Peer victimization has received much attention from researchers and educators over the last decade, since it is a problem that affects children and adolescents. As more time-extensive programs do not seem to be used in schools,... more
    ABSTRACT Peer victimization has received much attention from researchers and educators over the last decade, since it is a problem that affects children and adolescents. As more time-extensive programs do not seem to be used in schools, in this article the EQUIP program for Educators is proposed as an instrument for the prevention of peer bullying and social exclusion. Its three components, anger management and thinking error correction, social skills and social decision making might be useful to work on various aspects involved in victimization situations between peers. The training was carried out in two groups of students in Spanish Secondary education between the ages of 14 and 17 years. For that goal the program was adapted to the Spanish school context. Results of the study in relation to thinking error correction, peer bullying and social exclusion incidence, classmates’ behavior in victimization situations and classroom climate are presented and discussed.
    Investigou-se, neste trabalho, como evolui a compreensao de criancas e adolescentes dos seus proprios direitos, o que pensam acerca da sua violacao e quais as formas ou medidas que propoem defende-los ou garanti-los. Foram entrevistados... more
    Investigou-se, neste trabalho, como evolui a compreensao de criancas e adolescentes dos seus proprios direitos, o que pensam acerca da sua violacao e quais as formas ou medidas que propoem defende-los ou garanti-los. Foram entrevistados 90 sujeitos de oito a dezesseis anos, da cidade de Madri, Espanha, acerca de sete historias especialmente elaboradas, cada qual apresentando um problema ou conflito envolvendo certo direito (educacao, alimentacao, atendimento medico, informacao veraz e jogo), empregando-se o metodo de exploracao critica piagetiano. Os resultados mostram que a compreensao de direitos humanos e de sua violacao e as estrategias concebidas para sua defesa ou garantia variam segundo a idade dos sujeitos e apresentam-se em niveis evolutivos, de conformidade com a proposta piagetiana de estadios no dominio do conhecimento logico-matematico. As conclusoes apontam a necessidade nao so de uma maior divulgacao dos direitos da infância e da adolescencia entre sujeitos dessas ida...
    Page 1. AUTORES, TEXTOS Y', PSICOLOG LA COMPRENSIÓN INFANTIL DE LA ENFERMEDAD UN ESTUDIO EVOLUTIVO Cristina del Barrio Martínez Prólogo de Juan Delval Page 2. Page 3. Page 4. AUTORES. TEXTOS ...
    Tradicionalmente, la adolescencia ha sido objeto de abundantes estereotipos, como el ser considerada simplemente una etapa de transicion entre la ninez y la vida adulta o como una epoca de conflicto. Como puede verse en esta obra, ambas... more
    Tradicionalmente, la adolescencia ha sido objeto de abundantes estereotipos, como el ser considerada simplemente una etapa de transicion entre la ninez y la vida adulta o como una epoca de conflicto. Como puede verse en esta obra, ambas cuestiones son solo parcialmente ciertas y ocultan con frecuencia otras caracteristicas centrales del periodo adolescente, como son la propia identidad y las posibilidades que ofrece en la construccion social y cognitiva de los seres humanos. En este libro Amparo Moreno y Cristina del Barrio, ofrecen una vision extensa , lucida y reflexiva de los problemas centrales en el estudio psicologico de la adolescencia. Para este proposito parten de las teorias actuales sobre adolescencia y su funcion en la sociedad y cultura y abordan los cambios que tienen lugar en los adolescentes.
    Despite efforts towards gender equality, from an early age, girls practice sport less than boys. Explaining this is paramount to psychology. Stereotypes about gender-appropriate behaviour play a key role in doing physical-sports activity.... more
    Despite efforts towards gender equality, from an early age, girls practice sport less than boys. Explaining this is paramount to psychology. Stereotypes about gender-appropriate behaviour play a key role in doing physical-sports activity. Based on the expectancy-value model, this study describes the gender beliefs of boys/girls regarding physical education. A total of 30 children (half-boys, half-girls) that were 4th- and 5th-year pupils (8–10 years) at two Colombian schools were interviewed using a semi-structured script focusing on open-ended questions. Interviews were recorded, transcribed and analysed. The results suggest gender differences in boys/girls already in the 4th year with respect to their abilities and the value they put on physical education based on a wide range of gender stereotypes. Specifically, boys/girls see football as a men’s sport, while skating, handball and volleyball are perceived as women’s sports. Furthermore, boys/girls have a dominant gender narrative that makes femininity subordinate to masculinity, thereby encouraging binary gender beliefs and practices. These stereotypes are reflected in their choice of activities and in how they use the school facilities, educing in this way the opportunities of both boys/girls as far as physical-sports activity are concerned. We discuss the findings emphasizing their relation to education and sociocultural influences. The conclusions suggest the need to make boys and girls more aware about gender equality, make changes to the activities and to how the physical spaces are used and provide equal teaching and learning experiences to reduce a divide still present in physical-sports education.
    Objetivo. EQUIPAR para Educadores (EpE; DiBiase et al., 2010) es un programa educativo cuyo objetivoes equipar a los jóvenes con habilidades y conocimientos para su vida diaria, a fin de prevenir conductasantisociales. El presente estudio... more
    Objetivo. EQUIPAR para Educadores (EpE; DiBiase et al., 2010) es un programa educativo cuyo objetivoes equipar a los jóvenes con habilidades y conocimientos para su vida diaria, a fin de prevenir conductasantisociales. El presente estudio se propone analizar los efectos de la aplicación del programa en lasdistorsiones cognitivas, el clima de aula y las actuaciones del alumnado en situaciones de acoso escolar.Método. Participaron 123 estudiantes de 3º y 4º de ESO. Se utilizó un diseño cuasi-experimental pretest/postest con un grupo control (128 estudiantes). Resultados. Se observaron cambios positivos en las actuaciones ante el acoso escolar, pero las distorsiones cognitivas y el clima de aula percibido no mostraron cambios después de la aplicación del programa. Conclusión. Una percepción muy positiva del clima de aula y el bajo nivel de distorsiones cognitivas antes de la intervención podrían explicar la falta de efectos, junto a aspectos relacionados con la implantación del program...
    Background Pegboard tests are a powerful technique used by health and education professionals to evaluate manual dexterity and fine motor speed, both in children and adults. Using traditional pegboards in tests, the total time that, for... more
    Background Pegboard tests are a powerful technique used by health and education professionals to evaluate manual dexterity and fine motor speed, both in children and adults. Using traditional pegboards in tests, the total time that, for example, a 4-year-old child needs for inserting pegs in a pegboard, with the left or right hand, can be measured. However, these measurements only allow for studying the variability among individuals, whereas no data can be obtained on the intraindividual variability in inserting and removing these pegs with one and the other hand. Objective The aim of this research was to study the intraindividual variabilities in fine manual motor skills of 2- to 3-year-old children during playing activities, using a custom designed electronic pegboard. Methods We have carried out a pilot study with 39 children, aged between 25 and 41 months. The children were observed while performing a task involving removing 10 pegs from 10 holes on one side and inserting them i...
    EDUCERE (Ubiquitous Detection Ecosystem to Care and Early Stimulation for Children with Developmental Disorders) is a government funded research and development project. EDUCERE objectives are to investigate, develop, and evaluate... more
    EDUCERE (Ubiquitous Detection Ecosystem to Care and Early Stimulation for Children with Developmental Disorders) is a government funded research and development project. EDUCERE objectives are to investigate, develop, and evaluate innovative solutions for society to detect changes in psychomotor development through the natural interaction of children with toys and everyday objects, and perform stimulation and early attention activities in real environments such as home and school. In the EDUCERE project, an ethical impact assessment is carried out linked to a minors' data protection rights. Using a specific methodology, the project has achieved some promising results. These include use of a prototype of smart toys to detect development difficulties in children. In addition, privacy protection measures which take into account the security concerns of health data, have been proposed and applied. This latter security framework could be useful in other Internet of Things related pro...
    Students’ role in traditional bullying and cyberbullying was investigated in relation to self-serving cognitive distortions (SSCD), perception of school moral climate and bullying observation. Participants were secondary school students... more
    Students’ role in traditional bullying and cyberbullying was investigated in relation to self-serving cognitive distortions (SSCD), perception of school moral climate and bullying observation. Participants were secondary school students from Spain (n = 568; 286 girls) and the Netherlands (n = 421; 223 girls). The results demonstrated that in both country samples, bullies and bully¬victims had higher levels of SSCD. Both Spanish and Dutch students who were directly involved in traditional bullying situations showed more negative perceptions of the school moral climate. In cyberbullying situations, bystanders scored higher on school moral climate perception than bullies and bully-victims. Furthermore, school moral climate perception was negatively associated with traditional bullying observation in the group of victims, and with cyberbullying observation in the case of victims and bystanders. The present findings suggest that future research should focus on the cause-effect relations of these factors, which could include measuring the effects on bullying prevalence of an intervention aimed at SSCD reduction in bullies and bystanders and the improvement of the school moral climate.
    Resumen Tras un repaso del conocimiento actual acerca del acoso y la exclusión social entre escolares, como problemas de grupo, se revisan los estudios que han explorado la naturaleza y las consecuencias de este tipo de relación con el... more
    Resumen Tras un repaso del conocimiento actual acerca del acoso y la exclusión social entre escolares, como problemas de grupo, se revisan los estudios que han explorado la naturaleza y las consecuencias de este tipo de relación con el alumnado con alguna discapacidad. De esta revisión, se deriva que la incidencia de víctimas es mayor comparada con la del alumnado sin discapacidad, y que el modo en que se manifiesta el abuso de poder entre iguales, así como el tipo de persona a quien se acude en busca de ayuda es diferente según el tipo de discapacidad, sea sensorial, motriz o del desarrollo (intelectual, del habla o comunicación, del espectro autista). El artículo presta especial atención a cómo afectan los abusos entre iguales al alumnado con trastornos del espectro autista y se presentan los tipos de intervención que, centrados en el grupo de pares, han mostrado su eficacia para cambiar el clima de relaciones del grupo. Palabras clave. Maltrato entre iguales, discapacidad, ayuda entre iguales, convivencia escolar, síndrome de Asperger. Abstract Starting with an overview of the current scientific knowledge of peer bullying and social exclusion in schools, considered as a group problem, research on the nature and consequences of this negative relationship among students with any kind of disability is reviewed. The review shows a higher incidence of victims among Special Educational Needs (SEN) students compared with non-SEN students, together with differences not only in how the abuse takes place among peers, but also in relation to the person the victim goes to for help, depending on the type of disability of the victim –sensory, motor or developmental (intellectual, speech or communication, autistic spectrum disorders). The article focuses especially on how peer abuse affects pupils with Autistic Spectrum Disorders, and efficient types of intervention focusing on the peer group to change group relationships are presented.

    And 45 more