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Eustoquio  Molina
  • Departamento de Ciencias de la Tierra
    Universidad de Zaragoza
    Calle Pedro Cerbuna, 12
    E-50009 Zaragoza

Eustoquio Molina

The Eocene was a period of intense climate variability and the response of deep-sea biota is still poorly understood , especially across certain understudied intervals from the middle Eocene. We present new benthic foraminiferal data from... more
The Eocene was a period of intense climate variability and the response of deep-sea biota is still poorly understood , especially across certain understudied intervals from the middle Eocene. We present new benthic foraminiferal data from a Bartonian marine sequence deposited in the western Tethys Ocean (Torre Cardela section, Spain), and determine the biotic and paleoenvironmental turnover. The assemblages indicate a middle to lower bathyal depth of deposition, and they contain allochthonous taxa (e.g. asterigerinids) that were transported from shallower settings. A Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DCA) performed on the total assemblage differentiates the autochthonous and allochthonous taxa, supporting the idea of different provenience. We suggest that the latter were likely transported downslope by currents. Quantitative analyses of the auto-chthonous assemblages show a strong dominance of calcareous infaunal taxa, mainly bolivinids, which point to a high flux of organic matter to the seafloor. Bolivinoides crenulata, the most common species, is associated with inputs of refractory organic matter and high-energy environments. Five intervals were differentiated based on changes in the relative abundance of taxa. Two intervals (B and D) show the highest percentages of al-lochthonous taxa and B. crenulata. We suggest that enhanced current activity not only transported allochthonous taxa, but also brought in refractory organic matter to the seafloor, which was consumed by opportunistic taxa during these two intervals. We conclude that benthic foraminiferal assemblages at Torre Cardela were strongly controlled by the amount and type of organic matter reaching the seafloor, which were in turn affected by sedimentary and, ultimately, by climatic factors.
RESUMEN Se describen los principales yacimientos marinos de interés para el patrimonio paleontológico situados en la Península Ibérica y en las Islas Baleares. Estos yacimientos son relevantes principalmente por distintas razones. Unos... more
RESUMEN Se describen los principales yacimientos marinos de interés para el patrimonio paleontológico situados en la Península Ibérica y en las Islas Baleares. Estos yacimientos son relevantes principalmente por distintas razones. Unos por haber servido para la definición de estratotipos de pisos o de límites; otros por su excelente registro fósil que ha permitido definir nuevas especies; así como otros por su buen desarrollo estratigráfico que ha permitido realizar estudios de alta resolución sobre distintos eventos de extinción y evolución. Muchos de estos yacimientos han sido protegidos por su gran interés patrimonial. Las secciones más relevantes del Paleozoico
Biostratigraphic analysis of the Eocene-Oligocene transition (E-O) at the Menzel Bou Zelfa and Jhaff composite section in the Cap Bon Peninsula (North East Tunisia) allowed us to recognize a continuous planktic foraminiferal biozonation:... more
Biostratigraphic analysis of the Eocene-Oligocene transition (E-O) at the Menzel Bou Zelfa and Jhaff composite section in the Cap Bon Peninsula (North East Tunisia) allowed us to recognize a continuous planktic foraminiferal biozonation: E14 Globigerinatheka semiinvoluta Zone, E15 Globigerinatheka index Zone, E16 Hantkenina alabamensis Zone and O1 Pseudohastigerina naguewichiensis Zone. A quantitative study of benthic and planktic foraminifera assemblages was carried out and the richness and diversity of foraminifera allowed us to reconstruct the paleoenvironmental evolution from marine to terrestrial environments. From the Eocene E14 Zone, the foraminiferal association characterizes a relatively warm climate with considerable oxygen content and a dominance of keeled and spinose planktic foraminifera, which became extinct at the E/O boundary, possibly due to cooling of the planktic environment. Nevertheless, the small benthic foraminifera do not show an extinction event at the Eocene/Oligocene (E/ O) boundary, indicating that the benthic environment was not significantly affected. In the basal Oligocene O1 Zone, the benthic environment changes to a shallower setting due to cooling of the climate. These changes generated a remarkable dominance of globular forms in the planktic environment. Small benthic foraminifera apparently have a gradual extinction event, or more likely a gradual pattern of local disappearances, that could have been caused by the Oi1 glaciation.
The biostratigraphic analysis of the Eocene-Oligocene transition of the Menzel Bou Zelfa and Jhaff sections in northeastern Tunisia (Cap Bon peninsula) allows us to identify a continuous planktic forami-niferal biozonation. The following... more
The biostratigraphic analysis of the Eocene-Oligocene transition of the Menzel Bou Zelfa and Jhaff sections in northeastern Tunisia (Cap Bon peninsula) allows us to identify a continuous planktic forami-niferal biozonation. The following biozones were recognized: Globigerinatheka semiinvoluta Zone (E14), Globigerinatheka index Zone (E15), (Hantkenina alabamensis Zone (E16) of the upper Eocene and Pseu-dohastigerina naguewichiensis Zone (O1) of the lower Oligocene. A rapid mass extinction event in planktic foraminifera occurred at the Eocene-Oligocene transition, including the extinction of the turborotalids (Turborotalia cerroazulensis, Turborotalia cocoaensis and Turborotalia cunialensis) followed by a significant size reduction of the genus Pseudohastigerina and the extinction of the hantkeninids (Hantkenina ala-bamensis, Hantkenina brevispina, Hantkenina nanggulanensis and Cribrohantkenina lazzarii), which mark the Eocene/Oligocene boundary. These species were tropical and subtropical surface and intermediate dwellers, with distinctive morphologies (carinate turborotalids and spinose hantkeninids), which were well adapted species of k-strategy. The surviving planktic foraminifera species were quite similar in morphology with globular chambers (globigerinids) and small planispiral (pseudohastigerinids), which were opportunistic species of r-strategy. The recognition of a 4 m thick interval, between the extinction of turborotalids and hantkeninids, indicates that the section is continuous and one of the most expanded throughout the Eocene-Oligocene transition. This section could serve as an auxiliary section (hypo-stratotype) for the complete definition of the Global Stratotype Section and Point for the Eocene/ Oligocene boundary, which mark the base of the Rupelian Stage.
The Latest Danian Event (LDE) or Top Chron C27n hyperthermal event has been identified in the Caravaca section (Southern Spain) by means of calcareous nannofossil biozones (Subzone NTp7b) and the recognition of a prominent , negative ~0.6... more
The Latest Danian Event (LDE) or Top Chron C27n hyperthermal event has been identified in the Caravaca section (Southern Spain) by means of calcareous nannofossil biozones (Subzone NTp7b) and the recognition of a prominent , negative ~0.6 per mille carbon isotope excursion measured in benthic foraminiferal tests. This is the first time that this Danian hyperthermal event has been identified in a deep-water, middle to lower bathyal setting from the Western Tethyan realm. The analysis of benthic foraminiferal assemblages shows gradual changes in the assemblages prior to the onset of the LDE and an increase in food supply to the seafloor during the LDE, in agreement with results from shallower Southern Tethyan settings. The benthic assemblage changes across the LDE at Caravaca share some characteristics with other hyperthermal events, including the negative carbon isotope excursion, the increased abundance of buliminids, or the common occurrence of A. aragonensis, an opportunistic species that proliferated during other Paleogene hyperthermal events. In addition, the increased abundance of Nuttallides truempyi, a dissolution-resistant form that thrived during the Paleocene Eocene Thermal Maximum, and the abundance of calcareous infaunal morphogroups, which calcify in less carbonate-undersaturated pore waters, indicate slightly CaCO 3-corrosive bottom waters during the LDE. Turnover of calcareous plankton across the LDE is similar to other sites globally distributed, including the evolution of photosymbiotic foraminiferal lineages and the radiation of the nannofossil " fasciculiths group ". The occurrence of innovative morphostructures (Diantholitha and Lithoptychius) towards the base of the LDE may indicate a more efficient biological pump. This hypothesis is supported by increased percentages of benthic infaunal morphogroups and a decrease in the abundance of oligotrophic species. A reworked interval has been identified immediately above the LDE. Higher up in the section, benthic and planktic assemblages from the post-LDE interval point to the recovery of the environmental conditions, including a decrease in the food supply to the seafloor.
RESUMEN Con el objetivo de reconstruir el paleoambiente y correlacionar bioeventos que caractericen el Eoceno medio-superior se ha realizado un estudio cuantitativo de foraminíferos bentónicos en Torre Cardela, un afloramiento situado en... more
RESUMEN Con el objetivo de reconstruir el paleoambiente y correlacionar bioeventos que caractericen el Eoceno medio-superior se ha realizado un estudio cuantitativo de foraminíferos bentónicos en Torre Cardela, un afloramiento situado en la cordillera Subbética donde se extendía la parte suroeste del Tetis. Las muestras analizadas corresponden al Bartoniense e incluyen tanto su base como su techo, lo que le confiere a la sección estudiada un interés añadido desde el punto de vista cronoestratigráfico, pudiendo contribuir a la definición del GSSP del Bartoniense. Los primeros resultados muestran una predominancia de especies bentónicas infaunales, tales como Bolivina y Bolivinoides, que junto con el resto de la asociación indican un medio batial con alto aporte de alimento. Además se han identificado especies típicas de medio litoral como Asterigerina, Cibicidoides y Osangularia, que han sido consideradas como alóctonas ya que tienen un estilo de vida epifítico y pueden haber sido transportadas penecontemporaneamente. ABSTRACT Aiming for the paleoenvironmental reconstruction and correlation of bioevents characteristic from the Middle-Upper Eocene, a quantitative study of benthic foraminifera has been carried out in Torre Cardela (Spain). The outcrop is located in the Subbaetic System, were the SW part of the Tethys Ocean lied during the Bartonian. Samples analyzed from this age shows a high abundance of infaunal species such as Bolivinas and Bolivinoides which indicates conditions of high nutrients, while the rest of the assemblage suggest a middle bathyal depth. Certain species typical from shallower waters (Asterigerina, Cibicidoides and Osangularia) has been also found, but they are likely allochthonous as they lived attach to seaweed that could be easily transported by currents or through the continental slope. INTRODUCCIÓN El concepto de GSSP (Global Boundary Stratotype Section and Point) fue introducido por la Comisión Internacional de Estratigrafía en los años 70 para estandarizar la edad y significado de las edades geológicas, en especial en su base.
Open marine sediments deposited during the CenomanianeTuronian transition are well exposed in the Spanish Ba~ nos de la Hedionda section (Betic Cordillera, South Iberian Palaeomargin). Analysis of fora-miniferal assemblages and... more
Open marine sediments deposited during the CenomanianeTuronian transition are well exposed in the Spanish Ba~ nos de la Hedionda section (Betic Cordillera, South Iberian Palaeomargin). Analysis of fora-miniferal assemblages and geochemical proxies allow inferences on the impact of the Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 (OAE2) in this area of the western Tethys. Three main intervals have been identified corresponding to different lithological units and biozones. (1) The top of the Capas Blancas Member (Rotali-pora cushmani Biozone) represents the pre-extinction phase with diverse foraminiferal assemblages and well developed water-column tiering, well-oxygenated, oligotrophic deep-waters and oxygenated to poorly oxygenated, mesotrophic surface-waters. Foraminiferal opportunist species point to a minor event with dysoxic conditions preceding the OAE2. (2) The black radiolaritic shales (Whiteinella archaeocretacea Biozone) consist of a foraminiferal-barren interval, except for the lowermost centimetres where planktic surface-dweller opportunists are common. Redox sensitive elements (Cr/Al, V/Al, U/Th, Mo EF , Mo aut , U EF and U aut) and increased TOC values reflect oxygen depleted conditions related to the OAE2. The increase in P/Ti values at the base of this stratigraphic interval indicates an abrupt increase in productivity. High concentrations of radiolarians are congruent with high surface productivity probably related to changes in oceanic circulation and enhanced upwelling currents, as well as subsequent shallowing of the oxygen-minimum zone. The increase in Mo EF and Mo aut towards the top of the black radiolaritic shales indicates temporal euxinic conditions. (3) A slow, bottom-up recovery of foraminiferal assemblages is inferred at the base of the Boquer on Member (Helvetoglobotruncana helvetica Biozone), with seafloor recolonization by benthic foraminifera being recorded previous to the water column colonization by planktic forms, mainly by intermediate-dwellers typical of mesotrophic waters. The subsequent proliferation of surface-dweller opportunists and deep-dweller opportunists adapted to mesotrophic to eutrophic conditions, and the decrease in planktic foraminiferal diversity, may indicate the persistence of poorly oxygenated conditions in the water column towards the lower-middle part of the H. helvetica Biozone.

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Por el momento, la temperatura en la Tierra no ha subido demasiado, pero solo es cuestión de tiempo; habrá que hacer más para reducir las emisiones, porque cuando el hielo de los polos y los glaciares se derrita aumentará el nivel del mar... more
Por el momento, la temperatura en la Tierra no ha subido demasiado, pero solo es cuestión de tiempo; habrá que hacer más para reducir las emisiones, porque cuando el hielo de los polos y los glaciares se derrita aumentará el nivel del mar de manera importante, señala el paleontólogo Eustoquio Molina. Eustoquio Molina, palentólogo español, brindó la conferencia " Eventos de extinción en los últimos 100 millones de años " , dentro del Encuentro Libertad por el saber. Pensar la muerte, en el Colegio Nacional. Foto: AMC/Elizabeth Ruiz Jaimes. Galería de imágenes En el pasado desaparecían tres especies al día durante los eventos conocidos como extinción a fondo. Hoy, las cifras, advierte el micropaleontólogo español Eustoquio Molina, pudieran ser exageradas, pero los biólogos que se han ocupado de hacer cálculos indican que se extinguen 30 mil especies al año, 72 al día, 3 en una hora, lo que hace ver que la presente es la sexta gran extinción en masa, considerable y acelerada, que acontece en el Holoceno, última y actual época geológica. " A veces la extinción se acelera, y da lugar a un evento de extinción que involucra a muchas especies, lo que sería una extinción en masa; de las extinciones hay tres tipos: la gradual, lenta, que puede llevar uno, dos o tres millones de años; o en masa rápida, que toma alrededor de 100 mil años; y la súbita o catastrófica. A lo largo de los tiempos geológicos han existido muchos eventos de extinción en masa, pero sólo cinco son los grandes eventos de extinción, actualmente estaríamos en el sexto de esta naturaleza. Estas cinco grandes extinciones en masa involucraron a más del 75% de especies que existían en su momento, el resto no llegaron a suponer porcentajes de extinción tan altos. Invitado a El Colegio Nacional para participar en las conferencias del Encuentro Libertad por el saber. Pensar en la muerte, Eustoquio Molina, especialista en los microfósiles foraminíferos, especialmente en los del medio marino,

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