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En: Sembrando el futuro: la revolución en la formación y desarrollo de competencias. Dykinson. ISBN 978-84-1170-362-8
En: Innovación sin fronteras: una mirada transversal a la educación y la investigación. Dykinson. ISBN 978-84-1170-534-9
The aim of this paper is to analyse some strategies of power, social control and legitimation during the Iberian Late Iron Age (6th–1st centuries BC). It addresses how the Iberian elites exploited the domain of the ‘outside’ to legitimise... more
The aim of this paper is to analyse some strategies of power, social control and legitimation during the Iberian Late Iron Age (6th–1st centuries BC). It addresses how the Iberian elites exploited the domain of the ‘outside’ to legitimise and to retain their status. A diachronic approach is presented seeking to analyse the role of the outside realm throughout all the examined period and the variety of its expressions within the Iberian societies. In particular, the paper focuses on the south-east of Spain, an area with a rich archaeological record which, however, have never been approached from this view.
The aim of this paper is to analyse some strategies of power, social control and legitima-tion during the Iberian Iron Age (6th–1stcenturies BC). It addresses how the Iberian elites exploitedthe domain of the ‘outside’ to legitimize and... more
The aim of this paper is to analyse some strategies of power, social control and legitima-tion during the Iberian Iron Age (6th–1stcenturies BC). It addresses how the Iberian elites exploitedthe domain of the ‘outside’ to legitimize and retain their status. A diachronic approach is present-ed seeking to analyse the role of the outside realm throughout all the examined period and the vari-ety of its expressions within the Iberian societies. In particular, the paper focuses on the south-eastof Spain, an area with a rich archaeological record which, however, has never been examined fromthis approach.
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This paper analyzes the development of the Iberian and Roman settlement between the 5th BC-3rd AD centuries in the South-east of the Iberian Peninsula, and in particular in the area of Coy, Avilés and Doña Inés in Lorca (Murcia, Spain).... more
This paper analyzes the development of the Iberian and Roman settlement between the 5th BC-3rd AD centuries in the South-east of the Iberian Peninsula, and in particular in the area of Coy, Avilés and Doña Inés in Lorca (Murcia, Spain). The area is known for decades because of the important sites located there, however there aren’t specific studies with a diachronic view about the occupation of the Iberian period and its transformation with the Roman presence in the Southeast and in Carthago Nova. This area has a special interest for the archaeological findings, the large number of sites located here and its key position between Andalusia, Lorca and the North-west of Murcia. Through the analysis of the Iberian and Roman sites and of the material data we accomplish a first diachronic study of settlement in the area during these centuries.
The aim of this paper is to review the sites related with possible Iron Age cult places during the 4th‐3rd centuries B.C. in the Iberian area of the current region of Murcia, in the Spanish Southeast. Beyond the traditional studies... more
The aim of this paper is to review the sites related with possible Iron Age cult places during the 4th‐3rd centuries B.C. in the Iberian area of the current region of Murcia, in the Spanish Southeast. Beyond the traditional studies focused on the presence of important sanctuaries linked to the regional oppida, the data showed a much more complex situation in these territories. A global view of all these sites and their analysis within the spatial and territorial background are presented here for the first time. Based on these dates new lines of work and some reflections on the character of such cult places and on their position in the Iberian landscape are suggested.
El presente trabajo pretende abordar aquellos criterios generales que definen la decisión locacional de la mayor parte de los asentamientos ibéricos en el área murciana, intentando ofrecer una imagen global de los mismos que sirva de... more
El presente trabajo pretende abordar aquellos criterios generales que definen la decisión locacional de la mayor parte de los asentamientos ibéricos en el área murciana, intentando ofrecer una imagen global de los mismos que sirva de punto de partida para necesarios y nuevos ...

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El presente trabajo aborda el amplio periodo que abarca desde finales de la Edad del Hierro hasta los primeros siglos del Imperio romano en el Sureste de la Península Ibérica (IV a.C.-III d.C.) En él se analizan, desde una perspectiva... more
El presente trabajo aborda el amplio periodo que abarca desde finales de la Edad del Hierro hasta los primeros siglos del Imperio romano en el Sureste de la Península Ibérica (IV a.C.-III d.C.) En él se analizan, desde una perspectiva global e integradora, las dinámicas y transformaciones que experimenta el paisaje de dichas centurias atendiendo a aspectos como los patrones de asentamiento, la economía y la organización sociopolítica. A través de todo ello se pretende ofrecer una perspectiva de estudio novedosa frente a perspectivas tradicionales en este ámbito peninsular únicamente centradas en el estudio aislado de los principales yacimientos y su cultura material. El volumen aborda así, por primera vez, un análisis diacrónico y comparativo de estos territorios, ofreciendo una nueva imagen de los mismos a lo largo de las centurias analizadas e insertándolos, además, en el contexto más amplio del ámbito sur peninsular.

The book analyses, from a global and comprehensive perspective, the wide period between the end of the Iron Age and the first centuries of the Roman Imperial period in the Southeast of the Iberian Peninsula (4th century BC- 3rd century AC). It aims to increase the current understanding of these centuries in the area, and to provide a broader, different and innovative perspective of analysis, which goes beyond the traditional isolated study of the main regional sites and their archaeological record. Thus, it focuses on the dynamics and transformations operating in the landscape, the settlement patterns, the economy and the socio-political organisation of these territories, providing a first diachronic and comparative analysis of these centuries which lacked for this study area. As a result, the volume offers a new long-term picture of these Iberian territories, providing a first view of their evolution and inserting them in the context of the southern peninsular area.
33 authors collaborated in this volume on sacred landscapes in the ancient world in a comparative, multi-disciplinary perspective, between Britain and Egypt, Portugal and China. From generation to generation, people experience their... more
33 authors collaborated in this volume on sacred landscapes in the ancient world in a comparative, multi-disciplinary perspective, between Britain and Egypt, Portugal and China.
From generation to generation, people experience their landscapes differently. Humans depend on their natural environment: it shapes their behaviour and it is often felt that one has to appease one's deities that were responsible for natural benefits, but also for natural calamities, like droughts, famines, floods and landslides. In many societies, we presume that lakes, rivers, rocks, mountains, caves and groves were considered sacred. Individual sites and entire landscapes are often associated with divine actions, mythical heroes and etiological myths. Throughout human history, people also felt the need to monumentalise their sacred landscape. But this is where the similarities stop as different societies had very different understandings, believes and practises. The aim of this book is therefore to carefully scrutinise our evidence and rethink our methodologies in a multidisciplinary approach. More than thirty papers investigate diverse sacred landscapes from the Iberian peninsula and Britain in the west to China in the east. They discuss how to interpret the intricate web of ciphers and symbols in the landscape and how people might have experienced it. We see the role of performance, ritual, orality, textuality and memory in people's sacred landscapes. A diachronic view allows us to study how landscapes were 're-written', adapted and redefined in the course of time to suit new cultural, political and religious understandings, not to mention the impact of urbanism on people's understandings. How was the landscape manipulated, transformed and monumentalised, especially the colossal investments in monumental architecture we see in certain socio-historic contexts or the creation of an alternative humanmade, seemingly 'non-natural' landscape, with perfectly astronomically aligned buildings that defines a cosmological order? This volume therefore aims to analyse the complex links between landscape, 'religiosity' and society, developing a dialectic framework that explores sacred landscapes across the ancient world in a dynamic, holistic, contextual and historical perspective.
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21st Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists (Glasgow 2-5 September, 2015)
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21st Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists (Glasgow 2-5 September, 2015)
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