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    Luis Gómez-Landero

    El principal objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar las  relaciones entre el perfil morfologico y la estima corporal en jovenes practicantes de Gimnasia Ritmica Deportiva. Para ello, se ha realizado un estudio descriptivo utilizando... more
    El principal objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar las  relaciones entre el perfil morfologico y la estima corporal en jovenes practicantes de Gimnasia Ritmica Deportiva. Para ello, se ha realizado un estudio descriptivo utilizando material cineantropometrico para analizar diversas caracteristicas morfologicas: somatocarta, compartimentos corporales, indices de proporcionalidad y el test psicologico (BESC para valorar la imagen corporal). Las pruebas fueron realizadas a 20 deportistas pertenecientes a la Seleccion Andaluza de Gimnasia Ritmica Deportiva con un rango de edad de 9 a 15 anos (media ± desviacion tipica: 11,20 ±  4,5), divididas en dos grupos de edades competitivas: Grupo A (12 gimnastas de categoria alevin 9-11 anos) y Grupo B (8 gimnastas de categoria infantil-junior de 12- 15 anos). Los resultados mostraron  solo una correlacion significativa inversamente proporcional entre la Estima Corporal  y porcentaje graso en las gimnastas de mayor edad. Key Words: Gimnasia Ritmi...
    The purpose of this study was to analyse whether contextual (perception of motivational climate and positive and negative spontaneous self-talk in sports), personal (positivity) and situational variables (positive and negative spontaneous... more
    The purpose of this study was to analyse whether contextual (perception of motivational climate and positive and negative spontaneous self-talk in sports), personal (positivity) and situational variables (positive and negative spontaneous self-talk employed in competition and precompetitive anxiety) predict performance in a competition of ensembles of rhythmic gymnastics. 258 female gymnasts between ages14 and 20 (M = 15.24, SD = 1.46) participated in the study, completing pre- and post-competition measures. The results of the path-analysis showed that both the task-involving climate and positivity predicted positive self-talk in sport. This predicted self-confidence which, in turn, positively predicted positive situational self-talk in competition. For its part, the perception of an ego-involving climate positively predicted the use of both negative and positive self-talk in sport. Negative self-talk in sports predicted negative situational self-talk in competition and somatic and ...
    The aim of this study was to ascertain the differen ces in kinetic and kinematic profiles between better and poorer performers of the vertica l jump within a homogeneous group of trained adults. Fifty rugby players were divided in to low... more
    The aim of this study was to ascertain the differen ces in kinetic and kinematic profiles between better and poorer performers of the vertica l jump within a homogeneous group of trained adults. Fifty rugby players were divided in to low scoring (LOW) and high scoring (HIGH) groups based on their performance in the ver tical jump. The force, velocity, displacement, and RFD-time curves were analyzed in order to determine the differences between groups. The analysis of the data showed dif ferences in all the patterns of the ensemble mean curves of the HIGH and LOW groups. Du ring the eccentric phase, the differences in the HIGH group with respect to the L OW group were: Lower crouch position, higher downward velocity, and higher force and rate of force development during the braking of the downward movement. During the concentric pha se, the HIGH group achieved higher upward velocity, higher force at the end of phase, and a higher position at take-off. The higher jump performances app...
    The objective of this study was to analyse the relationship between intra-trial variability in balance scores obtained via a force platform and acrobatic gymnasts’ pyramid scores provided by a qualified and experienced judge. Twelve... more
    The objective of this study was to analyse the relationship between intra-trial variability in balance scores obtained via a force platform and acrobatic gymnasts’ pyramid scores provided by a qualified and experienced judge. Twelve acrobatic gymnasts grouped in pairs performed five successful straddle lever pyramids on two force platforms with one foot on each platform. The variability of path length of the centre of pressure of each foot was examined to analyse the balance of the pyramid. The variability of path length was negatively correlated with pyramid score in both legs, non-preferred (rho = -0.706 [very large]) and preferred leg (rho = -0.530 [large]). The results suggest a relationship between intra-trial variability and pyramid performance.
    Uno de los factores clave mas estudiados entorno al exito en un deporte son las caracteristicas morfologicas. Los trabajos relacionados con la antropometria en Trampolin (deporte gimnastico olimpico desde Sydney 2000), son sin embargo muy... more
    Uno de los factores clave mas estudiados entorno al exito en un deporte son las caracteristicas morfologicas. Los trabajos relacionados con la antropometria en Trampolin (deporte gimnastico olimpico desde Sydney 2000), son sin embargo muy escasos. Este estudio pretende describir y establecer datos de referencia del Trampolin Espanol, centrandonos en el somatotipo y la composicion corporal en los distintos grupos de edad competitivos de categoria femenina. Hemos medido 19 gimnastas: 9 de categoria Sub-15 (11,44±1,23 anos) y 10 de categoria Absoluta (16,1±2,02 anos). Todas dentro de la elite nacional. Fueron estudiadas 15 variables antropometricas: peso, talla, 6 pliegues, 5 diametros y 2 perimetros; todas obtenidas segun el protocolo de la ISAK con investigadores certificados. El somatotipo fue calculado segun el metodo de Heath-Carter y la composicion corporal segun las recomendaciones del GREC. En categoria Absoluta se obtuvo un 49,35% de masa muscular y 13,37% de grasa, con un som...
    CrossFit® is a competitive sport and fitness modality characterized by multiple physical capabilities and multi-joint movements. This study aimed to analyse and classify variables related to CrossFit® competitors’ specific performance.... more
    CrossFit® is a competitive sport and fitness modality characterized by multiple physical capabilities and multi-joint movements. This study aimed to analyse and classify variables related to CrossFit® competitors’ specific performance. Fifteen male CrossFit® competitors were selected (n = 15; 30.57 ± 5.5 years; 1.76 ± 0.06 m; 78.55 ± 9.12 kg). Mean values were obtained for body mass index (25.3 ± 2.14 kg/m2), 4 skinfolds, 1 repetition maximum in the squat (137.60 ± 19.65 kg) and the bench press (101.67 ± 10.64 kg), maximum pull-ups (18.87 ± 5.05), sit-ups in 60 s (46.60 ± 4.22), peak power in the countermovement jump (3908.04 ± 423.68 W), VO2max with a shuttle run test (47.70 ± 4.79 ml kg-1·min-1), and time in the Workout of the Day (WOD) “Fran” (337.13 ± 119.19 s) and “Donkey Kong” (417.47 ± 98.44 s) components. Principal component analysis was conducted to classify variables and to select those most related to each new component (“strength and muscle mass”, “adiposity” and “aerobi...
    Tesis Univ. Granada. Departamento de Educación Física y Deportiva. Leída el 9 de junio de 2010
    Acrobatic gymnasts need excellent balance control to execute pyramids where one gymnast is supported by another. The objectives of this study were: (1) to describe balance performance by assessing the centre of pressure displacement in a... more
    Acrobatic gymnasts need excellent balance control to execute pyramids where one gymnast is supported by another. The objectives of this study were: (1) to describe balance performance by assessing the centre of pressure displacement in a group of acrobatic gymnasts executing pyramids; (2) to determine the relationship between the parameters describing the centre of pressure oscillations and pyramid score; and (3) to examine the role of each foot in providing a solid base of support to maintain the balance of the pyramid. Sixteen acrobatic gymnasts grouped in pairs performed a Half pyramid and a Straddle pyramid held for 7 s on two force platforms. Path length, variance, range trajectory, and surface area of the centre of pressure of each foot were examined to analyse the balance of the pyramid. The path length was correlated with the pyramid score (Straddle: p = 0.692 [large]; Half: p = 0.407 [moderate]). There were differences in the functions of each leg to maintain balance, with ...
    El objetivo de este estudio ha sido la determinación del perfil morfológico de la especialidad gimnástica de trampolín. Se realizó una exploración antropométrica a un grupo de 7 gimnastas de categoría masculina con edades comprendidas... more
    El objetivo de este estudio ha sido la determinación del perfil morfológico de la especialidad gimnástica de trampolín. Se realizó una exploración antropométrica a un grupo de 7 gimnastas de categoría masculina con edades comprendidas entre los 15 y 25 años, que representan una parte importante de la élite española, siendo algunos de ellos miembro del equipo nacional. Se tomaron las siguientes medidas antropométricas: peso, talla, pliegues cutáneos (tríceps, subescapular, suprailíaco, pierna medial y muslo), perímetros (bíceps contraído, pierna) y diámetros (bicondíleo del húmero y bicondíleo del fémur). A partir de las medidas antropométricas se ha valorado el somatotipo, la composición corporal y los índices de proporcionalidad. Los resultados entre otros, evidencian un somatotipo de la selección española de trampolín mesomorfo-balanceado, ya que existen pocas diferencias entre su componente ectomórfico y endomórfico.
    The purpose of this study was to determine if children exhibit greater variability in center of mass movement and kinetics compared with adults in vertical jumping. Countermovement jumps with arms (CMJA) and without arms (CMJ) performed... more
    The purpose of this study was to determine if children exhibit greater variability in center of mass movement and kinetics compared with adults in vertical jumping. Countermovement jumps with arms (CMJA) and without arms (CMJ) performed by 20 female children and 20 female adults were examined using force platform. The data were analyzed using continuous methods to determine differences in variability between groups and between types of jump. Jumping variability was measured by using the average coefficient of variation of the force-, velocity-, displacement-, and rate of force development-time curves across the jump. The analysis indicated that children and adults had similar levels of variability in the CMJ but different levels in the CMJA. In the CMJA, the children had a greater coefficient of variation than adults in force- (20 ± 7% and 12 ± 6%), velocity- (41 ± 14% and 22 ± 9%), displacement- (8 ± 16% and 23 ± 11%) and rate of force development-time (103 ± 46% and 75 ± 42%) curves, as well as in force-velocity relationship (6 ± 2% and 4 ± 2%). The results of analysis suggest that the variability depends on both the level of maturation of the participants as well as the task complexity.
    The aim of this study was to ascertain the differences in kinetic and kinematic profiles between better and poorer performers of the vertical jump within a homogeneous group of trained adults. Fifty rugby players were divided into low... more
    The aim of this study was to ascertain the differences in kinetic and kinematic profiles between better and poorer performers of the vertical jump within a homogeneous group of trained adults. Fifty rugby players were divided into low scoring (LOW) and high scoring (HIGH) groups based on their performance in the vertical jump. The force, velocity, displacement, and RFD-time curves were analyzed in order to determine the differences between groups. The analysis of the data showed differences in all the patterns of the ensemble mean curves of the HIGH and LOW groups. During the eccentric phase, the differences in the HIGH group with respect to the LOW group were: Lower crouch position, higher downward velocity, and higher force and rate of force development during the braking of the downward movement. During the concentric phase, the HIGH group achieved higher upward velocity, higher force at the end of phase, and a higher position at take-off. The higher jump performances appear to be related to a more effective stretch-shortening cycle function which is characterized by a deeper and faster counter-movement with higher eccentric forces being applied to decelerate the downward movement leading to enhanced force generation during the concentric phase.
    ... gimnásticos de Ukran (1978), Carrasco (1978) y Smoleskiy y Gaverdoskiy (1996) en Gimnasia Artística; Vernetta, López Bedoya y Panadero (1996) y Moreira y Frías (2002) en Acrosport; Sierra (2000) en Gimnasia Rítmica Deportiva y la de... more
    ... gimnásticos de Ukran (1978), Carrasco (1978) y Smoleskiy y Gaverdoskiy (1996) en Gimnasia Artística; Vernetta, López Bedoya y Panadero (1996) y Moreira y Frías (2002) en Acrosport; Sierra (2000) en Gimnasia Rítmica Deportiva y la de Vernetta, Gutiérrez, López Bedoya y ...
    ... Andalucía Educativa, nº 53, 24-27. • CASCÓN, Francisco. (2000). “¿Qué es bueno saber sobre el conflicto?”. Cuadernos de Pedagogía, nº 287, 57-79. • MORENO, José María; PÉREZ, Carmen. (2008). “Juegos Populares y Tradicionales”. ...