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  • Faculty of Arts, Palacky University Olomouc, Krizkovského 10, 77180, Olomouc, Czech Republic
Desde un marco interdisciplinario sobre la construcción de la identidad, se examinan las diversas identificaciones –simbólicas e imaginadas, positivas y negativas– que eruditos e intelectuales, desde la Edad Media hasta el siglo XX,... more
Desde un marco interdisciplinario sobre la construcción de la identidad, se examinan las diversas identificaciones –simbólicas e imaginadas, positivas y negativas– que eruditos e intelectuales, desde la Edad Media hasta el siglo XX, proyectaron en sus obras hacia determinados grupos humanos de la Antigüedad y del Medievo, como celtíberos, romanos, visigodos y andalusíes (Otros relevantes). Estos grupos han sido relevantes para la construcción de la identidad española. Sus obras fueron construcciones literarias e historiográficas de gran influencia. Se examinan y clasifican las diversas identificaciones (positivas y negativas) a partir del marco teórico propuesto, y se explican en torno a factores endógenos, como los ideológicos y religiosos; y a factores exógenos asociados a la coyuntura (crisis, guerras).

(ABSTRACT) From an interdisciplinary framework on identity building, this article examines the various identifications –symbolic and imagined, positive and negative– that some erudite people and intellectuals, from the Middle Ages to the 20th Century, projected in their works towards certain human groups of the ancient times and Middle Ages, like Celtiberians, Romans, Visigoths and from al-Andalus. These groups (significant Others) have been relevant to the Spanish identity building. Their works were literary and historiography constructions of large influence and relevance. The various identifications (positive and negative) are examined and classified from the proposed theoretical framework. Thus, they are explained as a result of internal factors –like ideological and religious–, and external factors related to the circumstances (crisis, wars).
Este libro aborda la cuestión de la identidad española en perspectiva histórica, desde la Antigüedad hasta el presente; y en perspectiva comparada con otras identidades europeas. Explora el origen del nombre España, las primeras... more
Este libro aborda la cuestión de la identidad española en perspectiva histórica, desde la Antigüedad hasta el presente; y en perspectiva comparada con otras identidades europeas. Explora el origen del nombre España, las primeras manifestaciones de pertenencia a la península en la Antigüedad, los diversos significados de España durante la Edad Media, y el momento en el que la población alcanzó un sentimiento generalizado de pertenencia a España. También se exploran los diversos mitos de origen de España desde el Medievo hasta el siglo XIX, como los hoy olvidados Túbal, Hispalo o Sefarad, que se desvanecieron en la era de la ciencia y del nacionalismo. ¿Hasta qué punto la ausencia de un mito de origen que uniera a todos los españoles en el siglo XIX, influyó en las sinergias que conformaron el caparazón de las dos Españas, como el mito fundacional más prominente de la nación española? ¿Hasta qué punto el relato de la España plural, ya con la democracia, surgió para neutralizar a las dos Españas y convertirse en el relato refundacional del estado y la nación española? A través de un conjunto de herramientas originales para comprender cómo se construye la identidad y cómo funcionan los mitos de origen, el autor abrirá un debate con el lector para contestar éstas y otras preguntas de gran calado.
ABSTRACT: This article presents, for the first time, a history of surfing in Spain as a whole. Since now, only some explorations in the local and regional level had been undertaken. First of all, it presents an estate of matter of the... more
ABSTRACT: This article presents, for the first time, a history of surfing in Spain as a whole. Since now, only some explorations in the local and regional level had been undertaken. First of all, it presents an estate of matter of the main studies about surfing from several disciplines. Later on, it explains the methodo- logy and the main sources. Before starting the study of the beginnings of surfing in Spain, it shows in brief the origins of surfing in Hawaii and its expansion around the World until its arrival in Europe. One of the main conclusions shows, that in Spain, surfing did not start from a concrete area –as it happened in US (Hawaii), Perú (Lima), and France (Biarritz)- but it emerged, almost at the same time in various areas of the: I) Cantabrian Sea (Asturias, Cantabria, Basque Country and Galicia), II) Atlantic Ocean (Canaries and Cadiz), and III) Mediterranean Sea (Malaga).

RESUMEN: En este artículo se presenta, por primera vez, una historia del surf en España tratada en su conjunto.
Hasta la fecha solo existían algunas exploraciones a nivel local o regional. En primer lugar se lleva
a cabo una puesta al día de los principales estudios acometidos sobre surf desde diferentes disciplinas.
Posteriormente se explica la metodología y las fuentes utilizadas (primarias y secundarias).
Antes de iniciar el estudio de la génesis del surf en España, se presentan brevemente los orígenes del
surf en Hawai, su expansión por el mundo y su llegada a Europa. Una de las principales conclusiones
refleja como el surf en España no surgió desde un núcleo concreto -a diferencia de EEUU (Hawai),
Francia (Biarritz), o Perú (Lima)- sino que surgió, casi al mismo tiempo, en varios núcleos del: a)
Cantábrico (Asturias, Cantabria, País Vasco y Galicia), b) del Atlántico (Canarias y Cádiz), y c) del
Mediterráneo (Málaga), sin que al principio tuvieran dichos núcleos, salvo excepciones, conocimiento
unos de otros.
Book Chapter
National identity is constructed through successive identifications with significant Others. This article discusses the phenomenon of change and continuity in Czech identity. It is focused here on the identification towards the EU, which... more
National identity is constructed through successive identifications with significant Others. This article discusses the phenomenon of change and continuity in Czech identity. It is focused here on the identification towards the EU, which has become the most significant Other of today in two ways: (a) (change) contributing to overcoming the identity crisis provoked by the drastic changes that occurred between 1989 and 1993 (change of regime, disappearance of the USSR and the break-up of Czechoslovakia), and therefore the subsequent drastic changes in relations with past significant Others: communism, the USSR, and the Slovaks; and (b) (continuity) reaffirming one of the fundamental elements during the national revival in the nineteenth century, democracy, upon which the various identifications towards the EU have been aligned. According to the differing interpretations of what democracy means, and three other criteria of the “levels of Othering,” the EU has been “imagined,” on the one hand, as an entity where Czechs can flourish in their identity and ensure their freedom and democratic values (positive Other), and, on the other, as an “oppressor” entity which portrays democratic deficit, restricts freedom, and threatens Czech national identity (negative Other).
National identity is constructed through successive identifications with significant Others. These identifications can be negative or positive. Negative when they are rejected (apparently); positive when they are imitated. The... more
National identity is constructed through successive identifications with significant Others. These identifications can be negative or positive. Negative when they are rejected (apparently); positive when they are imitated. The transformation of national identity occurs during an identity crisis. An identity crisis appears when the relationship and identifications with the most significant Others drastically shift. These drastic changes are generally produced by a sudden historical change, like a war, revolution, invasion or natural disaster. The identity crisis finishes when the identifications and relationships with the new Others –both positive and negative are again consolidated. Taking this into account, it is possible to measure the changes and continuities of the national identity through successive shifts of identifications and relationships with significant Others. However, in order to classify these shifts it is necessary to get a basic unit of measurement with some basic criteria upon which to organize them. In doing so, the author provisionally proposes what he has called: the levels of Othering.

In the Czech case, these levels of Othering are first applied to the study of the relationships and identifications with the most significant Others of the past: Germans, Slovaks and Russians (chapter 2). Later on, they are applied to the study of identifications with the most significant Other of the Czech contemporary identity: the European Union. What sources are used to study the historical relationships? Mainly secondary sources like relevant bibliography. What sources are used to observe the identifications and perceptions towards the EU? Firstly, the author analyses the Czech presidential speeches (Havel and Klaus) between 2001 and 2007, three years before and after the EU accession (chapter 3). Secondly, the author analyses the electoral programs of the main Czech political parties in the period 2001-2007 (chapter 4). And finally, the author observes the perceptions towards the EU in the Czech public in the period 2001-2007 (chapter 5).
The Sokol was a gymnastic movement born in Prague in 1862, which transcended the realm of physical education and became a sym- bol of nation building. This article examines in depth how the press spread the popularity of Sokol in the... more
The Sokol was a gymnastic movement born in Prague in 1862, which transcended the realm of physical education and became a sym- bol of nation building. This article examines in depth how the press spread the popularity of Sokol in the capital of Spain (1921-1936). The aim is to observe its various identifying images and meanings. One of the main conclusions is that the Sokol model was presented during the Second Republic as an ideal metaphor of the national and territorial unification of the state. In contrast, by the 1920s, the Primo de Rivera regime perceived Sokol as a political threat.
Sport forms a structural element in the culture of modern society. Surfing is a millenary activity with its roots coming from Polynesia. In the beginning of the 20th century began to spread throughout the world. The study of the social... more
Sport forms a structural element in the culture of modern society. Surfing is a millenary activity with its roots coming from Polynesia. In the beginning of the 20th century began to spread throughout the world. The study of the social history of the sport in Spain is a topic that is so far not fully developed. The arrival of surfing in Spain, which took place later than in other European countries, can be understood as a symptom of freedom and modernity in a country dominated by an antiquated and non-democratic regime (Franco regime). In this socio-political context surfing emerged in the 60’s, in several parts of Spain at the same time, with thanks to the influence of TV series, magazines, and movies arriving from the United States (its new political and military ally since the 50s).
La historia de los orígenes del surf en España ha sido poco explorada. Con el fin de dar un paso más, se ha explorado la prensa española en busca de referencias al surf. Los resultados obtenidos son esenciales para conocer cómo fueron los... more
La historia de los orígenes del surf en España ha sido poco explorada. Con el fin de dar un paso más, se ha explorado la prensa española en busca de referencias al surf. Los resultados obtenidos son esenciales para conocer cómo fueron los orígenes del surf en España: fijar fechas, eventos y nombres. En este artículo se clasifican los contenidos de los artículos de prensa por categorías, y todos están reunidos en una lista por orden cronológico que podrá servir de base de datos a otros investigadores, para facilitar su trabajo en futuras investigaciones.
Surfing is today a popular sport which has been studied from many disciplines. Surfing expanded from the U.S. to the rest of the world. With respect to the history of (sport) surfing, there were at least two fundamental topics which need... more
Surfing is today a popular sport which has been studied from many disciplines. Surfing expanded from the U.S. to the rest of the world. With respect to the history of (sport) surfing, there were at least two fundamental topics which need to be explored and developed: I) Explore the genesis of surfing in Europe. II) Develop a theoretical framework on the history of surfing expansion since this field has remained almost neglected up until now. This article is the first attempt to develop a theoretical framework of surfing expansion. In doing so, it will be focused on the genesis of surfing in Europe in general , but concretely on Spain as a case study. The first step was to examine the origins of surfing and its expansion before arriving to Spain (Australia, Peru, Britain, France and Portugal). Later on, it was needed to determine who were the pioneers in Spain, and how, when and where they " discovered " surfing , and thus how, when and where they obtained or made their surfboards. After comparing all the information, it has been possible to formulate a theoretical framework and make a classification according to four types or patterns of surfing genesis, based on the various forms of foreign influence: 1) endogenous genesis (no foreign influence); 2) quasi-endogenous (foreign influence through mass-media, yet pioneers made their own surfboards); 3) exogenous (surfing began as a result of direct contact with foreigners); 4) mixed.
Indexed in Web of Science. This is a pioneering research in the area of social history of the sport in Europe. It has completely reconstructed a chapter of social history in Malaga, and a relevant chapter of the European history of Sport,... more
Indexed in Web of Science. This is a pioneering research in the area of social history of the sport in Europe. It has completely reconstructed a chapter of social history in Malaga, and a relevant chapter of the European history of Sport, since Malaga was the surf pioneer core of the Mediterranean sea, something that has kept forgotten several decades. Due to the fact that there were no bibliographical sources on this topic, it has been necessary to create primary sources and thus, i) conduct in-depth interviews with pioneers, not only from Malaga but from the whole Spain, ii) to present documents such as photographs, letters and official federative documents in order to contrast, date, order and describe the history of surfing in Malaga. 2. This research presents the first in-depth study, focusing on the genesis, the consolidation and the boom of surfing in the Spanish Mediterranean Sea, in comparison to the rest of Spain. 3. It presents the first in-depth study regarding the genesis of bodyboarding in Spain. 4. It presents an explanation, through the study of several geographic and socioeconomic variables (explicative level of research), as to why Malaga was a surfing pioneer core in the Mediterranean Sea. 5. It presents a wide bibliographical study of the main studies published about history of surfing.
Abstract: This research undertakes a critical revision of the main primary sources for the study of the genesis of surfing. It is focused on the four areas where (for now) there is evidence of the existence of primitive surfing before... more
Abstract: This research undertakes a critical revision of the main primary sources for the study of the genesis of surfing. It is focused on the four areas where (for now) there is evidence of the existence of primitive surfing before 1800: Polynesia, China, Peru and Western Africa. After describing the sources they will be critically revised. Finally I propose future research projects, which may help to go further in the studies of the genesis of surfing. One of the main conclusions is related to the strong limitation of the primary sources to explain the beginnings, since they are mostly testimonies from Western travellers and explorers between 17th-19th Century, or from oral tradition (Hawaiian legends). In this sense, there is a lack of connection between surfing historians and archaeologists. The last results (and future results) in archaeological and paleoecological studies about the first settlements in Polynesia, will be very useful in order to try to assign a date of the beginnings of surfing in this area of the planet.

Resumen: Esta investigación emprende una revisión crítica de las fuentes primarias con las que se cuentan para el estudio de los orígenes surf. Se ha centrado en los cuatro núcleos donde (por el momento) consta que ha habido existencia de surf arcaico anterior a 1800: Polinesia, China, Perú y África occidental. En primer lugar se describen las fuentes en cada uno de los núcleos. Luego se revisan críticamente. Y finalmente se proponen futuras vías de investigación que ayuden en el avance de los estudios sobre la génesis del surf. Una conclusión destacada, entre otras varias, está relacionada con la gran limitación de fuentes, únicamente referidas a fuentes escritas (testimonios de viajeros entre los siglo XVII y XIX) y orales (leyendas hawaianas). Y la enorme desconexión que existe entre la historiografía del surf y la arqueología, concretamente con los últimos estudios arqueológicos y paleo-ecológicos de la colonización de la Polinesia, que serían de gran ayuda para intentar datar los comienzos del surf en esta parte del planeta.
This article examines the historical background of Czech Euroscepticism, an issue rarely explored as yet. The theoretical framework examines the relationship between national identity and the Other. In this respect, identity is... more
This article examines the historical background of Czech Euroscepticism, an issue rarely explored as yet. The theoretical framework examines the relationship between national identity and the Other. In this respect, identity is constructed through successive identifi cations "both symbolic and imaginary" with significant Others. Identifications can be positive or negative. In order to classify such identifications towards the EU, qualitatively speaking, four basic criteria are proposed: «democracy», «economics», «security» and «national identity». Various speeches by President Václav Klaus serve as the sources along with the electoral programmes of ODS and KSCM. One of the conclusions suggests that the negative identifi cations toward the EU, particularly on the part of Klaus, are associated with memories of traumatic relationships with previous powers, such as the USSR, Germany or the Habsburg Empire.
Abstract: Surfing begun in the 1960s during the historical context of Francoism and Desarrollismo. It was a symptom of social change, modernization and Americanization. Surfing also meant progress in terms of women obtaining use of public... more
Abstract: Surfing begun in the 1960s during the historical context of Francoism and Desarrollismo. It was a symptom of social change, modernization and Americanization. Surfing also meant progress in terms of women obtaining use of public space, with women and men having to "struggle" for control of the same resources: the waves. Within the framework of the study of the social history of sport, this research has compiled a wide corpus of primary sources: interviews, public and private archives, and historical press, in order to reconstruct the role that the first female surfers played during the genesis and consolidation of surfing in Spain (1965-1975). The women were between 14 and 22 years of age. They mostly abandoned the sport after adolescence. The conservative mentality of the time considered it inappropriate to practice sport at an adult age (except for serious competitions). Those who continued, however, became the first female entrepreneurs of this sport. They also became examples for other women. They paved the way for surfing to become one of the most popular active sports at present for women in Spain.

Resumen: El surf entró en los años 60 como síntoma de cambio social, modernización y americanización. Supuso un avance en la conquista del espacio público de las mujeres, donde éstas tenían que "luchar" con los hombres por el dominio de los recursos: las olas. Dentro de la historia social del deporte en España, y del contexto histórico del franquismo y desarrollismo, se ha reconstruido a través de un amplio corpus de fuentes primarias (entrevistas, archivos públicos y privados, y hemeroteca), el papel que jugaron las primeras mujeres en la génesis y consolidación del surf en España (1965-1975). Fueron jóvenes entre 14 y 22 años. La mayoría abandonó cuando dejaron de ser adolescentes. La mentalidad conservadora de la época no propiciaba la práctica del deporte femenino en edad adulta (excepto el de alta competición). Sin embargo, aquellas que continuaron, se convirtieron en las primeras empresarias de este deporte y en referentes para otras mujeres, preparando así el camino para que hoy sea uno de los deportes más practicado por las mujeres en España.
ABSTRACT: In this article, I propose a theoretical framework related to identity construction and transformation. The main aim is to explore some symptoms and incidences associated to the arrival of digital revolution, like the identity... more
ABSTRACT: In this article, I propose a theoretical framework related to identity construction and transformation. The  main aim is to explore some symptoms and incidences associated to the arrival of digital revolution, like the identity  crisis provoked by the deep changes in the notion of time and space, which have disoriented the human being at the  dawn of the revolution. One of the main conclusions to be debated is the following: in the society of the image and  information  that  we  are  living,  paradoxically,  what  is  still  predominating  is  the  victory  of  the  myth,  headline  or  branding.

RESUMEN: En este artículo se propone un marco teórico relacionado con la construcción y la transformación de la identidad, desde el cual se explorarán algunos síntomas e incidencias asociadas a la llegada de la revolución digital: como el surgimiento de una crisis de identidad producida por los profundos cambios en la noción de tiempo y espacio, que han desorientado al ser humano en los inicios de la revolución. Una de las principales conclusiones para el debate es que en la sociedad de la imagen y la información, paradójicamente, lo que sigue predominando es la victoria del mito, el titular o la imagen de marca.
ABSTRACT: This paper focuses on a topic hitherto ignored in the interdisciplinary framework of the social history of sport and the history of social communication: the forerunners and the genesis of surfing magazines in Spain. It involved... more
ABSTRACT: This paper focuses on a topic hitherto ignored in the interdisciplinary framework of the social history of sport and the history of social communication: the forerunners and the genesis of surfing magazines in Spain. It involved intensive research in both public and private archives, uncovering the forerunners of the first surfing magazines in Spain (1972-1976) within the federative communication of the former Delegación Nacional de Educación Física y Deportes (1941-1977). Similarly, the birth of the first surfing magazines between 1987 and 1990, when the surfing industry in Spain began to develop further, was determined, dated and described. Magazines were essential in constructing identities in the pre-Internet world. The images that these magazines disseminated among surfers first generated and subsequently reinforced a sense of belonging to a sport and a lifestyle.

RESUMEN: En el marco interdisciplinario de la historia social del deporte y de la historia de la comunicación social, este artículo se centra en un segmento hasta la fecha poco estudiado: los precedentes y la génesis de las revistas de surf en España. Se ha realizado una búsqueda intensiva en archivos públicos y privados. Se han hallado los precedentes de las primeras revistas de surf en España (1972-1976), en el ám- bito de la comunicación federativa de la desaparecida Delegación Nacional de Edu- cación Física y Deportes (1941-1977). También se han hallado, datado y descrito el nacimiento de las primeras revistas de surf (1987 y 1990), cuando la industria de este deporte en España alcanzó mayor desarrollo. Antes de la aparición de internet, las revistas funcionaban como vehículos de formación de identidades. El conjunto de imágenes que aquellas publicaciones difundieron entre los surfistas generaron y reforzaron un sentimiento de pertenencia a un deporte y a un estilo de vida.
Duke Kahanamoku (1890-1968) forma parte del Salón de la Fama de la natación, y también del Salón de la Fama del surf. Es la única persona que tiene ese doble mérito. Las razones no son difíciles de entender: fue el nadador más rápido de... more
Duke Kahanamoku (1890-1968) forma parte del Salón de la Fama de la natación, y también del Salón de la Fama del surf. Es la única persona que tiene ese doble mérito. Las razones no son difíciles de entender: fue el nadador más rápido de entre los humanos hasta que llegó otro que no lo era: Tarzán, o mejor dicho, Johnny Weissmüller; y en cuanto al arte de montar las olas tuvo el mérito de expandir por otros mares y océanos esa actividad milenaria surgida en el Hawái arcaico hasta el punto de ser considerado por casi todos el padre del surf moderno. ¿Cuáles fueron sus éxitos en la natación? ¿Qué había de innovador en su técnica que le hizo el más rápido? ¿Cómo expandió el surf al mismo tiempo que realizaba exhibiciones de natación? ¿De qué energía carismática estaba dotado este hombre, que hasta el propio JFK en su visita a Honolulu en 1962 se saltó absolutamente todo el protocolo entre las autoridades norteamericanas para dirigirse directamente hacia él y saludarle efusivamente? He aquí su historia.
Abstract In this paper, based on the examination of primary sources (interviews and historical documents), it explores and describes the two pioneer groups of the history of Andalusia: Cadiz (circa 1964) and Malaga (1970), that at the... more
In this paper, based on the examination of primary sources (interviews and historical documents), it explores and describes the two pioneer groups of the history of Andalusia: Cadiz (circa 1964) and Malaga (1970), that at the same time they were pioneers in Spain (Cadiz) and in the Spanish Mediterranean (Malaga). Later on, it examines the first relationships between both groups, and the relationships between them and the first surfing federative structure in Spain, Sección Nacional de Surf (SNS), which was at that time dependent of the Delegación Nacional de Educación Física y Deportes. Finally, it explains through the study of some determining factors, why these surfing groups became pioneers in their respective natural areas (Atlantic and Mediterranean), and some factors that influenced the way of consolidation and perpetuation of this aquatic sport in Andalusia until today.

En este artículo, basado en el examen de fuentes primarias (entrevistas y documentos históricos), se explora y describe los dos núcleos pioneros de la historia del surf en Andalucía: Cádiz y Málaga, que al mismo tiempo fueron pioneros en España (Cádiz) y en el Mediterráneo hispano (Málaga). Posteriormente se examinan las relaciones iniciales entre ambos núcleos, además de las relaciones entre ellos con la primera estructura federativa en España, la Sección Nacional de Surf (SNS), dependiente por entonces de la Delegación Nacional de Educación Física y Deportes. Finalmente se explica a través del estudio de algunos factores determinantes, por qué estos núcleos llegaron a convertirse en pioneros en sus respectivos contextos atlántico y mediterráneo, y qué factores influyeron para que este deporte acuático consiguiera consolidarse y perpetuarse en Andalucía hasta nuestros días.
ABSTRACT: In this article it is observed how from the Cold War till today have been formed in the West significant stereotypes towards Eastern Europe, which are endowed with negative images, such as grey towns, illegal immigration, wars,... more
ABSTRACT: In this article it is observed how from the Cold War till today have been formed in the West significant stereotypes towards Eastern Europe, which are endowed with negative images, such as grey towns, illegal immigration, wars, poverty or criminality. At the same time it is observed, paradoxically, how the brand Prague or Budapest (capitals of «Eastern European» countries) are not perceived negatively, precisely because they are not directly associated with the East, but with the cultural heritage from the old central empires: the Sa-cred Roman-German empire first, and the Habsburg empire later.

RESUMEN: En este artículo se observa como se han formado en el «oeste», desde la Guerra Fría hasta hoy, algunos
estereotipos negativos sobre la marca «Europa del Este», la cual está cargada de connotaciones negativas
(ciudades grises, guerras, inmigración ilegal, pobreza o criminalidad). Al mismo tiempo, como si de
un oasis se tratara, se observa parojicamente como la marca Praga o Budapest (capitales de países de «Europa
del Este») no son percibidas negativamente, precisamente porque no están relacionadas directamente
con el Este, sino con centroeuropa y con imágenes positivas asociadas a la herencia artístico-cultural de
los imperios centrales: el sacro imperio germano-romano y el austrohúngaro.
Palabras clave: Europa del Este, Estereotipos, Imaginario, República Checa, Praga, Budapest, Europa Central.
In the field of history of sport, this article presents the importance of studying the genesis of sports. It encourages young researchers to adopt this approach. It introduces ways of studying and compiling the primary sources and... more
In the field of history of sport, this article presents the importance of studying the genesis of sports. It encourages young researchers to adopt this approach. It introduces ways of studying and compiling the primary sources and reconstructing the genesis of a sport, according to the historical time when such a genesis took place: a) whether there are still first-hand witnesses alive; b) whether it occurred in the nineteenth or twentieth century, and there are no witnesses alive; c) whether the genesis occurred in the Middle Ages or in ancient times. Finally, it prepares a literature review on the genesis of the concrete sports, in order to determine what areas are not yet explored, and encourage future researchers to cover them.
Abstract: Can one nation be personified through a fiction hero? From a historical perspective, we shall see some aspects of the Czech national identity through the symbolic meaning of Jara Cimrman. Moreover, we shall observe in brief... more
Abstract: Can one nation be personified through a fiction hero? From a historical perspective, we shall see
some aspects of the Czech national identity through the symbolic meaning of Jara Cimrman. Moreover,
we shall observe in brief what national identity is, why it is so relevant nowadays, some of the latest
studies about national identity, and finally the relationship between national identity and la longue
durée. This method can give us a deep explanation of the present through a deep observation of the past.
Yet also, it is a good tool to imagine the future.
(EN) The Czech Republic was born as an independent State January 1, 1993, after the split up of the two republics that formed the Czechoslovak Federation. From this moment to the May 1, 2014 (10th anniversary into the EU) we will... more
(EN) The Czech Republic was born as an independent State January 1, 1993, after the split up of the two republics that formed the Czechoslovak Federation. From this moment to the May 1, 2014 (10th anniversary into the EU) we will describe: I) the divergent positions that the successive Czech governments have adopted in the crucial moments; II) We will observe the most relevant decisions and proposals from the three Czech commissioners; III) the most active European deputies; IV) We will observe the public opinion attitudes towards the EU. And finally, we will assess the “Eurosceptic period” (2006-2013) when the European policy was headed by ODS (in the government) and from Václav Klaus (in the presidency), since their proposal have been close to the British conservatives interests, and their Eurosceptic approach has not only generated any hope in the Czech citizenship, but it has encouraged a defeatist spirit which has no provide any substantial benefit to the EU, nor to the Czech Republic.

(ES) La República Checa nació como Estado independiente el 1 de enero de 1993 de la escisión de las dos repúblicas que formaban la Federación Checoslovaca. Desde ese momento hasta el 1 de mayo de 2014, décimo aniversario dentro de la Unión, describiremos: a) las diversas posiciones que los sucesivos gobiernos de Praga han adoptado en los momentos más decisivos; b) se observarán las decisiones y propuestas más destacadas de los tres comisarios que ha tenido la RCH, c) la de los eurodiputados más activos, y d) se examinarán las actitudes de la opinión pública checa hacia la UE. Finalmente, haremos una valoración del “periodo euroescéptico” (2006-2013), cuando la política europea estuvo liderada por el ODS (desde el gobierno) y por Václav Klaus (desde la presidencia), cuyas propuestas han estado siempre cercanas a los intereses de los conservadores británicos, una postura euroescéptica que no solo no ha generado ninguna ilusión en la ciudadanía checa, sino que ha fomentado un espíritu derrotista que no ha aportado ningún beneficio sustancial, ni a la UE, ni a la República Checa.
Surfing is a quite attractive activity for the mass-media. It also represents an alternative spirit of rebelliousness. The first surfing activity in Spain was in the 1960s, at the time of the non-democratic regime of Franco. Was surfing a... more
Surfing is a quite attractive activity for the mass-media. It also represents an alternative spirit of rebelliousness. The first surfing activity in Spain was in the 1960s, at the time of the non-democratic regime of Franco. Was surfing a threat to the regime at this time? This article examines the image of surfing, through the main channels of promotion of sports within the institutions of the regime. One of the main conclusions is that surfing, although not prohibited, was not openly supported. In general, provision of information about the existence of surfing in Spain was very limited. In this sense, surfing was portrayed as a distant, exotic and foreign activity, eminently masculine.
Este libro es una herramienta de trabajo para aquellos interesados en el análisis literario. Está dividido en tres bloques fundamentales. El primero trata sobre las figuras de palabras, figuras de significación y figuras de pensamiento.... more
Este libro es una herramienta de trabajo para aquellos interesados en el análisis literario. Está dividido en tres bloques fundamentales. El primero trata sobre las figuras de palabras, figuras de significación y figuras de pensamiento. El segundo se centra en cómo aproximarse al estudio del autor, del estilo y de los géneros literarios. El tercero muestra como indagar en el contenido de la obra, cómo determinar la época, el leiv motiv, la trama, la estructura y composición, el análisis de los personajes, el discurso literario, la posición del narrador, su punto de vista, y otras muchas posibilidades de aproximarse a un análisis. Finalmente el libro concluye con un análisis literario de varios fragmentos de obras con el que el interesado puede inspirarse después para desarrollar su propia investigación con otros textos literarios.
Under the hypothesis that Ignacio de Arana, consul in Hawaii, was the first European surfer, since he brought from Hawaii two surfboards and the first surf book to Spain in 1914, this report aims to obtain further information about his... more
Under the hypothesis that Ignacio de Arana, consul in Hawaii, was the first European surfer, since he brought from Hawaii two surfboards and the first surf book to Spain in 1914, this report aims to obtain further information about his life in Hawaii and his return to Spain, in order to refute that hypothesis. The research has been focused on historical press sources from Spain, U.S., Brazil and United Kingdom, his last working places, before dying in 1919, at the age of 38 years old. This research has compiled further information about Arana, his relationship with sport and the Hawaiian society of 1910’s. Moreover, a relevant date for the history of surfing in Europe has been corrected: he didn’t return to Spain in 1912 (with those two Hawaiian surfboards), but in 1914.
Artículo que recoge la primera noticia en prensa escrita que hasta la fecha se tiene del surf en España.
Mención Especial por unanimidad por el artículo de investigación "Málaga: Pionera del Mediterráneo".