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making of an annotated, computerized Spanish – German – Galician – Italian- French corpus and its management systems for the analysis of the noun phrase and its combinations using valency parameters, as well as its implementation
ABSTRACT Within the framework of the consideration of the role of dictionary users developed by some researchers in lexicography over the last two decades, this study focuses on two main themes. First, it provides an overview of the... more
ABSTRACT Within the framework of the consideration of the role of dictionary users developed by some researchers in lexicography over the last two decades, this study focuses on two main themes. First, it provides an overview of the methods of analysis and new trends in research on the proficiency of dictionary users, presenting an innovative design for an online data survey for a pilot study on dictionary use by Spanish university students. The paper’s second core issue relates to the presentation and analysis of the data collected. Special attention is paid here to linguistic diversity, consultation of electronic dictionaries in various formats, correlations between internet use patterns and dictionary consultation, and parameters that help to assess respondents’ use and mastery of dictionaries. The paper’s findings point to the need for more effective teaching of dictionary use and the development of new lexicographic products.
espanolEl objetivo de este estudio consiste en el analisis de la complementacion verbal en diez manuales de gramatica del frances publicados en Espana en los ultimos 30 anos con el fin de observar su grado de contextualizacion. Se trata... more
espanolEl objetivo de este estudio consiste en el analisis de la complementacion verbal en diez manuales de gramatica del frances publicados en Espana en los ultimos 30 anos con el fin de observar su grado de contextualizacion. Se trata de un tema especialmente controvertido y con cierta dificultad para los estudiantes espanoles de frances lengua extranjera debido a las constantes vacilaciones terminologicas, ademas de las definiciones a veces contradictorias o no coincidentes en ambas lenguas. Insistimos especialmente en algunos procedimientos de contextualizacion identificados en los diferentes textos: uso de la L1, actividades de sensibilizacion interlinguistica, discurso contrastivo y adaptaciones del discurso gramatical. EnglishThe purpose of this study is to analyze how verbal complementation is covered in ten grammar textbooks published in Spain in the last 30 years, focusing chiefly on their degree of contextualization. This is an especially controversial issue producing som...
This paper describes the different design and development stages of the MultiGenera and MultiComb prototypes for the multilingual automatic generation of dictionary examples that contain nominal argument patterns at the phrasal and... more
This paper describes the different design and development stages of the MultiGenera and MultiComb prototypes for the multilingual automatic generation of dictionary examples that contain nominal argument patterns at the phrasal and sentence levels. The main objective of MultiGenera is the development of a simulator for the automatic generation of phrases in Spanish, German and French, which is based on the argument patterns of ten valency nouns. The second one, MultiComb, aims to automatically generate the phrasal and sentence contexts of the previously selected nouns in MultiGenera. In the present study we focus on the description of resource interoperability and a set of tools developed to support the methodology of both projects.
The aim of the project is to develop a prototype for a generator of argument structure or valency realizations in terms of syntagmatic and paradigmatic combinations of Spanish, German and French nouns. The two main applications of the... more
The aim of the project is to develop a prototype for a generator of argument structure or valency realizations in terms of syntagmatic and paradigmatic combinations of Spanish, German and French nouns. The two main applications of the tool prototype we are aiming to develop, are (1) the generation of noun phrases as argument structure realizations that follow patterns related to semantic features, for the creation of corpus and web query strings; and (2) the knowledge-based generation of simple and complex noun phrases that are acceptable in a coherent sentence context. An essential step in developing these applications is the systematic description of the valency-related syntagmatic and paradigmatic properties of argument combinations. To this end, we have devised a methodology based on bidirectional mutual enrichment (bottom-down and bottom-up). With the aim of generating argument surface realizations, we will mainly use lexical knowledge represented in wordnets for Spanish, Germa...
Since their creation in 2004, Wiktionnaire, the French edition for the Wiktionary, has not stopped growing thanks to the selfless contributions of a small community of non-expert users. Today, this open online project offers an extensive... more
Since their creation in 2004, Wiktionnaire, the French edition for the Wiktionary, has not stopped growing thanks to the selfless contributions of a small community of non-expert users. Today, this open online project offers an extensive coverage of almost 250,000 French vocables, with equivalents in many other languages, which makes it a potential learning resource for the French classroom. This chapter looks at the many advantages and disadvantages of using Wiktionnaire as a learning tool and puts forward a proposal on learning activities within the frame of Task Based Learning (TBL). The proposed activities were designed and sequenced taking into account the work of different expert researchers on the fields of dictionary use, vocabulary acquisition and TBL.
This paper describes the different design and development stages of the MultiGenera and MultiComb prototypes for the multilingual automatic generation of dictionary examples that contain nominal argument patterns at the phrasal and... more
This paper describes the different design and development stages of the MultiGenera and MultiComb prototypes for the multilingual automatic generation of dictionary examples that contain nominal argument patterns at the phrasal and sentence levels. The main objective of MultiGenera is the development of a simulator for the automatic generation of phrases in Spanish, German and French, which is based on the argument patterns of ten valency nouns. The second one, MultiComb, aims to automatically generate the phrasal and sentence contexts of the previously selected nouns in MultiGenera. In the present study we focus on the description of resource interoperability and a set of tools developed to support the methodology of both projects.
The purpose of this study is to analyze how verbal complementation is covered in ten grammar textbooks published in Spain in the last 30 years, focusing chiefly on their degree of contextualization. This is an especially controversial... more
The purpose of this study is to analyze how verbal complementation is covered in ten grammar textbooks published in Spain in the last 30 years, focusing chiefly on their degree of contextualization. This is an especially controversial issue producing some difficulty in Spanish students studying French as a foreign language, due to ongoing terminological hesitations and to the occurrence of contradictions and mismatches between both languages. We put special focus on some contextualizing processes identified in these textbooks: the use of the L1, the activities to promote interlingual awareness, the contrastive discourse and the adaptations introduced in the discourse on grammar.
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Since their creation in 2004, Wiktionnaire, the French edition for the Wiktionary, has not stopped growing thanks to the sel ess contributions of a small community of non- expert users. Today, this open online project o ers an extensive... more
Since their creation in 2004, Wiktionnaire, the French edition for the Wiktionary, has not stopped growing thanks to the sel ess contributions of a small community of non- expert users. Today, this open online project o ers an extensive coverage of almost 250,000 French vocables, with equivalents in many other languages, which makes it a potential learning resource for the French classroom.  is chapter looks at the many advantages and disadvantages of using Wiktionnaire as a learning tool and puts forward a proposal on learning activities within the frame of Task Based Learning (TBL).  e proposed activities were designed and sequenced taking into account the work of di erent expert researchers on the  elds of dictionary use, vocabulary acquisition and TBL.
Este volumen reúne una serie de artículos sobre lexicografía plurilingüe especializada realizados por miembros del grupo de investigación FF1 Léxico y lexicografía especializada, de la Universidad de Vigo, y de la red de lexicografía... more
Este volumen reúne una serie de artículos sobre lexicografía plurilingüe especializada realizados por miembros del grupo de investigación FF1 Léxico y lexicografía especializada, de la Universidad de Vigo, y de la red de lexicografía RELEX, que agrupa especialistas en la elaboración de diccionarios y corpus lingüísticos de diferentes universidades. El eje que unifica la diversidad de textos de este libro es, pues, la praxis lexicográfica y el debate sobre los problemas, tanto teóricos como prácticos, relacionados con los diccionarios. Más concretamente, la temática de los artículos aborda temas vinculados a la factura de repertorios lexicográficos especializados, tales como el tratamiento de las entradas, las equivalencias, la polisemia, los ejemplos, el tratamiento de los elementos gramaticales, las siglas, etc. El carácter plurilingüe de este volumen viene dado por el enfoque contrastivo de la mayoría de las contribuciones que contiene, abordando no sólo lenguas normalizadas como el inglés, el francés, el alemán o el castellano, sino también las especificidades que presenta una lengua minorizada como es aún el gallego. Además, se aporta un panorama del desarrollo de la lexicografía especializada a lo largo de la historia. En definitiva, los lectores se encontrarán con un volumen colectivo de reflexión y análisis sobre la lexicografía especializada plurilingüe, ámbito de creciente importancia en un mundo globalizado en el que la elaboración de repertorios especializados y plurilingües es esencial para la transmisión de información y de conocimientos entre lenguas y culturas diferentes.
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Portlex is a multilingual Portal with Information about the valency of the nominal phrase in German, Galician, Spanish, Italian and French, and in the nearly future   with English and other word classes.  
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Within the framework of the consideration of the role of dictionary users developed by some researchers in lexicography over the last two decades, this study focuses on two main themes. First, it provides an overview of the methods of... more
Within the framework of the consideration of the role of dictionary users developed by some researchers in lexicography over the last two decades, this study focuses on two main themes. First, it provides an overview of the methods of analysis and new trends in research on the proficiency of dictionary users, presenting an innovative design for an online data survey for a pilot study on dictionary use by Spanish university students. The paper’s second core issue relates to the presentation and analysis of the data collected. Special attention is paid here to linguistic diversity, consultation of electronic dictionaries in various formats, correlations between internet use patterns and dictionary consultation, and parameters that help to assess respondents’ use and mastery of dictionaries. The paper’s findings point to the need for more effective teaching of dictionary use and the development of new lexicographic products.
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Studies on multilingual lexicography: an introduction. Given the new technological advances and their influence and imprint in the design and development of dictionaries and lexicographic resources, it seems important to put together a... more
Studies on multilingual lexicography: an introduction.
Given the new technological advances and their influence and imprint in the design and development of dictionaries and lexicographic resources, it seems important to put together a series of publications that address this new situation, dealing in particular with multilingual and electronic lexicography in an increasingly digital, multilingual and multicultural society. This is the main objective of this volume, which is structured in two central aspects. In the first of them-I. Multilingual electronic lexicography in a new society-the concept of multilingual lexicography is discussed in regard to the influence that the Internet and the application of digital technologies have exercised and continue to exercise both in the conception and design of dictionaries and new lexicographic application tools as well as the emergence of new types of users and forms of consultation. The role of the dictionary must necessarily be related to social development and changes. In the second thematic section-II. Multilingual electronic dictionaries: projects and tools-, different dictionaries and resources that focus on a multilingual and electronic approach to the linguistic data for their lexicographical treatment and consultation are presented.
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Poster presented at the Multilex Conference (Santiago de Compostela, 2015).
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