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Renate Pieper
  • Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz
    Institut für Geschichte / Abteilung für Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte
    Attemsgasse 8/III
    8010 Graz

Renate Pieper

As the printing press spread from northem to southem Europe, anonymous manuscript gacettes diffused in opposite direction from Italy to Flanders. Combining traditional techniques of copying and exchanging manuscripts with a professional... more
As the printing press spread from northem to southem Europe, anonymous manuscript gacettes diffused in opposite direction from Italy to Flanders. Combining traditional techniques of copying and exchanging manuscripts with a professional system of copyists and translators the gacettes developed to a rapid and precise means of communication during the 16th century. At first its centers were located at Venice and Rome, in the second hal fof the century Antwerp and Cologne joined in.
“Bella gerant alii, tu felix Austria nube” is the famous motto describing the marriage policy of the Austrian Habsburgs at the beginning of Iberian globalisation in the mid-fifteenth century. It illustrates the important political... more
“Bella gerant alii, tu felix Austria nube” is the famous motto describing the marriage policy of the Austrian Habsburgs at the beginning of Iberian globalisation in the mid-fifteenth century. It illustrates the important political relationship between Austria and the Iberian kingdoms, bridging a distance of more than three thousand kilometres and offering the Habsburgs access to the riches from Iberia’s overseas territories (Erbe in Die Habsburger 1493–1918. Eine Dynastie im Reich und in Europa, Kohlhammer, Stuttgart, 2000).
... Gracias al estudio de los lavaderos de lana de Écija, 25 disponemos de una amplia gama de informaciones adicionales a nuestra documentación. Los contactos y actividades del comerciante flamenco Jaques Bibien son ejemplares en este... more
... Gracias al estudio de los lavaderos de lana de Écija, 25 disponemos de una amplia gama de informaciones adicionales a nuestra documentación. Los contactos y actividades del comerciante flamenco Jaques Bibien son ejemplares en este respecto. ...
As the printing press spread from northem to southem Europe, anonymous manuscript gacettes diffused in opposite direction from Italy to Flanders. Combining traditional techniques of copying and exchanging manuscripts with a professional... more
As the printing press spread from northem to southem Europe, anonymous manuscript gacettes diffused in opposite direction from Italy to Flanders. Combining traditional techniques of copying and exchanging manuscripts with a professional system of copyists and translators the gacettes developed to a rapid and precise means of communication during the 16th century. At first its centers were located at Venice and Rome, in the second hal fof the century Antwerp and Cologne joined in.
Silver had a dual function in early modern Europe: as money and as a luxury. So far, the two functions have been studied separately. The purpose of this study is to examine both aspects of silver side-by-side. Analysing still lives and... more
Silver had a dual function in early modern Europe: as money and as a luxury. So far, the two functions have been studied separately. The purpose of this study is to examine both aspects of silver side-by-side. Analysing still lives and vanitas paintings from the Spanish Empire and the Dutch Republic during the Golden Age of the seventeenth century reveals that silver in its distinct forms was understood in radically different lights. This contradictory representation is further evident in handwritten newsletters and printed newspapers describing the Spanish silver fleets and the further distribution of silver within Europe. Presented as bullion, as a commodity for trade and elaborate silver artefacts, silver meant wealth and richness. Presented as coin, though, silver meant vice, gambling and war. Thus, although money needed to be backed to a certain extent by (American) silver and the commercial value of bullion, silver-as-money was seen as evil in its most tangible form
El estudio historico de la fiscalidad en America y Espana ha experimentado en los ultimos anos un auge extraordinario. Si bien, la rica documentacion archivistica procedente de la administracion de la Real Hacienda ha sido utilizada con... more
El estudio historico de la fiscalidad en America y Espana ha experimentado en los ultimos anos un auge extraordinario. Si bien, la rica documentacion archivistica procedente de la administracion de la Real Hacienda ha sido utilizada con anterioridad y no solamente por historiadores interesados en temas economicos, es ahora, cuando la investigacion se ha dedicado con mayor intensidad al fisco propiamente dicho. Fruto de esta corriente son, aparte de numerosos articulos, varias monografias e incluso ediciones de fuentes fiscalesi. La difusion de ordenadores ha contribuido de manera favorable a tal evolucion. Asi se han establecido varias corrientes historiograficas: por una parte estudios de alcance mas bien regional empleando fuentes de la administracion local y provincial, otros que se dedican preferentemente o bien a la situacion espanola o a la americana en general, y un tercer grupo que estudia la conexion entre ambas. Los datos recopilados acerca de los ingresos y gastos estatal...
In 1635, in Antwerp, the Flemish diplomat and court painter Peter Paul Rubens designed and constructed an “Arch of the Mint” (Fig. 1.1) for the ceremonial entry of Cardinal Infante Ferdinand, (Ferdinand of Spain and Portugal (Spanish:... more
In 1635, in Antwerp, the Flemish diplomat and court painter Peter Paul Rubens designed and constructed an “Arch of the Mint” (Fig. 1.1) for the ceremonial entry of Cardinal Infante Ferdinand, (Ferdinand of Spain and Portugal (Spanish: Fernando de Austria; 1609/1610–1641), the third son of Philipp III of Spain, since 1619 administrator of the archbishopric of Toledo and cardinal, since 1620 archbishop of Toledo, therefore known as Cardinal Infante; 1632–1633 Viceroy of Catalonia, 1633–1634 governor of the duchy of Milan; 1633–1641 governor of the Spanish Low Countries.) the new governor of the Spanish Low Countries, who the year before had won a resounding victory at the battle of Nordlingen. For this Joyeuse Entree, Rubens composed a collection of allegorical images linking mining and money on both sides of the Atlantic: miners, resembling those in the woodcuts of Georg Agricola, supposed to represent indigenous workers at the silver-rich mountain of Potosi in modern Bolivia; Vulcan...
El 10 de diciembre de 2019 falleció Hans Pohl, catedrático emérito de historia económica y social en la Universidad de Bonn. Durante 43 años, desde los inicios del Jahrbuch für Geschichte Lateinamerikas en 1964 y hasta 2006, Hans Pohl... more
El 10 de diciembre de 2019 falleció Hans Pohl, catedrático emérito de historia económica y social en la Universidad de Bonn. Durante 43 años, desde los inicios del Jahrbuch für Geschichte Lateinamerikas en 1964 y hasta 2006, Hans Pohl formó parte del equipo editorial de la revista, contribuyendo así al prestigio internacional del anuario.
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