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Computationally feasible accounts of complex linguistic phenomena (such as discontinuity, ellipsis, etc.) usually require additional, complex grammatical resources together with parsing heuristics to mitigate computational overhead. We... more
Computationally feasible accounts of complex linguistic phenomena (such as discontinuity, ellipsis, etc.) usually require additional, complex grammatical resources together with parsing heuristics to mitigate computational overhead. We claim that certain kinds of knowledge usually expressed as heuristics can be seen as declarative grammar knowledge if a default interpretation is given to grammar rules. We show that such interpretation cannot be given by any variant of default unification, but it can be provided by a dynamic binding process interfacing grammar rules and standard parsing techniques. As a case study, we reformulate a categorial approach to non-constituent coordination and (multiple) gapping. Our set of four default grammar rules keeps the declarativity of the original approach, but also admits standard context-free parsing techniques, drastically reducing the search space. Motivation Natural Language shows a great deal of phenomena that makes grammatical theories disti...
Research Interests:
Dependen del tipo de cálculo que se utilice. Las que se: itan a continuación pertenecen a la Gramática Categorial íombinatoria (Steedman (1987, 1989), aunque algunas de ellas ra habían sido introducidas con anterioridad en el lenominado... more
Dependen del tipo de cálculo que se utilice. Las que se: itan a continuación pertenecen a la Gramática Categorial íombinatoria (Steedman (1987, 1989), aunque algunas de ellas ra habían sido introducidas con anterioridad en el lenominado Cálculo Lambek (Lambek ( ...
We present a metagrammatical formalism, generic rules, to give a default interpretation to grammar rules. Our formalism introduces a process of dynamic binding interfacing the level of pure grammatical knowledge representation and the... more
We present a metagrammatical formalism, generic rules, to give a default interpretation to grammar rules. Our formalism introduces a process of dynamic binding interfacing the level of pure grammatical knowledge representation and the parsing level. We present an approach to non-constituent coordination within categorial grammars, and reformulate it as a generic rule. This reformulation is context-free parsable and reduces drastically the search space associated to the parsing task for such phenomena.
We present a metagrammatical formalism, generic rules, to give a default interpretation to grammar rules. Our formalism introduces a process of dynamic binding interfacing the level of pure grammatical knowledge representation and the... more
We present a metagrammatical formalism, generic rules, to give a default interpretation to grammar rules. Our formalism introduces a process of dynamic binding interfacing the level of pure grammatical knowledge representation and the parsing level. We present an approach to non-constituent coordination within categorial grammars, and reformulate it as a generic rule. This reformulation is context-free parsable and reduces drastically the search space associated to the parsing task for such phenomena.
Computationally feasible accounts of complex linguistic phenomena (such as discontinuity, ellipsis, etc.) usually require additional, complex grammatical resources together with parsing heuristics to mitigate computational overhead. We... more
Computationally feasible accounts of complex linguistic phenomena (such as discontinuity, ellipsis, etc.) usually require additional, complex grammatical resources together with parsing heuristics to mitigate computational overhead. We claim that certain kinds of knowledge usually expressed as heuristics can be seen as declarative grammar knowledge if a default interpretation is given to grammar rules. We show that such interpretation cannot be given by any variant of default uni-cation, but it can be provided by a dynamic binding process interfacing grammar rules and standard parsing techniques. As a case study, we reformulate a categorial approach to non-constituent coordination and (multiple) gapping. Our set of four default grammar rules keeps the decla-rativity of the original approach, but also admits standard context-free parsing techniques, drastically reducing the search space.
Resumen En este trabajo se exponen algunos de los principios fundamentales que articulan los formalismos gramaticales que más han influido en el panorama de la gramática teórica actual. Asimismo se muestra cómo los presupuestos teóricos... more
Resumen En este trabajo se exponen algunos de los principios fundamentales que articulan los formalismos gramaticales que más han influido en el panorama de la gramática teórica actual. Asimismo se muestra cómo los presupuestos teóricos fundamentales de dichas teorías han ido evolucionando de manera que tienden a convergir, aunque las herramientas gramaticales específicas utilizadas por cada una de ellas todavía tengan una apariencia diferente. La voluntad a largo plazo de esta línea de investigación sería establecer qué tipo de fundamentos teóricos comparten las teorías gramaticales y en qué se diferencian las herramientas teóricas concretas que cada escuela desarrolla para dar cuenta del mismo tipo de fenómenos lingüísticos. Palabras clave: metalingüística, unidad y diversidad de las teorías gramaticales, fundamentos de la lingüística teórica. Abstract The aim of this work is to show some of the main principles of grammatical formalisms that have mostly influenced in the drawing o...
Lingüísticamente:" Hiper-Hiztegia1* es un diccionario integrado con funciones avanzadas de consulta. análisis y estudio, que permite en base a su interacción interna sobre una base léxica suficientemente amplia, la consulta de... more
Lingüísticamente:" Hiper-Hiztegia1* es un diccionario integrado con funciones avanzadas de consulta. análisis y estudio, que permite en base a su interacción interna sobre una base léxica suficientemente amplia, la consulta de traducción, sinónimos, antónimos y ...
We present a metagrammatical formalism, {\em generic rules}, to give a default interpretation to grammar rules. Our formalism introduces a process of {\em dynamic binding} interfacing the level of pure grammatical knowledge representation... more
We present a metagrammatical formalism, {\em generic rules}, to give a default interpretation to grammar rules. Our formalism introduces a process of {\em dynamic binding} interfacing the level of pure grammatical knowledge representation and the parsing level. We present an approach to non-constituent coordination within categorial grammars, and reformulate it as a generic rule. This reformulation is context-free parsable and reduces drastically the search space associated to the parsing task for such phenomena.
Research Interests: