Do you practice what (E)U preach?

The EU system of cross-border protection for victims of recurrent crimes




Victim’s rights, intimate partner violence, protection orders, access to justice, judicial cooperation


Victims of recurrent crimes, particularly Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) victims, encounter unique challenges with the criminal justice system. The risk of repeat violence and retaliation deters them from engaging with legal processes, emphasising the critical need for effective protection measures in domestic and cross-border contexts. Protection orders, pivotal in preventing further victimisation, primarily operate within the issuing State, which has prompted the European Union to establish legal instruments based on the principle of mutual recognition to extend their applicability beyond national borders. Despite this, these measures are strikingly underused. This article delves into the root causes of this underutilisation and questions the overall usability of these measures by its beneficiaries. It also explores potential legal and non-legal solutions to transform them into a tangible resource for victims of recurring crimes across the EU.




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Author Biography

Rosanna Amato, IGSG-CNR

Rosanna Amato, Institute on Legal Informatics and Judicial Systems of the National Research Council of Italy IGSG-CNR, Via Zamboni 26, 40126, Bologna (Italy). Email:


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How to Cite

Amato, R. (2024) “Do you practice what (E)U preach? : The EU system of cross-border protection for victims of recurrent crimes”, Oñati Socio-Legal Series, 14(3), pp. 786–816. doi: 10.35295/osls.iisl.1984.